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Which of these would you most like to see at PeeFans...?

Which of these would you most like to see next...?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these would you most like to see next...?

    • More members chatting on the forum, and more stories/experiences posted
    • More categorised pictures in the club galleries
    • More videos added to the new free amateur video gallery
    • A return of the original paid video gallery with 1000's of searchable pee videos
    • A new 'Pee Movie List'

Recommended Posts

I voted the first one because I would like it and also because other ones are not that important to me

never forget I have been a lurker for years, the forum works fine for me the way it is, it's impossible to make it better in my opinion, we don't need pointless enhancement, we are already under the hands of some among the best organizators/moderators on the web

holy shit, how many times do we find a forum that though being so big needs so LITTLE moderation? it's because mods and admins do not PUNISH us, they TEACH us with their exemple of politeness

we are superior to any other forum clans because we are intelligent and well mannered, the forum is already FULL of stuff to go out of mind about!

My pussy is so destroyed by all of my fingering that Alex has to fuck me up my ass because it is the last place my fingers didn't still exploited🤣 (by the way I also finger my ass from time to time)

I don't feel the need of any other improvement, really they are not needed, I don't even think they could be possible



I would just like to find a way to co-opt in a non-pushy way people's attention


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All of the above would be welcome! I voted for a new Pee Movie List, as I miss the one from Patches Place, and think our little fetish is more widespread than people are willing to admit, and enjoy when it emerges in mainstream places like Hollywood movies and TV shows.

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I voted for the first one too, everything else is fine. The Pee Movie list needs a new home, and I can't think of a better place than this one. 

I can't comment on either of the 2 video options, it would be a valuable option for other members, just not workable for me due to my location.

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I voted for the first one ( @Scot_Lover your name isn't appearing in the list) because I feel like a community is the most important thing for this site. We're not like your average porn site where people stream a video, blow a load and then move onto something else. So I feel like more members chatting would benefit the site the most. It makes the whole site more active and interesting, and will help us grow more.

The rest are great of course, but I feel like that's the best choice for the long term. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quite a landslide in the voting - unfortunately for the one area I can't really influence that much, as it's really down to everyone as a collective!

I'll do my best to bring more people to the site, but activity breeds more activity. A huge thank you to those of you who are already contributing and sharing things regularly, you know who you all are and it's extremely appreciated. 😄 

I would like this site to become a hub for all things pee, but for now it seems the forum aspect (which has always been the heart of PeeFans) is the thing that needs the most attention, rather than worrying about other aspects which people can already find elsewhere. I have had a weird feeling about the forum side of things lately though, that something feels a little off. Possibly it's me reading too much into it, possibly others agree which has caused tension and a lack of new posts. Either way, hopefully we can all come together in our weird enjoyment of pee and make the forum better than ever. Let's get postin'...

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1 hour ago, Admin said:

I'll do my best to bring more people to the site

some pussy could help you if you see what I mean hihihihihih


1 hour ago, Admin said:

but activity breeds more activity.

agree 101%


1 hour ago, Admin said:

A huge thank you to those of you who are already contributing and sharing things regularly, you know who you all are and it's extremely appreciated.

thank you, but if we contribute is because YOU keep the forum healthy, so thank YOU


1 hour ago, Admin said:

I would like this site to become a hub for all things pee, but for now it seems the forum aspect (which has always been the heart of PeeFans) is the thing that needs the most attention, rather than worrying about other aspects which people can already find elsewhere. I have had a weird feeling about the forum side of things lately though, that something feels a little off. Possibly it's me reading too much into it, possibly others agree which has caused tension and a lack of new posts. Either way, hopefully we can all come together in our weird enjoyment of pee and make the forum better than ever. Let's get postin'...

the world is more poor and anxious than 4 years ago

people are less cheerful

for example, un-common and not-commercial art, for those who are actually into it (I am in the Black Metal scene on a serious degree) are almost disappearing (many pee porn productions are failing too)


we must fight back, yet with the realism to know it is somehow un-avoidable



but the night reach its darkest hours just before the dawn (I can assure you, try to keep vigil for 24 hours almost standing still as part of a ritual), and things will be shaken soon



this forum could undergo difficult moment, but it will NEVER be



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23 hours ago, Admin said:

I have had a weird feeling about the forum side of things lately though, that something feels a little off. Possibly it's me reading too much into it, possibly others agree which has caused tension and a lack of new posts

Something definitely feels a little off but I can't quite put my finger on it. I know I've definitely felt less desire to visit and post here the last week or so.

