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You are desperate, the only solution to not pee yourself is very embarrassing

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In another topic i came up with a hypothetical situation, which could be very interesting, the situation:
You are stuck on the highway in traffic, you are surrounded by cars and because of an accident you will be stuck there for hours. You have a problem, you have a great urgency to pee, the need is almost unbearable. You had planned a stop at the nearest gas station but with the traffic jam you are stuck (you regret not using the bathroom during the previous stage like your friends did, because at that moment you didn't really need it), your bladder is about to explode because you drank two cans of a soft drink because of the heat, you can't go out because it's full of cars and there is no way to pee without everyone seeing and you are very shy. You are in the car with friends. You are in a panic, you don't know what to do, and you don't have much time. In the end you are forced to confess your problem, but no one seems to have a solution. A friend of yours who suffers from incontinence, says that she has some spare diapers in her bag and that you could use one if you want. You know that if you accept you will be forced to undress in front of everyone exposing your cock or pussy (depending on your gender) and have to wet yourself in your diaper, in front of your friends including the boy/girl you have a crush on. What do you do? Accept the offer of the diaper, or try to resist hoping that the traffic will start flowing again with the risk of wetting your pants?

It must be said that once you have used the diaper you would then have another embarrassing choice, what do you do, keep it on and put your pants back on, or do you take it off to dry yourself by borrowing wipes that your friend who had previously given you the diaper offers you?

Edited by Mary Moon
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Resist is going to end in a mess and a more embarrassing situation.

Everyone else in the car is probably somewhere on the need-to-pee-in-the-next-hour scale as well, so I'd go for the diaper and just ask everyone to look away. They are your friends after all, so should respect that 🙂

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21 minutes ago, InOddPlaces said:

Resist is going to end in a mess and a more embarrassing situation.

Everyone else in the car is probably somewhere on the need-to-pee-in-the-next-hour scale as well, so I'd go for the diaper and just ask everyone to look away. They are your friends after all, so should respect that 🙂

remember that in the car there is also the person you like, the others don't need it because they went to the last stop and you are the only one who drank two cans 😄

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Even though i think i could hold it in as i'm self trained in that extensively, i think if there was no other solution i'd hop out and start pissing against the guard rail while walking at the same time to not make it too obvious to everyone around.

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8 minutes ago, Remi said:

Even though i think i could hold it in as i'm self trained in that extensively, i think if there was no other solution i'd hop out and start pissing against the guard rail while walking at the same time to not make it too obvious to everyone around.

This is what I'd do, but taking the original question with only two options, the diaper is the least mess at the point of having to do something and less embarrassing than wetting myself.

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Well, if I was in the front seat, I'd ask to trade spots with someone in the back seat and tell everybody sorry Guys but I'm about to piss all over myself! And ask please let me have the disposable,  and look at my crush and say I'm really sorry but I have to.

And start shucking my pants and underwear and putting the diaper on!!

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46 minutes ago, Remi said:

Even though i think i could hold it in as i'm self trained in that extensively, i think if there was no other solution i'd hop out and start pissing against the guard rail while walking at the same time to not make it too obvious to everyone around.

you're on a highway surrounded by cars all stuck in a queue and side by side, would it really be less embarrassing than using a diaper? 🤣

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Using the diaper might be a little embarrassing but your clothes would be dry and besides that the diaper would feel nice and warm. 

Now what would be crazy is if you set there long enough and you had to take it off so somebody else could use it too!

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14 minutes ago, Mary Moon said:

you're on a highway surrounded by cars all stuck in a queue and side by side, would it really be less embarrassing than using a diaper? 🤣

Yes 💦🍆

(Wriggling into a diaper in a car would be more embarrassing and involve waving dick around, surrounded by people I know, whereas I’m not v shy about peeing somewhere public if it’s remotely acceptable, which this would be) (Unless, that is, the traffic isn’t actually stopped but is moving and stopping…)

Edited by oliver2
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a guy would probably have more ways out, a girl would be pretty screwed, peeing outside in those circumstances would be difficult for a man, but for a woman it would be completely out of the question

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29 minutes ago, Mary Moon said:

you're on a highway surrounded by cars all stuck in a queue and side by side, would it really be less embarrassing than using a diaper? 🤣

 Thinking of the people i'd usually ride with: yes, likely less 'embarrassing'. Plus i'd have to change into a diaper with cars surrounding us who will most likely see whats going on while i am exposing myself. All that while being totally desperate. I don't think trying to change into a diaper in the narrow space of a backseat while desperate is going to be of any success, peeing yourself in the process is more likely.

In case i have someone with me who offered me a diaper i'd probably hold it in front of my dick and pee into it like that saving me the process to change into it.

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Posted (edited)

It must be said that if you think about it with a cool head you could find alternatives, you have to consider that in that moment you are seriously about to have an accident and you are in panic. I have often experienced situations of panic from an imminent accident, in those moments it is difficult to think clearly.  I think in such a desperate situation many would seriously consider the offer of diaper.

