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What if you need to pee on a first date with your crush?

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How will you behave in that circumstance? Imagine that you spent an afternoon together on a hot day and drank a bottle of water and a granita. After a few hours you find yourself quite desperate, what do you do: do you try to resist until the end of the date because you are embarrassed to confess that you need a bathroom to him/her or do you confess your situation and look for a bathroom or a place to pee?

I think it depends on the character: there are those who are practical and are not ashamed to confess their need, and those who are shy in their approach and are afraid of being considered a "child who can't hold back" by her/him.

It happened to me on the first date but i was forced to excuse myself and go to the bathroom because due to my problem i couldn't resist until the end of the date, it would have been worse to pee on myself as soon as i met my girlfriend eheh

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I mean, everybody has to go to the bathroom.  I don’t see why that would be embarrassing.  The better question would be, would you go if you knew your date could hear you?  Some people are shy about the sounds they make.  Others are very open and comfortable with it.  I’ve had some girlfriends who never cared about being heard, but were reluctant to pee within sight of me, even after many dates, considering that somehow a greater invasion of privacy.

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In the real world, obviously I would excuse myself to the bathroom. Any person who is worth your time (interested in you and at least half-mature) wouldn't hold a bathroom break against you.

But in the pee fantasy world, I think the best option is to discreetly pee on the floor. As a guy, I don't think I can do it that discreetly, but women wearing a skirt or dress definitely should. If caught, just say "I didn't want to risk you ditching me while I was in the bathroom".

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I have two stories along these lines, one mine, and one from a close friend.

When I was in college, I dated a girl "R" for a summer. We hung out in my on-campus apartment, but also went on dates, on walks, etc., and to the lake. On one of our early dates, we were at the lake (at night). We were making out, and doing some gentle "petting." As a relatively young guy (19 maybe?), I was "up and down" that whole time, which can actually be exhausting (think "blue balls"). For me it was similar to the feeling of needing to pee. So I asked her "Do you care if I pee?" She said "No, I don't care." So I peed on the rocks of the pier, only a few feet from where we were sitting. I faced away from her, so she didn't have a direct view, but she was still pretty close to the action. I wondered if maybe she would go too, but she didn't.

The other story involves my close (female) friend, "K." This happened maybe 10 years ago, but I still see "K" all the time. She was on a first date with a guy, and they had had a nice dinner, and decided to take a walk on the canal. In the area where I live, we have a beautiful canal, with walking paths all along it, and it's a popular recreation spot. 

Unfortunately for K, although the canal area is fairly well developed, there were no public bathrooms anywhere near where they were, and she had had soda (and a refill) at dinner. Her bladder was screaming, and she was going to have to make a decision. She didn't want to pop a squat on a first date, and didn't think she'd have time to find another restaurant or business and get to a bathroom. Before she could make a decision, her body made it for her, and the first warm spurt escaped.

She looked down, mortified. But she was wearing black shorts, and absolutely nothing showed. Before she knew it, another spurt, this one longer, escaped. But all the while they were just walking along the gravel canal path in the evening dusk, an no one (including her date!) had any idea that she was actively wetting her pants and pee was running down her legs into her flip flops! So, then the decision was easy. Little by little, she kept discretely peeing through her black shorts, down her leg, and onto the gravel, as they walked. And to her astonishment, absolutely nothing showed - it was the perfect crime!

She reveled in telling me the story the next day. She was so proud of herself! And she never saw the guy again after that - no second date with him!

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As people have said, there’s nothing more natural than peeing - everyone does it. 

I’d be tempted to use it as an opportunity to sound out what page they're on. Do they think of it as a nuisance bodily function, gross or otherwise?

So my thought would be along the lines of being very open - ‘That wine has gone right through me. Can you give me a moment, I’m bursting for a wee’ or similar.

Then crucially when you return say something like ‘When you’ve been holding for ages, how amazing does it feel to let it all out.  Is that just me that’s weird’.    And see which way the conversation goes from there….

Or if the date is going well, perhaps on return from the bathroom tell them you were so engrossed in chatting you haven’t even noticed how badly you needed to go  ‘ha ha - that’d be a different first date if I’d wet myself in front of you.’   And see where that leads. 

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On 8/25/2024 at 2:06 PM, Mary Moon said:

I think it depends on the character: there are those who are practical and are not ashamed to confess their need, and those chose who are shy in their approach and are afraid of being considered a "child who can't hold back" by her/him

Back in my younger days I definitely would have held my pee as long as possible. In fact I don't recall excusing myself to pee during first few dates. I know there were times when I was extremely desperate , and in pain but I was not about to go unless I was about to pee my pants . My reason , as it was in non- date situations exactly what you said "those chose who are shy in their approach and are afraid of being considered a "child who can't hold back" by her/him ". There were times when I was so full it was probably obvious as I couldn't stand up straight. 

I only remember once when we returned to her place and she excused herself to change. My bladder was screaming at me at being severely stretched , and I couldn't possibly enjoy anything because  I was in such pain. I took the opportunity to use her bathroom.

Now that i am much older and it is more common for us to need to go, and in general I no longer care about what people think regarding such matters,  I just excuse myself.


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If I had to pee at a first date, I’d let my date know. I’d steer the conversation into pee and try to find out her opinion about pee. I’d talk about pee and make jokes about it and if she’s open minded and interested I would ask her if she wanted to cross streams with me. 

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