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Hidden in plain sight in the city

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After my pee in the park last night, which was definitely the most publicly I've ever dared to go, I am now looking for more daring spots to piss. 

I don't want to get caught, so it has to be very discreet/nonchalant. Where is your favorite spot to pee in plain sight in the city without people noticing you?

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10 minutes ago, LadyP said:

After my pee in the park last night, which was definitely the most publicly I've ever dared to go, I am now looking for more daring spots to piss. 

I don't want to get caught, so it has to be very discreet/nonchalant. Where is your favorite spot to pee in plain sight in the city without people noticing you?

i am very biased but i've peed on a subway platform before

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20 hours ago, LadyP said:

...Where is your favourite spot to pee in plain sight in the city without people noticing you?

I think that sitting on a bench, especially one that has grass underneath it, makes peeing very easy. I like to pee through my skirt when sitting, but you could of course wear a very short skirt or a flared one that you could move out of the way when sitting.

Just do what you would normally do while sitting on a bench - and pee at the same time. No one will ever suspect that you are peeing and you will be doing it in plain sight - possibly chatting with someone who is also sitting on the bench.

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I usually pee where others pee. Love to fill in the puddles or water the trees. In the city I usually pee in corners, behind dumpsters, behind bushes, behind buildings. Usually it’s where others go to pee. 

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My usual casual spot is standing on the curb pissing between parked cars. As long as you keep an eye out for cops you can pretty much get away with this anywhere, even in the middle of the day. 

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Car parks make good toilets. Plenty of hiding places and once you squat down you are invisible unless someone walks along that particular row.   Pick a spot a god way along the row then you can check nobody is approaching before you squat,

Multi storey car park stairwells are another good one - especially in car parks with lifts/elevators where the stairs are used less.  Usually you find there are multiple staircases and most people use the one nearest to the shops, so if you go to one in a far corner you are unlikely to be disturbed and if you choose a higher floor you have even less foot traffic.

Having said all that, your post said about being in plain sight, so that sounds like you want to pee discretely whilst being in view of people.  For these cases you need to position yourself naturally and be doing normal things as @Paulypeeps says.   Check your phone, read a book, look in your bag, eat or drink something.   Nobody will pay you any more attention that normal and you can pee at the same time.  Here are some ideas  

If you wear a skirt, you can sit on a wall or the edge of a raised flower bed and pee down the backside of the wall with nobody seeing.

In a park, you can kneel down on grass with your legs apart and look in a bag in front of you.  I have done this successfully in very public parks peeing out of the leg of my shorts but for ladies a suitably loose skirt would provide complete cover.   You could also sit on grass - particularly on a slight slope with your legs out in front of you and your skirt pulled out from under you.

Squat down over a drain and tie shoe laces or fiddle with a buckle.

If you want to be naughty then you could get on a bus with absorbent seats and again lift your skirt as you sit then pee slowly into the fabric seat.

You could go in a pub and either wet a seat or scoot to the front of the seat and pee on the carpet, hidden by a table.  The noise in pubs is usually sufficient to hide any noise you make -especially if you pee slowly.




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In countries beyond the western society like countries in Far East Asia or Africa people pee pretty open in public places like behind buildings, in corners, behind bushes or trees and so on. When the question about gender equality is raised to a level where even intimate discussions are brought up at least when it comes to peeing I think there is a much bigger equality. There are no long lines for ladies room since women also can go wherever they want to without anyone raising their eyebrows. It’s still a lot of taboo about pee in the society. How many of you are open with your fetish?

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