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I think it's largely down to there being a lot of negativity around here. It's nice that people have somewhere they feel comfortable to come and vent / share their problems etc, but at the same time it also doesn't create the ideal environment for such a sexy topic. Little arguments, blunt comments etc all contribute to that kind of gloomy feeling too (arguably inevitable the larger a forum grows, I don't know?)

Perhaps spywareonya has a point though that this is at a society level, rather than just on this site - people are generally feeling more pessimistic about things and the world in general? Or perhaps it's just a large amount of the regular posters here may have private issues / other things on their minds which reduces their activity/positivity. I'm sure we can all relate to 'life getting in the way'.

I appreciate this post itself isn't exactly helping with all that, but it's more just an acknowledgement. I really don't think things are that bad by any stretch of the imagination, but just as I was saying that activity breeds activity, the inverse is true: if a couple of people start being a bit down and disillusioned with it all, it absolutely influences others to a certain extent. Perhaps that is causing the slightly different vibe a couple of us may have noticed. Despite having 1000's of active users, there is a core 30-40 or so members that by far influence the site more than all the others combined.

There's no magic cure for any of this of course, and I imagine the majority of people will be wondering what I'm even on about (which is good)... however, for anyone who has felt similarly,  I am confident this is very much temporary. There is still loads of amazing content being posted every single day, the site is growing rapidly with more new pee fans finding us, and if any of the above is actually true then I guess it just shows this site really is more than just a pee forum and genuinely is a community. 

Edited by Admin
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I think I'm just a bit irritable at the moment. I could probably write a long essay about it but I won't because it won't help anyone 🙂 Thank you for doing what you do! 

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15 hours ago, Sophie said:

I think I'm just a bit irritable at the moment. I could probably write a long essay about it but I won't because it won't help anyone 🙂 Thank you for doing what you do! 

I would be delighted to read it, but not to be gentle to you like a forum play about my feelings for you

but because I respect, in Life, NOTHING but overcoming problems, respecting suffering, biding while the pain is eased without pushing people to be playful if they are still in the mourning phase, and celebrate afterwards

I am powerful

but I am because of what I endured, my scars, both on my body and on my heart

every broken bone is rebuilt by the body 90-110 times stronger (though only in the very point of splinter, the remaining portion remains as normal)

pain produces strenght, lack of superificiality, and sincerely I am the proof it doesn't necessarily bring awa the will to be cheerful



15 hours ago, Admin said:

I think it's largely down to there being a lot of negativity around here. It's nice that people have somewhere they feel comfortable to come and vent / share their problems etc, but at the same time it also doesn't create the ideal environment for such a sexy topic. Little arguments, blunt comments etc all contribute to that kind of gloomy feeling too (arguably inevitable the larger a forum grows, I don't know?)

Perhaps spywareonya has a point though that this is at a society level, rather than just on this site - people are generally feeling more pessimistic about things and the world in general? Or perhaps it's just a large amount of the regular posters here may have private issues / other things on their minds which reduces their activity/positivity. I'm sure we can all relate to 'life getting in the way'.

I appreciate this post itself isn't exactly helping with all that, but it's more just an acknowledgement. I really don't think things are that bad by any stretch of the imagination, but just as I was saying that activity breeds activity, the inverse is true: if a couple of people start being a bit down and disillusioned with it all, it absolutely influences others to a certain extent. Perhaps that is causing the slightly different vibe a couple of us may have noticed. Despite having 1000's of active users, there is a core 30-40 or so members that by far influence the site more than all the others combined.

There's no magic cure for any of this of course, and I imagine the majority of people will be wondering what I'm even on about (which is good)... however, for anyone who has felt similarly,  I am confident this is very much temporary. There is still loads of amazing content being posted every single day, the site is growing rapidly with more new pee fans finding us, and if any of the above is actually true then I guess it just shows this site really is more than just a pee forum and genuinely is a community. 

it is a bad moment on the astrological stance, I am not requiring for you to believe me but is like people (everywhere on the world) are facing their shadows, also (more than anything!) in their fetishes

we must go along with the flow, like Sathuta says, encourage people

maybe it will NOT work but ask yourself this, what if we not EVEN do that?

