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How would you react?

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What would you do, or how would you react if a friend, work colleague, or BIL, SIL, MIL,FIL got on pee fans and going through the pics and posts knew who you were and may be Bi-Sexual? Either by objects in the pictures,clothes or shoes, house or yard and confronted you? Same sex or opposite sex?

And confronted you privately and told you they had the same kink?

Would you deny it was you? Or

Would you be excited that you may have found a pee buddy?

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Not gonna lie I would disappear without a trace, change my identity, not speak to them or anyone who knows them, and maybe even delete my account

that's just me tho

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Any pix or videos I post are from my waist down, so it is unlikely I would be IDed.

I often wish someone would find me, so I would have a IRL pee friend. However I am strictly straight and not interested in pee sharing with a male. IDK if I would have the nerve to say yea that's me to a woman

 But I like to think I would admit it to a female. Man or woman the look on my face would give it away anyway.  After all she was on a pee site so she is proably interested. I hope she would be discreet 


Edited by wettingman
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Tough question. I think I would admit it and probably be a bit excited. Maybe it's a getting older thing. I tend to care less about what people think of me these days.

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Initial embarrassment, but I'd be excited I might have found a pee buddy.

What's the point of denying something that's clearly fact, and they approached you privately so are interested in a discrete chat about it.

See where the conversation leads... ☺️

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I wouldn't mind it at all, since they would have to have looked it up themselves, so they have the same kink. We could maybe even explore our kink together!

But i also hope i don't get discovered by the wrong person, and have to pay for the cleanup of one of the naughty places where i have peed. 

If someone knows who i am in real life, they can sent me a message!

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If someone I knew confided that they had the same pee fetish, I'd have no problem admitting it and discussing it with them. In my experience it's been pretty rare to encounter anyone into peeing, although the idea of women squirting (which is essentially peeing due to muscular contractions during orgasm) seems to be more widely accepted than just outright peeing, and people who wouldn't otherwise be into peeing are totally good with a woman squirting during sex.

Whether or not the conversation about a pee fetish would turn into anything more would depend entirely on the situation and the other person. There are lots of people who I wouldn't want to do anything sexual with, but wouldn't mind peeing with just for the experience - I'm both a voyeur and an exhibitionist so I could enjoy the visual stimulation of peeing with someone else even if it wasn't going to be progressing to anything more than that. 

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It really depends - I mean, what we are posting here is mostly visible to anyone on the internet, so they don't need to have an account. I'd want to be really sure they are cool with it before admitting to it. Also, I'd want to be sure it remained between us and wouldn't make rounds in town. Not keen on family finding out, for example, so there are one or two people I'd be fine discussing these things with.

I wouldn't be interested in real-world experiences, though. To be honest, it mostly plays in my head.

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Of everyone on the list, if it was my SIL I would be very excited. I’ve had a crush on her since I met her but she doesn’t want to be more than friends. For context I divorced her sister and she’s married to someone else too. But it’s still a fantasy I hold on to.

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If they discovered me and told me they had the same kink... well first I'd say "prove it" and see where that leads, haha! Probably somewhere pretty fun.

If opposite sex, I would be massively turned on by seeing her pee, and I'd let her know just what I wanted to do about that... Then we'd have just the MOST fun together, I'm sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a fairly open book with people who know me. I generally don't discuss sex, as neither of us usually want to share those things (especially family members - I really don't want to know what they do in the bedroom!). I wouldn't care and I doubt they would be shocked, but I wouldn't want to sit and chat about it. I don't have colleagues that I'm that close to and I'm not attracted to any of my friends, so wouldn't enjoy discussing my/their interests in any detail. I did actually find a colleague on a kink site years ago and was surprised at the things he liked, but said nothing about it as he wasn't a very chatty type of person and probably would have been embarrassed. 

I don't know if it's just me, but I tend to be very 'black and white' with anything sex related. If it's someone I'm attracted to, I'll happily talk about anything and enjoy it (even if nothing else happens, it's a mental turn on). If there's no attraction, I'm almost repulsed by associating them with whatever kink it is. A bit like discussing your parents' sex lives, except I get the same reaction with anyone I'm not interested in. I'm either really turned on or really turned off.

Edited by CharlieS_00
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I've wondered about this scenario many times.

If they found a video of me, and could identify me somehow, and then came to talk to me about it:

  1. I'd first try to clarify what they think they saw and why they think it's me.  This helps confirm that they really did visit the site in question and allows me to interrogate them on why they were there.
  2. If they really have identified me, and explained how, then it would be silly to deny ... caught in the act, so to speak.
  3. Since they were on the site and watching the videos, we obviously share an interest ... let's talk about it

If someone I know finds and identifies a video of me on a porn site, then they were obviously a visitor to the porn site.  At that point we have a shared guilty secret and who know where it might go from there.  I just hope is a woman that finds me because the possibilities are endless.  There would still be possibilities of fun with a guy, just nothing sexual, and I'd much prefer to mix pee and sex.  

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