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shopping stories and fitting rooms

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  • 2 weeks later...
The very first time I peed in a fitting room I was with my mother. She did it unexpectedly and suggested I do the same as we were short on time. Being young, I did as I was told and peed on the carpeted floor.

I would be very interested in getting more details on this, and would be most grateful if you could recount it. I suppose that by unexpectedly you mean she had not complained about needing to pee first? Also, did she ever peed again in a fitting room that you know of or was it a one-off?

That experience was something that stuck with me and some how peeing in a fitting seemed somewhat normal to me from that point on.

I hope you will take the opportunity to bless us with more stories then :)

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Sara Babe, That was a hot account of your visit to the mall! Thank you for sharing it in all the detail.

I agree with Daemoniak - I'd love to know what you remember about your mum peeing in the fitting room - whether she did it out of urgency or whether it was totally matter of fact "this is a convenient place", whether she peed in fitting rooms regularly and whether she peed other places away from a toilet on a regular basis. This may have possibly started your interest? When you said it was unexpected, was that because you had never known her to pee in a fitting room before so you didn't expect it or was it like Daemoniak suggested that she just hadn't given any indication of desperation up until then.

I would also love to hear about some of the other "several times over the years"

Personally, I've never peed a full bladder in a fitting room. I've let some out, but never enough to make lots of noise and a huge puddle like you did.

I did once wet myself badly in a shopping mall and then went into a shop whilst wearing very wet jeans. I bought a new pair of jeans and took them into a changing room to get changed. They fitted well, so I kept them on and just took the tickets to the cash desk saying "I hope you don't mind, but I kept them on because I wet the ones I was wearing". The poor young girl serving didn't know where to look but she took the payment and I was on my way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I fantasize about peeing in changing rooms too, but would feel too guilty leaving my mess for someone else to clean up. Just seems very wrong to me. Someday I hope to be out drinking an iced coffee. Go into the changing room and pee into the empty cup, and then leave it there to be found by the next on to try on clothes or by a worker. So I left the evidence but not by really damaging anything.

What if you drank a lot of water prior? Would you been be okay with relieving yourself in a fitting room?

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I fantasize about peeing in changing rooms too, but would feel too guilty leaving my mess for someone else to clean up. Just seems very wrong to me. Someday I hope to be out drinking an iced coffee. Go into the changing room and pee into the empty cup, and then leave it there to be found by the next on to try on clothes or by a worker. So I left the evidence but not by really damaging anything.

Go for it, nice cutie, every carpet would be glad to drink your hot nice smelly piss, go for it, soak the carpets in changingrooms, cinemas, libraries, and whereever you like ! :wink:

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I'm wondering if any of the wonderful sexy ladies on this forum have and shopping or fitting room related stories? I'd like to start by sharing mine.

I have peed in fitting rooms several times over the years. I'd like to say I've done it out of naughtiness but to be honest it's always been more out of convenience. The very first time I peed in a fitting room I was with my mother. She did it unexpectedly and suggested I do the same as we were short on time. Being young, I did as I was told and peed on the carpeted floor. That experience was something that stuck with me and some how peeing in a fitting seemed somewhat normal to me from that point on. This was well before I realized I was turned on by naughty peeing. Since than I've found my self finding relief in fitting rooms several times, the most recent time occurred last friday night.

As with any normal day, I left work at about 5:30 pm. Generally, around the time that I leave work I start feeling the effects of all the liquids I've drank during the work day as I always make a point of not using the rest room all afternoon. This is because I usually come home, toss on my swim suit and head to the pool in my condo building where I will relieve my aching bladder into the pool water. Sometimes I will have to make afew quick stops on the way home but I have managed to train my bladder well and I usually have no trouble holding it for an extra hour before I hit the pool if need be.

Last friday night was no exception. Before I could head home I needed to stop and pick up a dress for a wedding I was attending over the weekend. I was leaving first thing Saturday morning so I HAD to find something to wear that night. I figured an hour or so at the mall and I'd have my dress and be on my way. Well I was wrong. The minutes ticked by and soon the hours were ticking by and I had found nothing. Everything I found was either not my size or way out of my budget.

What a night mare. It was 8:30 and I still hadn't found anything. On top of that I had an aching bladder that was totally distracting me from my task at hand. Than I heard that dreadfull announcement "attention shoppers, the store will be closing in 15 minutes". I was down the the wire and I had to choose something soon! I grabbed 6 different dresses and headed to the fitting room.

