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Outgrowing this fetish, or just becoming jaded?

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@Love2seeherpee  Well, I don't know how I should bring this to you, so I just kick in the front door. I think you are just aging and getting mature. It's normal for everyone to get less of a sex drive the older we get.

It's the same for me too. We almost have the same basic points. I'm also in my thirties and watching pee related porn for over 20 years now. Does it get boring? Sure, from time to time. When I think back, I watched piss porn daily maybe even 10 years ago. And now? Maybe once a week. In a good week twice. Does it get me aroused all the time talking about and watching it like it did back then? No, not really. Do I enjoy it nonetheless? Hell yeah I do! I think it's just a mix between getting older, less of a sex drive and the overconsumption of pee porn. You are just used to see it, oversaturated. And it's normal that after a while (especially 20 years) we take it in in a different way than we did back then when everything was new and sexy.

But also, when did you got pissed on the last time by a real girl? For me, these are two completely different worlds. Just watching it, is by far never the same than to be in that situation and really feel it. This, till today tops every sexual experience I've ever had in my life and it will as long as I'm alive. Even if I'm dead, If you are a pretty girl, please feel free and come pissing on my grave! I'll be thankful.

So what did I miss? I hope I got everything covered. Just some last words of wisdom for you here. If you seek out for quality solo piss porn try https://www.wetandpissy.com

Btw. Is it possible that I know you from Got2Pee?

Edited by Overlord
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I would say its a matter of longing for a real life experience. It does get boring to just sit and watch. Actually doing it with someone and acting out the fantasies would probably be a nice change of pace. But I wouldn't know what your personal life is like, only coming from my personal experience. I'm almost in my 30s and, while it does get boring, I also realize that I really do not like talking to people IRL, especially to the point of letting them in on the juicy stuff. The porn, while it does get stale, is an outlet for fantasies I'll likely never get to act out. Maybe it could also be what you're consuming? I sometimes like to read written works of pee (Manga, personal stories, fictitious scenarios) instead of what I find on the various porn sites you have probably visited. It makes my brain work for the orgasm while putting myself in the scenario created by the writer. It's a lot of fun and a nice change of pace once in blue moon.

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I went through this. You don't know me, but I had an active profile on here which I decided to delete for various reasons. I recreated the profile a little while back but I'm not really active in the way that I used to be.

I was into "naughty" peeing and piss vandalism but I've kind of become disinterested in the fetish; part of it is what you described - the content that is out there simply isnt worth it. The communities aren't really worth it either. It just becomes really predictable and disappointing.

I think that for me, it was a combination of the three - the piss stuff that I was into, I'd seen most of it and just got bored, the quality that I wanted wasn;t there, and I think I also kind of started losing interest with age. I felt the same way about it - I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or if there was something wrong, and I tried to maintain the previous level of interest, but it just kind of faded. I was in a negative cycle of habits for a long time regarding porn and I think I just kind of blew myself out of it, I don't know.

I'm 37 if it makes a difference. When I was 17 I loved everything related to this stuff - now, I dont know anymore.

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FWIW I have the same issue with visual porn. I have a running list of videos I love because they are real, my favorite pose, amount of pee, etc, and anything outside of that can turn me me off real fast. So if I go into pornhub horny and wanting something new it very well could end with me closing the tab entirely because shifting through a bunch of videos I don't like is boring and exhausting to me. 

Because of this, I like to consume my porn in written form. When you find a great author (my personal favorite is @somedood123) whose style is easy to mold in your mind to what you like, visualizing like a video is easy! I can take the words "a girl peed in the corner of the bedroom" and place her anywhere. Her own bedroom, her friends bedroom, a house party, etc. Even better if you write yourself and can do exactly what you're picturing your perfect piece of porn in your mind is. Definitely give it a try if you are looking for something new.

Don't fret. It's just sounding to me like you're getting burnt out. Nothing wrong with taking a break from piss porn for a while if you need to!

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I'm often thinking the same about the piss-porn vids that are out there.
You see a naked, unkempt pussy that pees for five seconds in a 5 minute moan and giggle video.
Or you see pro actors in vanilla surrounding doing vanilla things with a bit of pee.
That's boring to a guy like me who is into pee for over 30 years.

Yes, there are some cool videos out there but I think I've seen them all.

But I'm not ougrowing this fetish nor have I lost the need to have sex.
It's just too much fake out there and you can't even distinguish fake from real, especially with piss vids.
Is it a real accident? Real desperation?
Does she really like what she's doing right now?

Nowadays I'm looking for piss vids where women pee intentionally and show that.
No fake accidents, no fake desperation, just smile in the camera and let go... in your pants, in the restaurant, in the shopping mall, on the floor, in your bed.
That's arousing, the rest is not
Only my 2 cents.

If my wife pees on me or wets her pants, it's the same exciting sensation as ever and erotic as hell.
That's why I know I didn't lose interest in my fetish.
Thank god I have my wife!


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I think it's natural for the kink (or other interests for that matter) to ebb and flow, to wax and wane, to change over time. 

I go through times myself where I feel not as into it, but then usually I'll see or experience something that brings me right back.

I definitely agree with others that it has a lot to do with the porn/visual only aspect versus the "real life" aspect. 

Watching a video online is a COMPLETELY different experience for me than seeing or doing something pee-related with my wife.

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If your level of interest is decreasing that’s ok. A break from pee stuff might do no harm. I find myself that my interest in kinks I have can ebbe and flow from time to time with one taking preference over another for a while.

It sounds to me though that your main issue is more to do with  the porn available and not the actual pee kink itself.

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An up and down is probably normal for anything. And kind of analog to food...if you eat your favourite meal everyday you will eventually get tired of it. No matter how much you loved it before, over indulging in anything will most likely flatten the heights you are experiencing.

