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Pee shyness


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A slightly less sexy side of pee: a shy bladder!

Needing to pee and not being able to is very frustrating. Do you ever get pee shy when other people are around?

I can't say it's something I regularly have luckily, but there certainly has been the odd occasion and I wonder if anyone has any tips for letting go freely in such situations... :pissing: 

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I get pee shy a lot and it sucks. I try to stand and relax my bladder. Crazy how bad I have to go and cant let it go out of me. Hurts from holding it and cant let it go. I once went two minute long pee and still needing to go hurt from holding it in. Then I went a hour latter and still had to try to release my bladder and let it go.

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I don't generally have a problem, but the strange thing for me is that I'm more likely to be pee shy when stood at a urinal next to another man (even though that is the correct and accepted place to pee) that I would be if I was peeing outside in an alley way with people (male and female) walking by.

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pee01, I agree, it sucks, man!  I have been bothered with "shy bladder" almost all my life, except for a period in basic training (US Army) when there was one toilet per barracks of 40 plus soldiers.  No partitions between either urinals or toilets.  You just had to "do your business" right next to the other guy.  It was weird.  During that period necessity, of course, finally won out and I learned to pee openly whenever I needed to.  I wasn't the only one obviously but that seemed to help too.  It's like all us guys became like family almost, forced to live so closely together as we were. 

Other than that time though, I've pretty much had shy bladder every since I can remember.  The bad news is that it gets worse as you get older.  I'm 68 this month and like most men my age I have enlarged prostate.  Now days, even at my best flow rate, I'm seldom able to pee with enough force to "wash" the toilet tank with my stream without doing some awkward body English.  Also, it takes longer for my bladder to totally drain now.  The latter issue has caused me problems when, at public urinal, I have established a good flow (for me) and another (younger) guy walks up next to me and starts to pee forcibly in the next urinal.  That has the effect of shutting down my pathetic little dribble and I have to just zip up and walk away with a very angry bladder that I have to tend to a short time later. Very frustrating. But, hey! It beats the alternative!

Edited by ndr1968pz
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I sometimes get pee shyness in public toilets when I am a bit hard for one reason or another and people could be looking wondering why is he hard.  Sometimes ots quite the opposite and enjoy people watching. ...

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At least people on here know and understand where I am coming from. I can be bursting and cant go. I go in stalls most the time when I am in public.  I have to fish out my dick sometimes too.

I have a bladder that not weak and can hold it takes longer to release it out of me. Takes me a few to get it started and I dont like guys looking at me gets me scared. \

I like the sound of the pee hitting the water in toilet in the stall too.

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Well, lucky me, I only prefer to be alone, but can go when other people are present (although in that case it usually takes a moment longer then normal).

I do however suffer from some kind of shyness, but only in regards to number 2. Here I have all the symptoms of shy bladder you gentlemen are just so very familiar with.

What helps, in my case, is when I use my headphones (I use In-Ear ones) and play some rain-sounds to acoustically ... "drown out" my environment.But even then I still prefer to be alone.

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On 28/02/2018 at 11:28 PM, Admin said:

A slightly less sexy side of pee: a shy bladder!

Needing to pee and not being able to is very frustrating. Do you ever get pee shy when other people are around?

I can't say it's something I regularly have luckily, but there certainly has been the odd occasion and I wonder if anyone has any tips for letting go freely in such situations... :pissing: 

I occasionally get pee shy and it annoys me because I cannot figure out what causes it. I don't mind people hearing me and I sometimes wait for a quiet moment just so I can be heard. And how busy a bathroom is makes no difference to me. I'll pee if there are 5 people outside or 50. 

It's strange because I usually have complete privacy, toilet paper, a clean bathroom etc, everything a girl could ask for and I still can't go. I don't actually feel shy or nervous, I just can't get my stream started and I have to sit there for a few minutes before I finally go. And once I've started I'm fine.

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I think its just the fact you have to relax your bladder. Not use to going in public.  For me after holding it so long and needing to go so bad its crazy I cant get it to come out of me. Bladder mussels are so tight from holding it. For me its better to just go in  a stall and let it go. I dont like guys looking at my go.

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I have a full bladder right now and keeping it in whilst on this site as makes me feel good and I suppose a bit horny. Waiting for the right time to to relieve myself. Anyone in similar position.... Could have a bit of fun.  .

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