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Your last 'sighting'?

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At home, it's all the time... she's like that... probably can't count that!

Where I live, it is normal for women to pull over the car and jump out to pee. Sometimes they hide, but not always.

New Years Eve saw some girls nextdoor peeing all in a row in the garden. Was a bit dark to see everything, but the idea was enough to drive me wild...

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The best one I saw was when I was driving through a village in Scotland many years back. Driving down the main road I saw a young man appear from a side street. He stopped, turned around and looked back up the street he had come from. As I passed the end of the street there was a girl about the same age as the guy popping a squat on the pavement. As I was driving I didn't see much except that she had her pants and knickers around her knees and was making no effort to hide what she was doing

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Last time i had a sighting of a girl peeing was last summer. It was during one of my shift as one of the extra security staff that night on some contract (My work takes place on various contracts so im always jumping somewhere else) They had a party all setup for whoever had rented the place for the event so there was alot of booze and munchies ready for multiple hours of loud partying. (The place looked like a theater with a huge dinning area on the side) A little bit towards the end of the night, once most people is past drunk and we have to escort them back, one woman who was way gone...at least way more than most who were being escorted by my coworkers, and I remember her mentioning she had to go before he pickerd her up...as my eyes started focusing on her situation, she was about halfway there on her way to her ride, when she moved her beautiful night dress up and moved her panties to the side and while being held up by my buddy, and then she started peeing all over the tile floor...I still remember the giant puddle she left after she was done...I still get turned on just thinking of it :eek: . Its happened before but normaly most of the time they wet themselfves...which is also hot by the way.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Not a sighting...but just before I left for work. The lady running the front office went to pee, and omg!!! I could hear that lovley hisssssssss in my office lets just say..she really had to go, and just the sound gave me a raging erection...good thing I was still at my desk.

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No matter how brief, post the most recent time you saw a girl peeing in real life.

Unfortunately I wouldn't say I see this very often, but at a recent party I was lucky enough to have a girl pee on the toilet right in front of me, which as you can imagine, was very hot! What about you? What's your most recent experience?

a girl peed on the toilet as i was peeing

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In sweden, at a festival a few years ago. There was an attractive girl who was hanging around with me, but she was a bit drunk. Anyway, all she kept saying was "I want to fuck with lemmy, I want to fuck with lemmy" (Motorhead were on the bill). After a while she just walked behind my tent and pee'd standing up right next to me. Very erotic. I didn't do anything with her, but always wish I had...

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Just had a sighting yesterday. I was driving, looking for an address, and looking down each street. As I passed an abandonded house, I caught a glimpse of a lady ducking behind a garbage can. I thought to myself, it looks like she is gonna piss right there! There was an alley that led right next to that house, so I quickly drove to the alley, and pulled right next to where she was. I caught her with her pants down, in mid stream. I rolled down my window, and said....looks like you had to go.. , she looked up at me and said, hell yeah I did... she continued pissing for at least 2 minutes, stood up, pulled her skirt back down, and said ... did you like watching me piss? I said...hell yeah I did...thanks! And drove off.


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I actual have two sightings that are some what recent ( few years ago). The first one ( no really a sighting more like a watch), I was living with one of my ex-girlfriends at the time it was spring/summer time. It was during the afternoon where we were both home. Well on this day she was waxing her bikini line, at the way she would do this is strip down and stand in the shower. Well I am standing in the doorway talking to her while she is waiting for the Nair to do it job and remove the hair. She then looks up at me and goes, "can you turn around for a min I really have to pee". At first was just like I do not mind but it was obvious she did mind so I turned my back. I did how ever sneak a peek and see most of her peeing.

The other sight was at a concert. I went to this show a while back and when I got there it was a little cold but no uncomfortable. So we were all hangout waiting for the doors to open and talking. Once the doors open we piled in and enjoyed the show. It is important to add that there was about 300 people in the crowd this night and also it was customary for the band to through lots of water on the crowd. SO by the end of the night we are all soaked with water and sweat. When the show ended we step outside to find it is SNOWING, Like 26 degrees and snow on the ground. I make a mad dash to my car to get dry clothes and towel and also to start my car. I was lucky enough not turn my lights on while I was waiting for my car to warm up because I just happened to look up and I see this girl get out of a van no more then 20 feet from my car and squat down. I could just see the stream falling from her crotch. I honestly do not think she even knew I was in my car.

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  • 1 month later...

It was at a music festival, late at night. It had started to rain, and so the crowd was crammed into the large marquees in which the bands were playing. When the band finished, there was a rush for the nearest toilets. Many of the men would not bother, but preferred to stand and piss against the nearest fence, rather than queue in the rain for an unpleasant portal.

The queues for the toilets grew quickly, and some desperate women too decided to squat in front of the fence and piss into the grass. At times there were more women undressing and peeing than it was possible to see properly.

