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I am located in the area of Quebec in Canada. :tongue:

Does that mean you are French Canadian - Quebecois?

Well, if someone ever offers you the chance, I hope you say "oui ,oui" to having a wee wee on their carpet - and then tell us all about it! :biggrin:

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Sephora ,

I don't think so . Though you must have some how contributed to the amount of water . That the State of Texas . Has received from up north your way I suppose :wink:

since the State in which I live in . Was having a bad drought situation this past summer and now we have had a few floods here already . So your large amount of pee .

Has enabled the plants , grass and the trees here to thrive very well. With what you were able to provide . In peeing the amount that you always do :wink:

What about Bracknell , England ,

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Note to Admin. Is there a way of including distances to others on profiles, with an election to include or not for protection purposes? It would be nice to be able to get together with other locals, the usual safety meet in open places etc etc applies of course.

I know this isn't a dating site but there are a number of threads about meeting up which just drift off topic or die a death.

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You might P.M the ADMIN , about your suggestion . other wise He might not see this post in time & might never get to read it. because the ADMIN is quite tied up in running this website here and might not have time to address this particular thread . So sending a P.M to him . He might respond much quicker.

That of putting your suggestion in the feed Back section of this forum for also prompt reponse too.

I do agree with you on what you would like to see done. Hope you have good luck in seeing it added to this site .

Kevin, I am also texas!

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