Another thing might be the stuff you choose to watch. I get its all personal preference. But some of those sites you mentioned, that i only know due to the usual leaked videos on different hosting sites, are kind of similar in a way. Mostly unpersonal stuff. Same way of filming, same fakeness, hardly any passion involved. Girls who are just in it because they are getting payed by people who just want to make money themselves. Which can still provide something good but it gets repetitive quick in my opinion.

Taking a break or reducing the amount of this stuff that you are consuming is never a bad idea. But maybe you should try to look for different kinds and approaches to this kink, more passionate personal stuff. I personally, just personally, would rather read a story from a girl that has just done her first public piss describing how much of a rollercoaster of emotions it was than relying on watching produced, unpersonal videos that are basically the same over and over again. Those can be good aswell like i said, i too found some nice ones among those fetched inbetween all the other stuff out there. But more personal stuff, stuff you know was made by someone out there who just logs in like yourself, feeling the same energy towards this kink, really beats it by a mile.


Edited by Remi
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I appreciate the replies more than you guys know. You’ve given me a lot to think about. 

I think what it comes down to is feeling ashamed for not loving the fetish like I have in the past.  But hearing your guys feedback makes me realize that it’s okay. 

I also thought about what I would like as far as new material. I mean would a 20 second jet really save piss porn for me? Not as much as you would think honestly. It’s the wiring of me so to speak. I will never turn down an opportunity to hear a stream from a bathroom, and hell even last night after seeing a movie and walking to the bathroom, I heard a woman tell her friend desperately “god, I really hope I can make it in time” and just thinking that gets me aroused. 
Another valid point is the “outgrowing and getting older” argument. You just change naturally over time. Again I think I was just feeling ashamed but that is such a dumb thing to feel bad about. And as far as a real life experience… I don’t know, I’m almost 36 and I feel any girl or woman my age rather would be not as willing as a younger girl to indulge in letting me watch her pee. I don’t really know the data; I haven’t dated in almost 10 years for various reasons, the main one being I moved 10 years ago and haven’t been able to find my social place yet. I also work a lot. But shit I’d pay for a girl to piss and let me watch. Have her squat my way, make sure she has good capacity, record it my way… a man can dream!

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12 hours ago, Overlord said:

@Love2seeherpee  Well, I don't know how I should bring this to you, so I just kick in the front door. I think you are just aging and getting mature. It's normal for everyone to get less of a sex drive the older we get.

It's the same for me too. We almost have the same basic points. I'm also in my thirties and watching pee related porn for over 20 years now. Does it get boring? Sure, from time to time. When I think back, I watched piss porn daily maybe even 10 years ago. And now? Maybe once a week. In a good week twice. Does it get me aroused all the time talking about and watching it like it did back then? No, not really. Do I enjoy it nonetheless? Hell yeah I do! I think it's just a mix between getting older, less of a sex drive and the overconsumption of pee porn. You are just used to see it, oversaturated. And it's normal that after a while (especially 20 years) we take it in in a different way than we did back then when everything was new and sexy.

But also, when did you got pissed on the last time by a real girl? For me, these are two completely different worlds. Just watching it, is by far never the same than to be in that situation and really feel it. This, till today tops every sexual experience I've ever had in my life and it will as long as I'm alive. Even if I'm dead, If you are a pretty girl, please feel free and come pissing on my grave! I'll be thankful.

So what did I miss? I hope I got everything covered. Just some last words of wisdom for you here. If you seek out for quality solo piss porn try https://www.wetandpissy.com

Btw. Is it possible that I know you from Got2Pee?

I’m pretty sure you DO know me. I’m that guy that’s been recently complaining about the things I just mentioned here, same poses and all. Those guys over there could care less about feedback, they have no love for the fetish or care about their customers. I’m pretty sure ownership changed over the years because in the very beginning they actually responded and quality was much better. 

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I agree with you on the unrealistic, unnatural poses, and the over dramatic pees.  I’ve seen 3 minute pee videos of walking, and pee dancing, and drawing attention to them, for the piss to be the last 8 seconds of the video. 

Outgrown the fetish? I wish I could.  I have wondered if I got women to piss on me, face, mouth, clothes, constantly would it break me out of it. I doubt it. 

Browsing the material that’s out there, it’s not too often I come across great material anymore. Sneakypee had the best!!!  Thisvid has some decent stuff too sometimes. 

Now for me is following ladies on Instagram, everyone wants to be Instagram models now, and sell videos.  I have gotten videos from a young lady I developed a relationship with. She made some good videos on her own with only the instructions of pee on a hard surface outdoors or carpet indoors and be natural. She made some not so great videos. Squatting and pissing on a washcloth was one, and stream wasn’t great. Then she sat backwards on a vinyl hotel chair and pissed on the chair and had it run into the waste basket. Then a couple of shower pisses.  

She sent two peeing beside her car with the two doors open and you could see the piss trail running.  Perfect videos. 

Check with fetishgeniee on Instagram. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/24/2024 at 6:34 PM, Love2seeherpee said:

I’m pretty sure you DO know me. I’m that guy that’s been recently complaining about the things I just mentioned here, same poses and all. Those guys over there could care less about feedback, they have no love for the fetish or care about their customers. I’m pretty sure ownership changed over the years because in the very beginning they actually responded and quality was much better. 

Hah I knew it! Funny how small the world is. But yeah you're right. G2P is in a very bizarr frozen state. They do not evolve, it's always the same. That's the problem here. If you aren't into pissing, you don't know what you have to provide to people who are into it. It's like a vegetarian tries to sell meat. Those people who are writing the script and filming are not into our fetish. I don't blame the girls. Okay some girls you can clearly see that they just piss for the money but I think a good amount of them are really into this fetish but poorly directed.

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