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Do you ever fantasize about people you know...

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"A small number very much bare more than a passing resemblance to real life people I happen to know."

I have a couple of USB drives, with similar content, of which a very small number resemble real people that I know. The most striking of these, in recent memory, is "Nicole," about whom I have not only fantasized, but have written, and continue to write and post, fictional stories, on Pee Fans.

"Perhaps one step too far?  Looking at a two dimensional photo of a girl mid flow and thinking about the real life person in that scenario?   If so then judge me....   none of us are totally innocent though are we."

I am another one who could be judged, on this basis, but I don't feel the slightest guilt about it. I have not identified any real person, in my writings, and the resemblance exists only in my imagination, although it is uncannily accurate, in this particular instance. So much so, that I would love to find information on the model who posed for these pictures, so I could find more pictures of her.

I have recently taken this a step further, adding illustrations ("visual aids") to my fictional stories, which are often based on real people, so I consciously search for pictures which resemble those real people, mostly unsuccessfully. I don't feel guilty about this, either. It is all entirely fictional, and little different, in my view, from the fake celebrity pee pictures, posted on this site. But in this case, the real person who may be associated with the picture, is far less likely to be identifiable, than the celebrity .


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Guest UnabashedUser

Thinking back to the times before marrying Bonnie of other women with whom I've enjoy wet scenarios (3) of the encounters had and my observations:

Never had a viewing or other pee related sex with the 3 before intercourse although probably missed opportunities.

Have found that once you're close enough to a woman that she enjoys your tongue on her pussy, urinary meatus, and anus then she's probably open to you at least watching her sit on the toilet, hopefully spread wide.

If she's antsy about letting you tongue her peehole or recoils when your tongue wanders over her asshole it's usually a no-go for any urine play. Unfortunately most women winding up in my bed fit this description.

That being said, the remaining 3 one was already a fan and called me into the toilet to watch (surprise)."

"Hey sailor come on in here I know there's something you want to see me do".

While I was there she gave me one of the most sensual blowjobs while peeing merrily into the commode.

The other two when I proposed watching, gave me a giggle and said OK why not?  They hadn't done it before but confessed it excited them which led to incredible sex after they finished.

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Guest jeanswettingfan
On 8/21/2020 at 1:57 AM, Sk8rrj1226 said:

Ever since i realized that pee turned me on (i was 13) I have been envisioning people peeing. Teachers, classmates, sexy women, there's so many examples i could go on for days.

I had a couple really hot teachers in highschool, one of which was probably the hottest of all of them.

She had long, dirty blonde hair, an athletic build (girls soccer coach) with a perfect ass and toned legs.  She had a very soft, pretty face and was honestly a great teacher and nice person.

The teachers aren't really supposed to leave the kids unattended, especially while they're taking a test or something important.  One day we were taking a test and I noticed her squirming and shaking her legs a little bit.  She was wearing tight jeans (it was a dress-down day), which are my favorite (obviously).  I remember her eventually jumping up and dialing something on the phone, and I couldn't hear what she said.  She sat back down and crossed her legs.  I noticed her biting her lips a couple times.  I obviously knew what was going on by this point and I most DEFINITELY couldn't focus.

Eventually a teacher came in to watch the class as she literally ran out of the room.  

Its safe to say I bombed that test lmfao

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Enjoyed reading your observations. They are mostly very similar to mine, which doesn't surprise me, at all.

"Never had a viewing or other pee related sex with the 3 before intercourse although probably missed opportunities."

That matches my experience, exactly.

"Have found that once you're close enough to a woman that she enjoys your tongue on her pussy, urinary meatus, and anus then she's probably open to you at least watching her sit on the toilet, hopefully spread wide."

Not necessarily, in my experience. I had one very opposite experience: "Michelle" (or Melissa, as I have called her, in recent writings) absolutely loved my "mustache rides," but it took me more than a year to get in the bathroom with her, when she peed. She was the type who closed and locked the door, and ran tap water to cover the sounds of her hiss and tinkle. And for a long time, she would always pee with her thighs pressed tightly together, so I couldn't see anything interesting, when I was in there with her. I had to be content with burying my face in her thighs, and kissing them, while she peed, then licking the dribbles from her thighs and slit, when she was done. But there was eventually a happy and satisfying development, in all of this, related to your next observation.

"If she's antsy about letting you tongue her peehole or recoils when your tongue wanders over her asshole it's usually a no-go for any urine play. Unfortunately most women winding up in my bed fit this description."

"Melissa" was a little antsy when I tongued her peehole, because she was afraid she would lose control, and pee in my face. I told her to go right ahead! I would love it! Bring it on! She loved it when I tongued her there, and it always gave her intense orgasms, which she enjoyed, but she never peed in my face, which was disappointing, to me. So she got in the habit of warning me, "You better watch out, if you keep your tongue in that spot, you might get awfully wet!" One night, when she gave me that warning, I replied, "Promises, promises!" and we both had a hearty laugh.

"That being said, the remaining 3 one was already a fan and called me into the toilet to watch (surprise)."