I quickly pulled my skirt off and unbuttoned my blouse as quickly as I could. I pulled my bra off and right away, the cool air on my nipples reminded me that I had to piss! Bad! Really bad. I was wondering if I could even make it home bad! I thought about running to the washroom but I would never make it there and back before the store closing.

I knew the only option I had was to just wait a little longer, choose a dress and get the hell home as fast as I can. I figured if I could be quick I could still probably hold it long enough to make it to the pool. I quickly slipped into the first dress. It was way to tight in all the wrong places. Second one was too long, and the third was way too tight around my boobs. The fourth was just not the colour I thought it was when I first saw it out in the store and it was pricey to so I didn't even bother to try it on. I had narrowed it down to two dresses. One was a low cut, form fitting black dress that was the perfect length and showed off my ass and breasts perfectly. I tried it first and than decided to try the second. It was a red dress, slightly longer with one side cut out to the thigh and a low cut v neck top that did wonders for my cleavage. Both dresses fit well and I looked sexy as he'll in both. I just needed to choose one but all I could think of was how badly I needed to pee. I found my self unable to concentrate. I took the red dress off and was going to try the black one again.

As I bent down to pick the black one back up from the bench my bladder once again reminded me of how full it was. I grabbed the black dress but decided against putting it on as I knew it would just take more time and prolong my relief. Instead I put it on a hanger and hung it on a hook on the wall. I did the same with the red dress and hung it beside the black so that I could see them both side by side. All I had to do was choose one. Either, Red or black and I could be on my way. Problem was I could barley think. All I could think was PEE, PEE, PEE, PEE!

As I stood in front of the dresses trying to make my selection I was bouncing slightly and my feet soon became aware of the soft carpet underneath them. My nipples were totally hard and I had goose bumps all over my body. I couldn't make a choice with all these distractions in my head. I needed some clairety and there was no way I was going to get it until I was able to pee.

As much as I had wanted to empty my very full bladder into the public swimming pool at my building I decided that the likelihood of me actually making it another half hour or 45 minutes until I could make it there would be slim to non. Than meant that if I wasn't holding my pee for a purpose than there was no reason to hold it at all. All of a sudden my focus switched to the tan carpet beneath my feet. I had found my toilet. Still starring at the two dresses on the wall, I squated down, and pulled my thin pink panties to the side. It literally took nothing for my pee to start flowing and in seconds I was I full flow. I paid no attention to the piss that was pouring out of my vagina and into the carpet below. All I focused on were the dresses. As the sence of relief washed over me I found it much easier to choose and I decided the sexy black dress was the one for me.

Having finally made my decision I switched my attention to the hot steamy mess I was leaving on the carpet. By now there was a huge wet spot probably measuring at least 18" across and the piss was still gushing out of me. It was insane the was the piss poured out. There was a loud hiss and a deep drumming patter as the piss russhed out of me and contacted the carpet inches from my pussy. The only thing that I could compare it to is Gypped's video "waterfall of piss" on xtube. I bet I pissed well over a liter before it was all said and done. When my stream finally died down I grabbed one of the dresses that I decided against and gave my pussy and the inside of my thighs a good wipe before snapping my panties back into place which I might add were soaked from the intense spray even though they were pulled out of the way of my main stream. I put my clothes back on and grabbed all the dresses as I didn't want to leave a reason for anyone to have to return to that fitting room. I than headed for the check out where I purchased the black dress and told the clerk she could put the others back on the racks. This included the one that had been my toilet paper moments before. I than quickly left the store and rushed home were I relieved my naughty deed in my mind while holding my vibrator tightly to my clit. I think I pissed a little on the bed too when I came :)

Ladies, please share your naughty pissing stories about shopping if you have any?

I was in a Target and I know I smelled pee. So next time, maybe I'll leave a "deposit" too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next time I'm in a WalMart, I'll do just as Kelly said. If I get caught I'll claim I had specific instructions to pee in their changing room. :laugh:

Loved your story Sara. I wonder if the carpet was able to dry during the night. :thumbsup:

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Guest UnabashedUser

The next time you're in a changing room and DON'T pee, yell out: "Hey, there's no toilet paper in here"... just for the LOLZ


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Not onto the floor, no. It would feel too wrong.

.....but horny....when your hot nice smelly piss splattering on the carpet........and the carpet soaks it hungry in, isnt it horny ?

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My own view is that no-one should behave in a manner likely to distress other people willingly.Someone has to then clean that up,or another customer has to step in it etc.Having a sneaky pee into a plant pot,when bursting or something is different to just pissing all over the floor,or clothes,in a shop,which is,frankly quite horrible.Sorry to be all moralistic,but peeing should be between consenting adults.

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