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How long ago did you realise you were interested in pee?

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Has your interest in peeing or watching girls pee been with you all of your life, or is it something that seems to have developed recently? Share your experiences of how long ago you realised you had this interest.

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I think that started at 4 also... Of course I didn't know what sex was, or anything like that... but basically my interest in the opposite sex always included a fascination with them peeing, so as I got old enough to understand what sex was, that was included in my interests...

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I was rather young too, maybe about 9, 10, or 11. My babysitter brought a little magazine or something (I think it may have been Readers' Digest), and I happened to read a short story about a young woman goofing off with her friends in the woods. I think they started playing Hide-and-Seek, and she had to pee while she hid, so she eventually "just went right there" (to this day, that phrase turns me on) only to discover her stream running off towards a young man I think she liked. The story itself wasn't that explicit, but for some reason, it stuck with me until about my early 20s, when my curiosity finally got the better of me and I began looking at omorashi pics on the web. I eventually graduated to videos.

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As long as I can remember, I can recall playing with girls in the woods when I was 7 or 8 waiting for them to need to pee so I could watch them. I can remember nights out as a teenager watching drunk girls peeing in alleys. Never looked back

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I think my interest in peeing has always kind of been there.

But the first time I remember being seriously interested in the opposite sex peeing occurred when I was only about 6 years old. I saw a girl about my age stepping out of a doorway with her friends, and she was just finishing the obvious pulling up of knickers. When I looked into that doorway there was a large puddle there, and it was obvious that this girl had just peed there. Well the thought of it interested and fascinated me in ways I was too young to understand but later realised was sexual.

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I know I always enjoyed peeing in the woods behind the house growing up. As far when I became interested in women peeing and connected it with a sexual desire, it was probably when I was around 14 years old. I read a story about the artist Helen Chadwick and how she created her "Piss Flowers" pieces by urinating into a mound of snow. This was slightly before the internet and there were no pictures with the article, but I was really turned on by imagery it evoked. A short time later I read a short 'news-of-the-weird' piece about a woman was stranded in the middle of nowhere when her car overheated in the desert, and she had to urinate into the car's radiator to get back to civilization. Again, no pictures, but I found myself really turned on.

When I got to college, the internet was just starting to become a thing, and I was able to more easily seek things out since we had free internet access in the student housing. In those early days I managed to find a few images here and there, plus Patches Place, and was hooked.

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Started when I was pretty young (~6 or 7yrs old) When I was younger I always liked to pee anywhere else but in a toilet. It was always more fun to piss somewhere else but where I was supposed to, and even young when I was pissing someplace naughty I would get turned on by my own act and even tho I wasnt interested in girls at the time, it made me want to explore how girls actually peed. When I got older(~14), I had that friend who was a girl and wasnt shy of anything really...I dont know if she felt the same way I did about peeing someplace youre not supposed to, but if we were outside she would just move her panties to the side and go...didnt matter if it was right there on the sidewalk...and the thing her parents never even discovered was the corner insider her closet. She had a corner in her closet she would use as her toilet whenever she had to...She would do it even if there was 3 of us, she liked it when she had others attention...even today shes still like that, but I never realized how watching her pee on the carpet or her closed was affecting me. Once I got older and actually had interest in the opposite sex I eventually found a girlfriend, thought just doing it wasnt covering everything for me...there still was that "NEED" of a female either pissing all over me or maybe pissing we could piss someplace naughty together and I could watch that messy pee stream soak everything up. And thats how its been ever since I can remember...Now im into heavy naughty peeing.

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I'm 27 now but I would say in my teenage years, I was on a family vacation and I was with my cousins female friend and we were walking around the beach in Mexico. We talked for a while when suddenly she starts figiting saying " i need to pee " we eventually find a bathroom , she proceeds to tell me, " can you stand guard? " I said " sure but I can't go in the girls bathroom, I'll just stand by the door " she says ok, rushes in a stall, I can hear her unzipping her pants, she then relieves herself with a sigh and all I can hear is a huge gush of peeing in the toilet... All I know is at that time my heart started beating faster and I proceeded to get very aroused by just listening to her peeing. Ever since then I have had an obsession to simply listening to girls peeing

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had an interest in women peeing since I was quite young. I don't remember the age, but I would try to listen any time I could and after hearing it, would often jerk off. I never had the courage to tell anyone about my interest until I was in my mid to later 20s. But seeing and hearing a woman pee, especially with force (like a race horse) excites me like no other act. It is just amazing.

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  • 1 month later...

Unlike a lot of the people who posted here, I wasn't aware of my fetish at 5 or 6. I'm 20 now, and I'd say it's only been about four years since I realized I was into pee. I'm really not sure how it started either, perhaps minor events that, by themselves, amounted to next to nothing, but on the whole contributed to my fetish? I do know I used to fantasize a lot about women I knew being in situations that made them so nervous they ended up wetting themselves and that that was the start of my fantasies involving pee.

Eventually, I found the pee stories on Experience Project, discovered my enjoyment of the desperation aspect as well and began experimenting with holding, and from there on, my fetish basically formed into what it is today, a desperation and holding fetish with interest in a few other aspects.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw girls wet their knickers at school a few times, and even before my teens, that fascinated me, and I used to fantasise about seeing all the girls I knew having to pee. I think it was desperation and lack of control, leading to public peeing that did it for me. Then, in my early teens, I discovered that I could see girls peeing at the beach, if I kept my eyes open. What I liked about that was that often I would know that she needed to pee, and, by paying attention, I would watch her as she decided where to go and how she might try to conceal what she was doing. Sometimes they did not try very hard to hide. I liked seeing them the best, as they might just wee in their swimsuits so I could see the stream.

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Interested at a young age, but then REALLY interested as a teenager. I found that thoughts of desperation and wetting really turned me on whenever I encountered them. If I cam across a passage in a book, I would reread and memorize it. Incidents in real life would live on in fantasy. Letters in Club Magazine and Nancy Friday's book Men in Love let me know there were others with the same interest.

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  • 1 month later...

I suppose I had the normal curiosity as a child, but it wasn't until my early, almost mid, twenties that it really kicked in. I would often go on long hikes with a woman who wasn't the least bit shy and quickly got me over any of my own shyness. In fact, we peed around one another long before we got intimate.

Since she thought this was perfectly natural, in short time I felt the same way, too. And, while it may have lost the naughty factor, it wasn't any less, um, entertaining! :)

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