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The psychology of fetishism

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Most of us in here have a fetish for piss. But to what extent does your piss fetish affect your sex-life?

Would you be turned on by being peed on or pee on a nice and hot stranger? 
Do you have to be in love with a person to enjoy piss-play or is it the piss more than the person that turns you on? 

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I am married, and happily committed. So in considering a "hot stranger," it's difficult to assess, because I have no plans to cheat on my wife. But if we're talking purely hypothetically, yes, I would be turned on by partaking in pee acts with a stranger. 

Yes, my fetish definitely affects my sex life. Even though I don't incorporate pee into every sexual encounter with my wife, I am usually thinking about it in at least some regard.

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Piss porn is the only porn I indulge in as well.

But even though all here have some version of a pee fetish, I surmise the subsets of the fetish have different origins.

My pee fetish, as powerful as it is, centers around peeing naturally as an end in itself more than as a part of sex.

I like the visual and audio aspect of watching women pee in toilets, containers or outdoors, much more than peeing on others.

I am actually turned off by pee drinking and wetting.

I also have no interest in anonymous peeing with face not included or blotted out.

Even a gusher will not interest me much if the intimacy factor of a face is missing.



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Pee holding , desperation and wetting is my sex life. I read long well detailed pee  stories,  or watch female desperate and peeing or wetting their pants. I also hold my own pee until I am very desperate and sometimes wet my pants. I either share videos of my desperation and naked peeing or pants wetting with appreciative females..

The question would I participate in pee play in person with a stranger. I have wanted to have pee fun with a female for so long I don't think I would pass up the opportunity.  I don't know if I would chicken out or not. I would regret it if I did. To date this has not happened and the only pee partner I ever had in real life was my now ex'wife.

 I currently don't  have a partner.  So, Either their pee desperation and peeing or them enjoying mine gets me aroused and I masterbate until I cum. I have done this for so long it is the only thing that gets me off. 

Edited by wettingman
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On 6/25/2024 at 5:40 PM, Bacardi said:

I'm also married so not actively seeking any sexual partners for piss or otherwise. 

Generally speaking tho, when I was single I didn't do hook ups. I've had sex with 3 men and only one I wasn't in a relationship with, but we had been friends all throughout high school. It's just a personal preference that I cannot share a sexual encounter with someone I don't know very well. I wanna know their personalities first, what their sexual preferences are, how they act around other people, etc. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd take a "friends with benefits" situation over a hook up with a stranger.

My feelings are the same with piss play. I wouldn't meet up with just anyone to be peed on 🤣 but someone that I know personally, whether it be a friend or a lover, sure. My body is yours. 

As far as my sex life, I consider myself to be asexual so sex isn't a huge part of my life to begin with. I'd say the most enjoyable part of sex is masturbation because I'm in complete control and I don't have to share it with anyone else (see: introverted af). However since I was 5 when I learned how to masturbate I've always masturbated to thoughts of pee. After my ex shamed me about my fetish I briefly went through a period where I masturbated to regular porn, but my orgasms were never as good as the ones I have with piss porn. These days I don't get off to anything except piss porn because I accept myself and my fetish now. 

Jeez, how uncomfortably relatable. I once tried to switch to regular porn after a kink shaming. Actually, more than once. The only problem was that I kept hoping someone in the video would pee.

As for your early masturbation experience. I assume you hadn't been exposed to porn. Did you imagine yourself peeing or think about other people?

Edited by Takashi96
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7 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

As for your early masturbation experience. I assume you hadn't been exposed to porn. Did you imagine yourself peeing or think about other people?

Haha I don't exactly remember when I watched porn for the first time. When I was that young I masturbated mostly to movies with pee scenes, my imagination, and things I had witnessed in real life. 

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For me it’s all about the sound of a lady peeing. I have had this interest from when I was a young child so it didn’t begin as a sexual thing. I still take any chance to listen that I can. I have a normal sex life without pee but I do find it exciting where any element of pee is brought in to sex. I would like to explore more and I think if I was single and the chance to explore pee play during sex came up with a stranger, I would have to take it. 

