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How long ago did you realise you were interested in pee?

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Although I peed outside on a number of occasions when I was younger, I never really gave it any thought and it was always done out of necessity. There was always the feeling of doing something naughty, my bare ass being exposed and the possibility of someone seeing me.

The turning point was when, at the age of 17 was out “parking” with a boyfriend. We were “making out” in the car in a spot along the river. So far, our “make out” sessions consisted of touching each other and mutual masturbation. We just started this particular evening when he told me he had to pee. He got out of the car, unzipped his jeans, pulled out his cock and started to pee. I had never experienced watching a guy pee before. Sure, I’ve seen guys peeing, but they would always turn away so you couldn’t see anything. I was fascinated, watching the strong stream, the sound it made hitting the ground, and the way he stroked it to get the last drops out. When he finished, I got out of the car and leaving the passenger door open, I squatted, lifting my skirt and pulling down my panties, I peed in full view of him. I looked at the way he was staring at me and the erection in his pants. When I was finished, I got back in the car and lost my virginity.

I haven’t been the same since!

If only I had been the first guy to pee in front of you! :banghead:
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caught a guy pee at side of road I realised my whole responded to it so I kept starin til he had finished I'm thinkin this is why I enjoy doin it outdoors too :biggrin:
I really don't think it was me. :frown:

But, if it was, I'd like to think that I've been an inspiration and hope to keep inspiring you. :)

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I got into pee from a young age, around 5-6 years old. I recall watching my then girlfriend in the bathroom, I didn't see the stream but I could see her bits and heard the stream. I was curious about how she did it without having a penis. Sadly she told her mum we'd been in the bathroom and she never came back around.

I was fascinated by boys too, the difference in penises and the way boys messed about with their stream, and shook the drips off always interested me. Then around 6 a girl I was at school with and sometimes played after school with asked if she could see, and hold it. I started it off but chickened out and wouldn't let her hold it. Since that day it has long remained a desire of mine to let a girl hold my penis whilst I pee but I've never got anybody interested enough to do it.

I enjoy the voyeur aspect, watching an act that shouldn't be seen, particularly in public.

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I got into pee from a young age, around 5-6 years old. I recall watching my then girlfriend in the bathroom, I didn't see the stream but I could see her bits and heard the stream. I was curious about how she did it without having a penis. Sadly she told her mum we'd been in the bathroom and she never came back around.

I was fascinated by boys too, the difference in penises and the way boys messed about with their stream, and shook the drips off always interested me. Then around 6 a girl I was at school with and sometimes played after school with asked if she could see, and hold it. I started it off but chickened out and wouldn't let her hold it. Since that day it has long remained a desire of mine to let a girl hold my penis whilst I pee but I've never got anybody interested enough to do it.

I enjoy the voyeur aspect, watching an act that shouldn't be seen, particularly in public.

I think with us boys,youve hit the nail on the head.Its wondering how girls pass water without a penis to do it with.It seems to happen by magic..

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I think with us boys,youve hit the nail on the head.Its wondering how girls pass water without a penis to do it with.It seems to happen by magic..

It is that for sure, us guys make it obvious (although the shape and size and approach to pissing even varies with guys and I really like that too) but us blokes also pee in the open, the most you get is a guy shielding his bits or a small divider between urinals. Girls have stalls, lock themselves away and show very little, so when a girl is bold enough to pee, putting her stream and also pussy on show it is compelling to see and enjoy this otherwise very private thing.

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I think with us boys,youve hit the nail on the head.Its wondering how girls pass water without a penis to do it with.It seems to happen by magic..
From reading some of the posts on here, I think a lot of guys are still wondering. :wink:

Of course, for the longest time, I thought a penis was only useful for peeing. Poor girls, I felt they got short-changed!

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From reading some of the posts on here, I think a lot of guys are still wondering. :wink:

Of course, for the longest time, I thought a penis was only useful for peeing. Poor girls, I felt they got short-changed!

Maybe its because its a very intimate thing,and how their pee and sex function is seperate unlike ours.i find a very beautiful thing.

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Maybe its because its a very intimate thing,and how their pee and sex function is seperate unlike ours.i find a very beautiful thing.
You're right, fannywatcher, it is a most intimate thing! But, I do think a lot of women, usually in their teens, discover that peeing can be a very sexual thing.
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I think with us boys,youve hit the nail on the head.Its wondering how girls pass water without a penis to do it with.It seems to happen by magic..
I think we should come right out and ask the women here just how they pass water without a penis.

And, without getting too Freudian, I'd be interested in hearing how many of them have ever wanted to have one of their own.

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I was actually introduced by a partner 7 years ago at first I was like oh you have a fetish that's cool you're the 1st person I've met with one or that has admitted to having one. I was kind of late on the pick up at the time i was very naive and innocent to naughty things and I did it for him because i like seeing him so turned on that it turned me on but as i went on i realized it was getting to me also. I eventually started having my own naughty desires and wanting to do more but in our conversations he would always say that i wasn't turned on the way he wanted and I was only doing it just to make him happy. Though in the beginning that was true it was hard to explain that it had opened my eyes to things i had never thought of before and began to make me feel this urge to want to piss in the corner while rubbing it and realize he was watching me all along and finally see i was turned on too. So i just kept it to myself and now I've been trying to explore more because who knows what you like if you've never thought about it. It's funny though reading other peoples stories of how they began so young and what hooked them I realized i had alot of theses moments and things I did when i was young that should have rang a bell in my head saying this turns you on but i guess i'm slow lol.

