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Peeing during work calls

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@Coral, I hope your microphone was muted so the call participants didn't hear the hissing and splattering of your stream.  What was your plan if you needed to speak? Stop your stream?

I hope your facial expressions didn't give you away. LOL

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I'm still rather amazed that so many people do so. My mom had mentioned that years ago on spring break a lot of the guys used to pee in motel rooms and even outside the rooms. When we were recently at a hotel together mom had an ultraviolet flashlight and was looking over the beds and night stands. When I asked what she was doing she said that urine and semen lights up bright under this light and then proceeded to move over to a nearby wall and closet where you could see a piss spray clearly on the walls that you would never have seen otherwise. Never imagined so many must do so.

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I regularly pee whilst on calls for work, but I am doing so at home, so I always pee in a pint glass, bowl, bin or other receptacle or I sit on a towel an pee freely.

That would be amazing to just pee on the carpet on a call in hotel rooms.  

@Coral How many bladder loads have you released in the same place in that hotel?   I'm assuming the floor must be very wet so is there no issue with the hotel seeing it and charging you?

I have peed in hotel rooms a good number of times, but never multiple full bladders in one place.    I usually either pee under furniture or where it is hidden or pee relatively small amounts.

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People overdo it with trying to be stealthy. Hotels see a lot and presume you spilt water or something so if you are well hydrated just make sure you leave an empty bottle from the minibar nearby and pee away!

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I have been known to call a coworker while “working from home” and during mid conversation, hop up on my bathroom sink and take a pee (so the sound is not too loud as compared to going in the toilet).   I just love the idea of pissing while talking with someone who has no idea.  

Have done the same thing in a public pool while chatting with moms and I’m just completely emptying out while standing in chest deep water.   Teehee.  

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On 8/31/2024 at 7:42 PM, Takashi96 said:

Now what the hell am I supposed to do with that information!?

I’d definitely take this as an invitation to occasionally mention recent experiences where you had no choice but to piss somewhere inappropriate 😁

If you’re out and about somewhere, say Oh damn, I’ve got to piss like a motherfucker!

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