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For me, its the process of desperation and desperate peeing. I'm 50, been married to the same woman happily for a 30 years . She knows about my kinks,and sometimes indulges. She likes how her being desperate makes me want her, but her instincts are sometimes exactly opposite to mine.

Her natural tendency is downplay and hide everything related to her need to pee, me wanting to hear her needing to pee. A good example was 2 weeks ago when we visited a concert. She visited toilet a 5pm, we arrived at the venue at 6 and during next 3 hours she consumed at least 1L of liquids. Around 9 i asked if she needs to pee before the main performer starts, she said no. We arrived home around midnight, i asked if she needs to pee badly, again the answer is "no, maybe a little". We go to bed and I feel her bladder, which might not be hyper-full, but at least 2/3. We have some sex and go to sleep, without her visiting the toilet.

In the ideal world , i would like to hear whats going on. "I kinda have to pee" after first drinks, "i have to pee,but not enough to use the porta potties" before the band, "I really have to pee, but i'm not going here when we will be at home in 20minutes" with legs crossing and shifting, I need to go sooobad in the bed and when pushing her bladder.  I'm waiting for an opportunity to bring this up again and try to convince her to be more vocal.

About strangers and fetish- every attractive female brings the thought "what if she were really desperate". If I see her in supermarket, i imagine her whispering to her partner "lets go home quickly, i need to pee so bad" and they go home and she runs to the toilet and leaves the door open, allowing to observe the long hissy pee and look of satisfaction.  Or running to the bushes in the concert so the partner could observe..

i would not be especially interested in looking just any pee - 5 sec trickle before long bus ride. I would be, if this is personally for me and comes with some other information, like the details of peeing with very tight dress or smth.

I'm not a big event goer, but if a woman promises not to pee during the event and sips a drink, i could go with her to watch a paint dry.  I even wouldn't need to be crazy desperate at the end, "i need to pee, but i can wait 1hour" would be good enough.


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What really arouses me is a woman describing how her bladder and pussy feel and how badly she needs to pee. I love hearing/seeing what she is doing to hold it.

My ex-wife used to hold her pee frequently and as long as she could and sometimes beyond .

If we were together while she got desperate I would as her for details.  Fortunately she was willing to provide me her statis. Sometimes she was reluctant if she already leaked in her panties.

She asked me why that got me so horney.  I told honestly don't know it's just the way I am wired. It doesn't me I loved her less or found her less sexualy attractive.  I regular non pee sex life was great until our marriage became troubled 


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yeah, thats my problem. She can pee at 6pm , go to bed without peeing, say nothing but " i need to go now" in the morning with expressionless voice and walk away. Or hold it for me deliberately through a day of travelling without any verbal indications, ok, saying "yes" if ask her in the bed "do you need to go?". what a waste. its not that she cannot hold, she can hold well over a litre.

i have a female friend who sometimes indulges me- deliberately drinking and waiting and peeing for me. And its something else, when she whispers in a low voice "i SO need to pee SO FUCKING BAD!" while squirming and holding her crotch.

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For me the two are separate, as I've never had the opportunity to experience pissy sex to know what it's like (partner isn't into anything fetish), although I do often fantasise about having wet sex with her and wondering what it would be like.

The closest I get during sex is to be desperate myself to enhance the feelings, but never release anything.

I (don't think!) I'd need to be in love with anyone to enjoy piss play, it's all about the feelings. When I masturbate anyone can be the object of the fantasies - my partner, or anyone else I might have recently seen peeing/desperate, it's the image that turns me on, nothing more.

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a slightly offtopic, but what does anybody think is todays mainstream in peefans and related communities? I somehow get the feeling that with my love for desperation only I belong to the minority 🙂

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On 23.06.2024 at 22:42, Moore007 said:

У большинства из нас здесь есть фетиш на мочу. Но в какой степени фетиш мочи влияет на вашу сексуальную жизнь?