I also added another part, if you choose to use the diaper, that i had forgotten, but which is very important

Edited by Mary Moon
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As a guy it wouldn't be a huge deal for me. I'd either get out and pee between the open car doors, or just pull my cock out and piss into the diaper and laugh about it. I once filled a Gatorade bottle while riding in the car with my friends, then capped it and handed it to my girlfriend at the time to hold until we stopped. She just laughed because she was so shocked at how warm it was. 😄

If I was in a car and it happened to one of my girl friends I would assure her it was nothing to be ashamed of and offer her some sort of privacy curtain made from extra pieces of clothes or whatever we had if she wanted to either squat outside between the doors or the rest of us could get out so she could use the diaper in privacy.

If it was my girl I would probably tell everyone I desperately needed to go too, then order everyone to get out while we stayed in the car and took care of business together. If she seemed really embarassed about it I'd whip out my cock and fill the diaper first without hesitation, then give her a little peck on the cheek, hold it between her legs and tell her it's okay to pull her panties aside and soak it too.


@Mary Moon 

If this happened to someone else you were with, how would you hope to see them handle it? 


Edited by jayjay85
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5 hours ago, Mary Moon said:

a guy would probably have more ways out, a girl would be pretty screwed, peeing outside in those circumstances would be difficult for a man, but for a woman it would be completely out of the question

I'm a girl and I would 100% go for the outside option. If completely impossible due to the traffic somewhat moving, I would probably try to hold it a bit longer and if completely impossible place the diaper so I can pee on/in to it, not put it on.

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 I would have to consider my options to see which is the least bad

. I could either pull out my dick and cover it with the diaper and pee into it. The downside I probably will get pee on .my pants anyway since I am trying to do this seated in a car with people next to me. Although I would try to be discreet someone might be offended and disgusted if the glimpse my dick. This would be the most obvious to others what I was doing.

I could take my pants off but leave my boxer briefs on, so I don't expose myself. I could the slip the diaper on and pee into it. That way there would be no visible wetness. Downside I would have to wear my wet underwear and the diaper.  I would pull my pants back up.

Knowing myself in real life I would probably hold my pee until the last second before deciding what to do. I would keep hoping traffic would clear. The downside if I wait too long to decide,,  I might wet my pants.. This exact  thing happened a couple of times  when I was young .  In fact since if I have been holding my pee until I can't  I probably would start going as I changed This would be the worst beyond embarrassing because not only would I get my pants wet ,a full bladder is a lot of urine so I would get the seat wet and likely the clothes of the people seated near me. That I would avoid at all costs.

Best option take pants off leave underwear on put diaper on , pull pants back on and pee. I mean l since my briefs will be wet anyway  I moight as well let it all out..

One positive thing no matter how bad I have had to pee I have never in my life peed while in the car. As.soon as I got out is another matter

I remember one time I was in such pain I tried to let a little out in my pants as I drove I couldn't do it.



Edited by wettingman
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23 minutes ago, Ms. Tito said:

I'm asking for an empty cup. There is no way I would be caught dead wearing a diaper at my age. 

I try to always have one handy 

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9 hours ago, swekiss said:

I'm a girl and I would 100% go for the outside option. If completely impossible due to the traffic somewhat moving, I would probably try to hold it a bit longer and if completely impossible place the diaper so I can pee on/in to it, not put it on.

The diaper absorbs if it is well closed and airtight, if you pee on it with the diaper open the pee falls everywhere

9 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

I'm asking for an empty cup. There is no way I would be caught dead wearing a diaper at my age. 

Maybe I'm used to wearing them, but it's not so bad to have a diaper if you get used to it 😄

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Posted (edited)

I'm glad this half-interactive scenario was successful, maybe we could invent other ipotetic situations of extreme desperation that put you in front of embarrassing choices to avoid peeing your pants 😄

Edited by Mary Moon
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What if my incontinent friend is also my crush?

First, I would ask her to show me how she puts the diaper on. Because she is accustomed to using the diaper I would request her assistance in guiding my diaper wetting process. I believe I would be much more comfortable using her diaper if it were to remain on her body. 

With her permission, I would kneel down in front of her, pull the elastic waistband towards my body, then drop my cock inside the diaper. With my cock settled snuggly against her hairless mound, I would slowly release the elastic band to create a firm seal. Feeling the hoods of our respective organs converge, I release my breath and begin to wet. In an effort to not flood the diaper, I concentrate on my pelvic muscles emptying as gently as I can. I focus on my stream following the same approximate path as hers when she releases her own warm liquid into the soft absorbent material. If the feeling of my body's water on her skin makes her anxious about the prospect of wetting then I would encourage her to join me.  

In an effort to repay her assistance I offer to clean her body. After all, it's my fault that we're both wet. Not wanting to dampen my underwear I leave myself exposed to the air. At the same time, I guide her down onto her back and removed the wet diaper from her body. After placing it in the nearest plastic bag I slip a new diaper beneath her. Parting her legs before me, I delicately guide the wipes over the remaining wetness making  certain that I've removed all of our mingled urine from her skin. 

Finally, I would seal the fresh diaper around her bikini line and slide her pants up over it. Only then would I use the wipes to clean my own urine soaked organ before returning it to my underwear.

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