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Like many others here, I can't remember a time when I wasn't interested. Before around ten years old, there was no sexual connection but that fascination was there. I can't recall any incident that might have caused it, I always figured that I was just wired that way.

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At least since puberty, but I somehow was fascinated about the whole pee-thing long before that. It just was not a sexual thing, back then... .

I wont go into any more detail then that, because a number of things I consider to be arousing happened way before puberty, and some of the persons involved were also not 18 years old (and some of them not even female).

To put it straight: I liked WHAT was done, not who did it.

Today, its different: I only care about women (roughly) of my age. ;)

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Has your interest in peeing or watching girls pee been with you all of your life, or is it something that seems to have developed recently? Share your experiences of how long ago you realised you had this interest.

Reading this I recalled, that I some years ago wrote about, how I first got interested in pee, on an other internet site. It seems to be fitting for this thread ;) So here it goes:

How I started to enjoy wetting myself.

When I was ten years old, I was staying with my parents at a hotel in Southern France, at the Mediterranium. As I was a very good swimmer, my parents left me at the beach every day, when they were out doing other things. One day I was lying on the sand, when I felt something shadow my eyes. I looked up and saw a girl, maybe a couple of years older than I, standing at my side.

"Do you mind if I join you. I just arrived today and I don't know anyone here. I'm Camille..."

"Yes, I'm alone too, I'm Vikka, short for Victoria."

She lied down beside me. We started talking, she was very fun to talk with. She was twelve years old and was staying with her parents at an other hotel. But then she got silent. I looked at her. She looked as she was in pain, and she had one hand between her thighs.

"Shit, I got to pee! I'm totally desperate! Come, let's go down to the sea; no one would notice if I pee in the water!"

I looked surprised at her. Did she mean that she would pee in her swimming suit in the water? Would she be so bold? I'd never done anything of the sort and the thought made me thrilled. We started walking. It was nearly a hundred metres down to the water and Camille walked in a funny way with her thighs pressed together. A couple of times she slowed down and put a hand in between her thighs and rubbed. Nearly down to the sea she stopped.

"Oh, Vikka, I can't hold it anymore! It's coming... I'm going to wet myself!"

She quickly separated her legs, and immediatly her pee flooded through her panties! It went on for almost thirty seconds.

"Oooh!!! That felt nice", she panted.

I started to continue to the sea, as I thought she wished to rinse her panties. But she stopped me.

"No, wait! It's not fair, that I'm the only one of us to pee myself like a baby! Now it's your turn!"

"No way! I'll never do that", I yelled!

" Why not? We can rinse our panties in the sea afterwards, and no one would know. I promise, it feels so nice to wet yourself. This wasn't my first time, you know! Don't you need to pee?"

"Maybe... a little... But it's only babies, who pee themselves, not girls of our age!"

"Bullshit! I just did it, didn't I?"

"But that was an accident!"

"If I tell you it wasn't... I really had to pee, that's for certain, but I could easily have waited until I was in the water."

I looked at her. I couldn't believe what I heard! A twelve year old girl, who used to pee herself for fun? It wasn't normal... But then again, she looked so content, when she wetted herself. She really seemed to enjoy it. And a voice inside me said, that it couldn't hurt to try. Just this once...

"Ok", I said, "I'll try! But I don't know if I can pee in my panties. Especially when you're looking..."

"Take your time! It'll come, I promise. Just relax!"

There was no one in the neighbourhood. Hesitatingly I parted my legs. And to my big surprise I began to pee at once! Oh, shit! I was ten years old and peeing in my panties! It was so warm and wet, when it first gathered around my crotch and then forced the fabric and streamed down to the sand between my feet. And Camille was right, it felt so nice! Some of my pee ran down my legs and that felt also nice! I for sure needed to pee, I went on as long as Camille did before.

Then we noticed some people coming in our direction, and giggling all the way, we ran hand in hand down to the sea and dived in the water!

That was my first time. The days, that followed, we spent at the beach, drinking lots of water until we couldn't hold ourselves any longer and peed ourselves. We did it lying down in the sand, standing up and even walking! This was how it began, and I've never stopped since...


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

For me, like many others, it started when I was quite young. At junior school, misinterpreting what I saw through the open door of the girls toilets and making false assumptions led me to think that, in a similar way to us boys having a wall in pee on in our toilets, the girls also had something other than 'ordinary' toilets to pee in. This got me wondering what this was and how the girls used it.

Both boys and girls toilets had (visible through the door when walking past) a row of cubicles against the inside wall each containing a child-sized toilet with a high-level cistern and pull chain flush The boys toilets also had a 'pee-against-the-wall' urinal in an L-shaped alcove not visible from outside the toilets. The girls toilets also had another row of cubicles along the outside wall, but these had nothing visible above the door/partitions. At the time my toilet at home had a high-level flush as did those of all the relatives I had visited and all of the public Gents toilets I had used. So I assumed, totally wrongly that the girls only used this extra row of cubicles, whatever they contained, to pee in. It was not much later that I realised (though I never actually saw) that this other row of cubicles must just contain ordinary (though probably miniature) toilets with a low-level 'press-the-lever' flush, and that the girls could use any cubicle for both toilet functions.

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  • 3 years later...

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