Возбудитесь ли вы, если на вас помочились или вы помочитесь на симпатичного и горячего незнакомца? 
Нужно ли вам быть влюбленным в человека, чтобы наслаждаться игрой с мочой, или вас больше возбуждает моча, чем человек? 

Only in parallel life. No one should know about my fetish. For me, urinating in my clothes is part of my sex life.

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The psychology of the pee fetish is what interrests me a lot lately and it is one of the main reasons to join this group. Of course I can largely only describe this from my own perspective, my own experiences and desires. Maybe you can relate to some of it. Please share your thoughts!

For me it has everything to do with intimacy. Something that is very everyday but that people usually do not share with others, is one very exciting part of. It gives a feeling of trust and connection if one can share that too. The fact that it went trough your lovers body and exits at such an intimate and erotic place, makes it very exciting.

When it comes to intamicy, for me, to give my wife oral pleasure is by far what I enjoy doing most. This has everything to do with senses. All the senses come together in the face; sight, sound, smell, touch and taste, and that makes the intimate experience the most complete and intense. It is precisely that what makes it so attractive to me. I can not intimately come closer to her and experience her as completely as this. Furthermore; the mouth is also an intimate part of the body that you do not usually bring into contact with just everything. The fact that she allows me to go to the place that is most private to her also creates trust. The mouth is also very sensitive. This means that I can deal with sensitive areas in a much more targeted and careful manner. And the mouth also has one very important sense; taste.

And this is where pee comes into the picture. Tasting your loved one's bodily fluids really adds to the feeling. Just as many men like a woman to swallow after oral sex (which doesn't turn me on at all), this is actually the other way around. And for her to be comfortable and trustworthy enough to perform such an act also excites me very much. Although I only experienced this in very small amounts by squirting, there is this strong desire for more. She knows about my desire, but we're not there jet. I don't want to push things and I'm still a bit shy to bring the topic to the attention.

I have no interest in pee itself. I have no need to play with it, nor do I get excited when it is in the toilet, or in a glass or on the floor for that matter, it is purely the moment of the act. Seeing and hearing can be very exciting. It can be extra exciting if the peeing happens off the beaten path. And for me, the max would be in my mouth.

When searching for a forum like this one I usually found BDSM related stuff. For me peeing has nothing to do with dominant vs submissive, or humiliation like in BDSM. Although the submissive part, in a non violent and 100% voluntarily way, does ad a little something to the experience. To give yourself over to her pleasure is in my opinion a loving thing to do. It is the intimate connection between the lovers. The exciting, the erotic. Maybe even the naughty and the taboo. This little secret that you both share. When it comes to the intimacy of peeing, the explanation of the senses come into play again; wanting to be as close as possible to that intimacy, to be part of it, to become one with it, to connect at maximum level.

So to end my reply and answer the questions by the topic-starter; yes, I have to be in love with the person for it to work, as hopefully explained in the text above.

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@MGP, I totally feel with you there - even if my interest in pee does go a little further 🙂 

For me, it started young. As you mention, peeing is very private - I never got to see girls peeing. But I so wanted to know! So I became very attentive to little mentions of pee - once, a friend told me a girl in his class had peed in the pool. He seemed disgusted, but I was actually interested.

Years later, I was still too young to be considered "sex-worthy". Women always laughted when I invited them to have sex - yet they would never show me. And so I developed a liking for assertive women and fantasies about them not caring about me seeing them pee, about spying on peeing women who would then direct their stream at me as a punishment, about woman peeing in unusual places, about being drenched in pee and invited to lick them dry. I've published a few stories on this site (e.g. the Walk Home series but also Awakening or some shorter fantasies). These fantasies can get pretty far-fetched sometimes and always include an element of female domination.

In real life, I'm more like you describe yourself 😉 Pee doesn't play a huge part in my real sex life, but I happen to dream about my partner peeing when I'm about to cum.

@Moore007, I'd happily engage in watersports with a partner, but I don't typically engage with strangers. IRL the situation would very much influence my enjoyment - I get easily distracted by details that are not quite right. And the most important detail: SHE must be enjoying it.

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