I had one, very similar experience. We had just had intercourse, for the very first time, and she said she had to pee. "Can I come with?" I asked. "Do you want me to sit or stand?" was her answer. "You can stand, when you do it?" I answered. "Sure. My mother taught me, from little on." She took me in the bathroom, and showed me proudly how she could stand straight up, with her knees locked, and pee directly into the bowl. When she finished, I licked the last drops of her pee from her hair, and she said, "That was nice!" I was very surprised at her nonchalant attitude toward peeing. To this day, I have no idea if she, or her husband, or other lovers, were fans of peeing. But she took it right in stride.

"The other two when I proposed watching, gave me a giggle and said OK why not?  They hadn't done it before but confessed it excited them which led to incredible sex after they finished."

I've never had that reaction, exactly. When I confided my interest in female peeing to one gf, she said, "That's a little kinky, but not too bad." But she didn't volunteer to let me watch her. For context, that was in 1976. I don't know how it would be viewed, today.


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Guest UnabashedUser
9 hours ago, Dr.P said:

had one, very similar experience. We had just had intercourse, for the very first time, and she said she had to pee. "Can I come with?" I asked. "Do you want me to sit or stand?" was her answer. "You can stand, when you do it?" I answered. "Sure. My mother taught me, from little on." She took me in the bathroom, and showed me proudly how she could stand straight up, with her knees locked, and pee directly into the bowl. When she finished, I licked the last drops of her pee from her hair, and she said, "That was nice!" I was very surprised at her nonchalant attitude toward peeing. To this day, I have no idea if she, or her husband, or other lovers, were fans of peeing. But she took it right in stride.

Oh just have to love a girl like that! Her backstory would have fired the imagination for a long time. My wife, Bonita, used to have pissing games with other girls when growing up poor in the back alleys of Juarez Mexico and consequently had a more practical and fun view of the sport.  She also is an artist in how she manipulates the stream, force of flow, and how she adjusts the labia and posture for maximizing the timbre and volume level of the symphony of those hissing sounds we all know and love and crave.

In your experience did any of your partners enjoy peeing on your penis (or elsewhere on your body) ?  Bonita is the only partner I've had who proposes such a thing and enjoys it.

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"Oh just have to love a girl like that! Her backstory would have fired the imagination for a long time."

Yes, it has fired my imagination, for many years. Unfortunately, I never asked her about her backstory, which seems strange to me, now. I have no idea why I didn't, since she answered all of my other intimate questions about her peeing, with no hesitation, or apparent embarrassment. Did I fear bad consequences, or was I just inhibited, or stupid? My experience with her was my first openly "wet," physically interactive experience with an adult woman, other than my wife.

"My wife, Bonita, used to have pissing games with other girls when growing up poor in the back alleys of Juarez Mexico and consequently had a more practical and fun view of the sport.  She also is an artist in how she manipulates the stream, force of flow, and how she adjusts the labia and posture for maximizing the timbre and volume level of the symphony of those hissing sounds we all know and love and crave."

You are very fortunate to have such an enthusiastic artist, as your partner!

"In your experience did any of your partners enjoy peeing on your penis (or elsewhere on your body) ?  Bonita is the only partner I've had who proposes such a thing and enjoys it."

Very good question! And the answer is YES! Two of them did. And very ironically "Melissa"/"Michelle," one of the most inhibited, initially, was one of them. (She was the one who locked the door and ran tap water to cover her peeing sounds, when we were first together.) I have posted true stories about her on Pee Fans, several years ago.

This happened a couple of years later in our relationship, when we had long since crossed the "pee barrier." She went with me on a trip to "The Big Easy," and we stayed in the French Quarter, for several days. She was very relaxed, since we were completely alone, away from family and friends, who tended to inhibit her, even more. While we were there, she initiated two activities: One was for her to sit on my lap, facing me, legs straddling mine, on the toilet, and pee on my penis. This was usually followed by us having intercourse, right there on the toilet, afterward. I wanted to watch her pee stream wet my cock, but she refused, saying "Just enjoy how nice and warm it feels. You don't have to watch it every time."

The second was for me to kneel in front of her, when she was sitting on the toilet, put my penis between her legs, and pee on her slit, while she peed on my penis. Just seeing her sitting on the toilet, with her legs open, was such a turn-on that I got hard, and couldn't pee. She laughed, and put my hand under warm water from the sink tap, which worked. She said that's what you do with little kids, to potty train them. She warned me, jokingly, not to complain if she wasn't as fresh as usual, when I licked her that night, since it was partly my fault, because I peed on her.

Talk about backstories! I really wanted to find out how and where she got the ideas for both of those activities! She was so inhibited when I met her, that I can't believe that she thought of them, all by herself. I did ask her, but she evaded my questions, telling me to just enjoy the activities. I suspect that one or more of her close girlfriends suggested them to her, since they were a bit more sophisticated than she was. One of those girlfriends actually introduced us to one another.