I remember one very well. From the way she was dashing towards the fence, it was clear that she had decided that she was going to pee in public. She wore a white, tight fitting vest and blue denim shorts. She got to the fence, paused, then turned to face downhill, with the fence on her right. I expected her to drop her shorts and knickers to pop a squat. Instead, she first pulled her vest off one shoulder, then the other, and pushed it down to expose her neat, firm breasts. Then she quickly undid the fastening on her shorts, and pushed everything down to her knees, as she dropped to a squat, already squirting her pee onto the ground between her feet.

I realised that her vest must have been a one-piece garment, like a swimsuit, and she'd had to slip out of it completely if she hadn't wanted to wet herself. So now she was crouching over the short grass, completely naked to the knees, pissing assertively on the ground. I had to stroll past, taking in the curve of her bum, and then the curve of her bare breasts, while also trying to watch her stream flickering out in front of her. Once past, I turned and strolled back - she had her head down, and was concentrating on studying herself peeing - and got another good look, this time from the front, so I even got a glimpse of the lips between her legs as her pee poured from them.

She finished peeing, wiped, threw the tissue at the fence, pulled up her shorts, and with them, her vest to her waist, then snapped back the straps over her shoulders, to cover her tits again. And then she walked back to the marquee, hips swaying.

But by then, three other girls had bared themselves to allow me to watch them answer their urgent calls to water the grass.

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Not counting this morning, my wife on the toilet, or other wife stories, it was last fall.

I was in an office at night, 9 or 10 o'clock. I was at a window which overlooked both a street and a parking lot. I saw two young women coming down the street from the nearby bar area. They turned into the parking lot and found the first space which was between cars, nervously looking around to see if anyone was in sight.

First one, and then the other proceeded to drop their trousers and squat on the pavement, each one looking out while the other peed. Not a closeup view, but I could could see the puddles grow on the concrete as they did their business, pulled up their pants, and then hurried back to continue their walk.

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  • 1 month later...

I won't talk about my girlfriend, as I see her piss all the time.

My last few sightings were all about 2-4 months ago.

I think the most appealing one was I was out at a bar, and was taking my time drinking. By the end of the night, I needed a piss myself, so I started my walk home, via one of my favourite piss stops.

As I got closer, I could see a woman up ahead going the same way. As I got closer, I realised it was a girl from the bar (she had been celebrating her 18th birthday). I saw her look about, but as I was wearing dark clothes, she didn't see me. She then pulled her jeans down, and squatted and started pissing. She was still pissing as I got there. I said "excuse me, I need to go as well", then pulled my dick out and stated pissing as well. She kept looking over up at me while I was pissing (I suppose it's only fair, since I was staring at her pussy).

We finished about the same time and as she stood up, she stumbled slightly, so I went to help her stand up. As I hadn't managed to get my cock back in my pants, it rubbed her ass and pussy as I stood her up. My hand found her pussy and clit, and and we sepnt some time fucking :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some good sightings on here. In response to Egwalrus' comment about being dissapointed with the number of sightings, I know what you mean. At the moment, I would be happy just to get one sighting, as I haven't had any for ages - mainly down to not having an excuse to go to the right places. I have been to several places that could be promising, but have only had a short time there and the nearest I've seen recently is evidence of recent pees by way of discarded tissue.

However, sometimes, I have been out in cities late at night and seen upwards of 10 sightings. Therefore, when I've been back to the same cities and only seen one or two, then I'm actually dissappointed. I think it is all about expectation of what you are likely to see in any given location and how it compares to what you have seen recently.

I posted my most recent sighting above, and I am afraid to say that it is still my most recent sighting other than seeing my wife pee on the toilet and in the shower.

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Mine was this weekend in a town in the North of England. Typical Saturday night time scenario. Was hanging around the main bar area and saw two girls running down towards an alleyway, I followed and as I got there one of the girls, a cute blonde was just in the process of a huge pee. I walked on by but had a good look at what she was doing. I mumbled an apology and she looked mortified.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi I had a good experience of watching girls/women's peeing behind the bus on a long traveling route . they don't care in India ,awomen in her 30 wearing saree just moved back of the bus with bisleri bottle and without looking here and there she lifted her saree pull down her Brown panty and sat down to piss .....:) .....wow what an ass she pissed at least 1 liter with big puddle and fresh pool of piss ...

I was sitting at backseat and was lucky to see this pleasure. :thumbsup:

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I used to have to clean the ladies rom at my work as a bagger. A few years ago I was mopping the floor when a lady stud by the door. I told the lady all had to do is mop the floor. She end up walking into the ladies room when I was in there and went into a stall. I heard it all she locked the door pulled her pants down sqaut over the toilet and took a long pee. I was still in the restroom.

Another time I was cleaning the ladies room again at my work. A coworker stud by the door and then walked in. She say I dont care if you dont walk out of there I just have to pee. She went to a stall locked it and took a loud pee. I heard it all she didnt say anything about me being in there.

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