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Being Naughty "both ways"?


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6 minutes ago, Maggie_555 said:

Hey I know I shouldn't have Spectacle, but I felt able to and couldn't resist the temptation.  I pushed and was successful before I had time to change my mind.  This is something I genuinely regret doing, even though it seemed a great idea at that moment.  Now I'm older I have mixed feelings about urinating into the domestic water supply of that house too. However it wasn't drinking water (although of course it would be used for showering and possibly tooth-brushing too) and I did get an intense thrill from contaminating it then. 


Yeah, if you're worried about contamination, it doesn't matter too much if people use it for drinking or not. In parts of the world where the water supply is entirely unsafe for non-locals to drink, bottled water gets used for practically everything. Even for something as innocuous as showering, if even a drop of contaminated water gets in the wrong place, that's that, you're sick. Obviously, this holds true for tooth-brushing as well. But that's pretty straightforward.

Urinating into the water tank might foster bacteria growth, but probably wouldn't render it septic instantly. As for your other business... yeah, that's another matter. I can't blame you for enjoying it, at least. I'd probably have regretted that a lot myself, but if I'm being honest, I might've gotten a massive thrill in the moment too. That's contamination at its finest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

I have mixed feelings.  I don't have any attraction to people smearing it all over each other, but I am not averse to doing number 2 outside at times and there is definitely a naughtiness to crapping somewhere other than a toilet. 

Smearing ruins it for me as well.

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3 hours ago, slade310 said:

Smearing ruins it for me as well.

Same here. For me, it's a close second to our primary fetish, up until the smear all over body and eating begins. The only thing that I like seeing women spread all over their body is oil.

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5 minutes ago, Brutus said:

Same here. For me, it's a close second to our primary fetish, up until the smear all over body and eating begins. The only thing that I like seeing women spread all over their body is oil.

Yes. Thanks for also feeling the same way.

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16 hours ago, Alfresco said:

I have mixed feelings.  I don't have any attraction to people smearing it all over each other, but I am not averse to doing number 2 outside at times and there is definitely a naughtiness to crapping somewhere other than a toilet. 

I agree entirely.  

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On 11/4/2016 at 4:48 PM, Maggie_555 said:

Hey I know I shouldn't have Spectacle, but I felt able to and couldn't resist the temptation.  I pushed and was successful before I had time to change my mind.  This is something I genuinely regret doing, even though it seemed a great idea at that moment.  Now I'm older I have mixed feelings about urinating into the domestic water supply of that house too. However it wasn't drinking water (although of course it would be used for showering and possibly tooth-brushing too) and I did get an intense thrill from contaminating it then. 


We all regret things we do in the heat of the moment but luckily there weren't any consequences. If you enjoy doing something or watching videos of certain things,  go for it. I admit I am currently looking up videos of pee and scat. I said it in this open forum, I like watching both. Anyone who feels differently or is disgusted by that is welcome to those feelings adn I hope we can all still be friendly towards each other. Never be ashamed to be who you are. You never know if you'll be lucky enough to find an amazing person who also likes these things as you do.

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On 04/11/2016 at 8:56 PM, Spectacle said:

Yeah, if you're worried about contamination, it doesn't matter too much if people use it for drinking or not. In parts of the world where the water supply is entirely unsafe for non-locals to drink, bottled water gets used for practically everything. Even for something as innocuous as showering, if even a drop of contaminated water gets in the wrong place, that's that, you're sick. Obviously, this holds true for tooth-brushing as well. But that's pretty straightforward.

Urinating into the water tank might foster bacteria growth, but probably wouldn't render it septic instantly. As for your other business... yeah, that's another matter. I can't blame you for enjoying it, at least. I'd probably have regretted that a lot myself, but if I'm being honest, I might've gotten a massive thrill in the moment too. That's contamination at its finest.

Thanks for your thoughts Spectacle, and I certainly got a massive thrill from being naughty into the water tank. While peeing I was thinking of a family, both adults and kids, brushing their teeth and showering with water polluted by my urine. I know it sounds horrible but at that moment I was totally focused on my own sexual excitement and didn't care about anyone else.  As I finished peeing I pushed to try and poop, which I almost always did after a naughty pee, and succeeded into the tank with a 'plop' before I could think of the possible consequences for a family living there afterwards.  At that moment I was getting an intense thrill from contaminating the water but I do regret it now. Thanks for understanding my excitement at the time though.                

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8 hours ago, slade310 said:

We all regret things we do in the heat of the moment but luckily there weren't any consequences. If you enjoy doing something or watching videos of certain things,  go for it. I admit I am currently looking up videos of pee and scat. I said it in this open forum, I like watching both. Anyone who feels differently or is disgusted by that is welcome to those feelings adn I hope we can all still be friendly towards each other. Never be ashamed to be who you are. You never know if you'll be lucky enough to find an amazing person who also likes these things as you do.

Thanks for your support as well Slade. Please take a peek at my reply to Spectacle so I don't have to say it again.  As you say we all regret things done in the heat of the moment and as to consequences I sure hope there weren't any.  I hope my pee was diluted sufficiently for the family moving in there not to realise as they showered and brushed their teeth with water from the tank. I also hope my poop (there was only one smallish log) dissolved gradually into the water so nobody knew.  Hey I was only in my twenties back then!