I am not saying we should STRIVE to make all look good because it would be fake and nervous

maybe I do not feel it that bad because #1 in comparison of my past life this place is a Paradise, and #2 in Witchcraft there is a long training in using sex to comfort the suffering, some of us work as call girls for people after funerals, not because we are outside of it since it's not a relative of ours he who died, but because we are used to pain, to the deep perception of loss, to de-mistify its secrets, to sit silently along anguish like we were old friends, until we overcome grief through the unconscious Life-Pulse, after giving our subconscious the time to befriend doom


I am convinced, as the Admin says, it's temporary, also because I am an astrologist ihihiih

meanwhile, we should welcome these strange situation, treating it like we Always did with forum members: this is not simply a forum this is a SHELTER

maybe there is a bit more gloom, but we must NOT fight it back like it was an enemy: it is a messenger, bringing along eerie feelings within each of us; yet, nobody force us to bow to it: we can continue to be playful, post things, just without being worried or grossed out by the perception of this burnt note

once you get used to something, and you learn how to actually hug to portions of yourself who are confused, problems are NOT solved, but their power to wreak havoc is much diminished


as the Highest of all the entities I serve once told me (it was HER Herself, and the ritual almost killed me, but it was the greates moment of my life)



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  • 4 months later...
On 5/5/2018 at 5:36 PM, spywareonya said:

this is not simply a forum this is a SHELTER

That’s what i feel as well about this place, because of that I chose the top option 

if I want pictures or videos I can find them, out there everywhere, on hundreds of porn sites and millions of videos and pictures 

but this is not a porn site, it’s a second home (or whatever number you want to put there lol) so the people here, all likeminded and possible friends are the most important that we got here, that’s what we need more 

more talking, more experiences, more simple chat or discussions about whatever is on our mind

porn is everywhere, friendship is here (I should write commercial slogans...)

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5 minutes ago, Potatoman said:

I can find them, out there everywhere

Not mine ahahahahahahaha


5 minutes ago, Potatoman said:

porn is everywhere, friendship is here

Wish there was an option to double like

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15 minutes ago, Potatoman said:

You can like this absolutely pointless post instead, same effect


Usually this kind of games are a bit discouraged because the despoil the theorical fittingness of likes, but your line could have deserved to be carved in the forum banner

I will officially propose it as part of the forum Anthem we are slowly and VERY SERIOUSLY writing

16 minutes ago, Potatoman said:

Yep, yours are special and unique 

and fucking hot!

Thank you boy, I am so glad you likeed them, have fun there!!!

Next one coming for the Equinox next weekend!

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1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

I will officially propose it as part of the forum Anthem we are slowly and VERY SERIOUSLY writing

Would be a real honour to contribute to it! Thank you


2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

Next one coming for the Equinox next weekend!

Definitely looking forward! 

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On 4/16/2018 at 6:25 PM, spywareonya said:

I voted the first one because I would like it and also because other ones are not that important to me

never forget I have been a lurker for years, the forum works fine for me the way it is, it's impossible to make it better in my opinion, we don't need pointless enhancement, we are already under the hands of some among the best organizators/moderators on the web

holy shit, how many times do we find a forum that though being so big needs so LITTLE moderation? it's because mods and admins do not PUNISH us, they TEACH us with their exemple of politeness

we are superior to any other forum clans because we are intelligent and well mannered, the forum is already FULL of stuff to go out of mind about!

I don't feel the need of any other improvement, really they are not needed, I don't even think they could be possible





I absolutely could not agree more. It’s kind of unbelievable actually. Members are awesome and Major Kudos for @Admin  for a marvelous job. I know it must be quite time consuming. 



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2 minutes ago, Mark J said:

I absolutely could not agree more. It’s kind of unbelievable actually. Members are awesome and Major Kudos for @Admin  for a marvelous job. I know it must be quite time consuming. 



I'm sure it is, and yes, he built something huge

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Thanks everyone for the kind words and feedback. 🙂 

24 minutes ago, Peeguy said:

You talk about a free amatur video gallery

Where is it located?

Well we have the video links section: https://peefans.com/forum/5-pee-videos/

But in terms of actual videos hosted on PeeFans, the old paid gallery and new amateur video gallery have all been combined into one main thing, which are all part of gold membership:

Sorry about that, but it seemed what the vast majority wanted anyway was more of a focus on the community/forum aspect instead. 🙂 

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