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    • Thanks ... and I know πŸ™‚Β (And she knows it too πŸ˜‰.)
    • This story is amazing! Your a lucky man t have a wife like this!!
    • No photos this time, but a lovely wetting and pee fun experience to write about. Around 9:30pm yesterday evening, K had finished a glass of wine and told me to stop watching the football and follow her upstairs. I always do what she tells me πŸ˜‰Β and it was no hardship to walk up the stairs watching her bum wiggle. She was wearing some over the knee socks and a very short miniskirt, so showing a lovely three inches of thigh πŸ™‚Β  She led me into the bathroom and said "I need a wee and I thought you might like it if I didn't go in the toilet," then she took off her long socks, stepped into the bath, hitched her skirt up and put one leg up on the side. She was wearing a very small pair of black lacy knickers. For a few seconds she just stood still while I could feel a growing tension in my jeans. I realised that I could really do with a wee as well, and told her so, while undoing the button and fly. She didn't show any sign of being ready to release, but I certainly needed to, and I had a wicked thought. I pulled my cock out, aimed carefully, and pinched it gently to let pressure build up, then let go a (for me these days) powerful burst of pee towards her crotch. Bullseye! A 4 or 5 second blast right on target before I clamped off again.Β  There was a squeal, and a laugh: "Oh! It's so warm!" she exclaimed as my pee splashed off the triangle of black lace in all directions, and ran down her thighs. "You've put me off and now I can't go!" I gave her a couple more 5-second bursts before I was done, my cock growing in my hand all the while, and at last she managed to start her own stream, very gently at first, and more leaking out through the sodden fabric of her knickers and following the same path down her thighs as mine had taken. Then as her flow increased, it gushed through the lace in a torrent, slightly backwards of vertical, and continuing for perhaps 20 seconds before slowing. A few pushes of the last of her wee and she was done. I was watching while stroking a boner, but I know better than to reach out and touch her at this point especially after I'd already surprised her earlier! Then off came the knickers, into the sink for a soak, before she showered herself from the waist down, reached for a towel, put the long socks back on and we retired to the bedroom where the sex was as urgent and passionate as any we've had since we first met nearly 40 years ago. All in all a fabulous evening πŸ™‚. I love my wife!
    • This is absolutely beautiful work! I love that you persisted despite obstacles. You were determine to piss in the changing room!
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