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4 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

Thanks for your thoughts Spectacle, and I certainly got a massive thrill from being naughty into the water tank. While peeing I was thinking of a family, both adults and kids, brushing their teeth and showering with water polluted by my urine. I know it sounds horrible but at that moment I was totally focused on my own sexual excitement and didn't care about anyone else.  As I finished peeing I pushed to try and poop, which I almost always did after a naughty pee, and succeeded into the tank with a 'plop' before I could think of the possible consequences for a family living there afterwards.  At that moment I was getting an intense thrill from contaminating the water but I do regret it now. Thanks for understanding my excitement at the time though.                

I think plenty of people regret their sexual thrills at least sometimes. When you're horny and in the moment your mind is not where it should be. When I'm sober from my fetishes I sometimes wonder why certain things get me excited and what the hell I was thinking. My friends and I have all experienced smelling a girls nasty rotten ass during doggy style and we all admitted that in that moment, we just didn't care enough to stop mid stroke and leave. An improperly wiped ass smells like death from that close but when you're in that moment, there's no telling what you'll go along with.

Edited by Brutus
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Guest UnabashedUser
11 hours ago, Brutus said:

I think plenty of people regret their sexual thrills at least sometimes. When you're horny and in the moment your mind is not where it should be. When I'm sober from my fetishes I sometimes wonder why certain things get me excited and what the hell I was thinking. My friends and I have all experienced smelling a girls nasty rotten ass during doggy style and we all admitted that in that moment, we just didn't care enough to stop mid stroke and leave. An improperly wiped ass smells like death from that close but when you're in that moment, there's no telling what you'll go along with.

Yep.. don't forget that time when you woke up underneath a park bench after a night of drinking cleaning products with a condom hanging out of your ass and your breath reeking of Draino.  Just kidding about the Draino part. :)

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5 hours ago, UnabashedUser said:

Yep.. don't forget that time when you woke up underneath a park bench after a night of drinking cleaning products with a condom hanging out of your ass and your breath reeking of Draino.  Just kidding about the Draino part. :)

Then the next day you get messages from a few trannys thanking you for a fun night.

Edited by Brutus
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8 hours ago, UnabashedUser said:

Yep.. don't forget that time when you woke up underneath a park bench after a night of drinking cleaning products with a condom hanging out of your ass and your breath reeking of Draino.  Just kidding about the Draino part. :)

What in the world are you talking about? Not funny at all especially since you don't know me. Don't forget that.

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21 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

Thanks for your thoughts Spectacle, and I certainly got a massive thrill from being naughty into the water tank. While peeing I was thinking of a family, both adults and kids, brushing their teeth and showering with water polluted by my urine. I know it sounds horrible but at that moment I was totally focused on my own sexual excitement and didn't care about anyone else.  As I finished peeing I pushed to try and poop, which I almost always did after a naughty pee, and succeeded into the tank with a 'plop' before I could think of the possible consequences for a family living there afterwards.  At that moment I was getting an intense thrill from contaminating the water but I do regret it now. Thanks for understanding my excitement at the time though.                

Well, I totally sympathize with getting caught up in the feeling of self-centered sexual thrill. Impulses like that tend not to make a lot of room for other people's needs and boundaries by default. And I don't have a difficult time imagining feeling good about my urine ending up in a family's shower water -- at least, for long enough for me to actually go do it. (I might feel rather guilty afterwards, but, it's a bit late then, right?)

However, something else stands out to me from this post of yours. You noted in there that you almost always tried to poop after a naughty pee. So this wasn't just a one-time sort of thing, then? You had a habit of relieving yourself in both ways in other situations? That's very fascinating indeed. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to hear more about it.

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  • 6 months later...

Wow, um, an interesting thread.

Although I've looked at scat online, people doing all kinds of bad things with it, it's not something I could ever contemplate. My ladies know about me looking, they kinda sniffed and walked away, went and had some fun on their own, but I was told in no uncertain terms "not to get any ideas, laddie" and it was left at that. 

Really, even an occasional skid mark in undies calls for rubber gloves and tongs, I wouldn't be surprised if they were disposed of without being washed at all, lol.

I can look at it, preferably from half a world away, but I couldn't do it, the people who do play with it are braver then me.


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Thanks @sara babe for sharing this story, incredibly hot. I giggled reading your pee talk with your friend..'I'm peeing here in the pool' 'ok, i'll just pee here then' like it's nothing while considering the situation you were in hehe.

I think when it comes to being naughty in public, outdoor and forbidden places, may it be by accident or on purpose, i might even get turned on a bit by third or fourth ways concerning bodily fluids :22_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::50_open_mouth:. So if a number two is being dumped somewhere it is not really a problem for me. But with all things, i don't like the exaggerated stuff like smearing or eating, personally thats not my thing. But when people enjoy it, so what...just not mine.


And @maggie_555, i think most people do get these regrets when doing something while being in a sexual mood. But i guess sometimes we just need to live for the moment and realize regrets are part of life. Depending on the situation it might be better to regret having done something than it is to regret never having tried. In earlier stages of my life i even regretted masturbating, thinking to my self it was bad and i shouldn't to this all too often....just to actually do it again in the evening of the same day in my room haha.



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