The second gf who initiated such an activity was "Lisa," who was also very slow to allow me to watch her pee, because of a psychologically devastating experience, with a previous lover, involving her pee. (I have posted my experiences with her on Pee Fans, several years ago.)

Anyway, we often made love in her ancient Cadillac, in the parking lots of bars, after having drinks at happy hour, on weekday afternoons. She would usually sit on the running board of the Caddy, to pee, while I watched, before we got started.

One day, as we entered the car, I got ready to open the front passenger side door for her to do that, as usual, but she told me she wanted to use the rear seat, for a change. So I opened one of the rear doors. She told me to get in first, and lie down on the seat, with my head toward one of the doors. She climbed in on top of me, took off her panties, and straddled my face with her thighs, with her pussy near my mouth, several inches above it, all covered by her loose-fitting skirt, like a tent. She couldn't see my face or my mouth, through her skirt, but chance passers by couldn't see what we were doing, either. When she started to pee, it ran down her right thigh, so I turned my head, put my mouth on her thigh, and drank in her nectar. She stopped peeing and asked, "Are you getting any?"

"Yes, I'm getting most of it! It's delicious!"

"But I can feel it running down my leg! I want to do it directly in your mouth!"

"This is good, but that sounds even better! Go ahead."

She lowered herself over me, and made some adjustments, until her lips were in contact with mine. I licked her pussy, to prove that she was in position. Then she started peeing again. At first her gush overwhelmed my ability to swallow. She noticed, and stopped her flow, then let it go again, stopping intermittently, to allow me to swallow. This continued until she had emptied her bladder completely, in my mouth and the collar of my knit summer polo shirt, which was thoroughly soaked. The cleanup took a half box of Kleenex, and a spare towel, but it was well worth it. I loved the smell of my polo shirt so much, that I delayed washing it for a couple of weeks!


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  I live in a senior apartment where most of the women are not too attractive, but there are about five of them that, even though they are not actually attractive, are decent enough that I fantasize about asking them if I could come in and watch them pee.

 The concept of watching old women pee is erotic because they grew up in a more repressed era when women were much more private and more easily embarrassed about peeing in front of men.

When I am walking through our apartment complex, I will often greet them while they are out walking their dogs. They know I am a decent fellow.

I imagine telling them that I really enjoy watching attractive women urinate, and then I ask them if they would not mind if I come into their apartment to  watch them go.

The closest scenario to something like this possibly happening occurred a few weeks ago. 

 My father recently died, and one of the less attractive older women in my apartment  complex invited me to come to up to her apartment  if I needed to talk to someone. She insured me she did not have covid.

Although she is not on my " want to see pee list',, I sometimes wondered what would happen if we were talking in her apartment, and she excused herself to use the bathroom.  What if i sincerely said " You know, I would like to come watch you go if you don't mind'.  I think she might have allowed it.

However, although it is tempting, I would never take a chance with asking any of these women if i could watch them pee, even if i did it respectfully.  In today's prudish culture with restrictive sexual harassment laws, there is too high a probability that I would be reported to management and tossed out of my apartment.

There are chances we could take 30 or more years ago that we cannot take today.  

In fact , the first choice on my list lives right across from me. It would take me five seconds to knock on her door, but she seems quite quiet and reclusive, especially since the virus, and the chances of her agreeing to pee for me are very slim.



Edited by luv2watch
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"The concept of watching old women pee is erotic because they grew up in a more repressed era when women were much more private and more easily embarrassed about peeing in front of men."

I totally agree with you, on that. Having grown up in a more repressed era makes their preferred peeing styles very interesting, often more shy and modest. And their clothing may also influence their peeing styles, and make them even more erotic. (Classic nylon stockings, under skirts and dresses, etc.)

"Although she is not on my " want to see pee list',, I sometimes wondered what would happen if we were talking in her apartment, and she excused herself to use the bathroom.  What if i sincerely said " You know, I would like to come watch you go if you don't mind'.  I think she might have allowed it."

You may be right, but the risk to you is very high, as you point out, in your next paragraphs. If you ask directly, as you suggest, and the lady takes it badly, you can rest assured that the news of your "perverse" request will be known to all of the women in your apartment complex, at the speed of light, in addition to the other possible consequences that you point out.

I am considerably older than you are, and I would suggest a more low key, indirect approach. You may be able to use sound as an ally. If you find yourself in a lady's apartment when she excuses herself to pee, try to situate yourself, very discreetly, so that you can hear her hiss and tinkle, then comment on it, very politely, and get her reaction,

"Sounds like you really had to go bad. You must have been very uncomfortable!"

If you're lucky, she may respond with some comment about her health, and how some health issue affects her peeing. You may be able to draw her out, and get her to elaborate. You have now broken the ice, and you may be able to ask her about her health issue, in future conversations. This can lead to more intimate conversations about how, when, and where she pees, and you may eventually be able to express your interest. But up to that point, you have not said or done anything to harass her. You've simply expressed an interest in her health, showing empathy.

Believe it or not, there are some women out there, who are as interested in peeing as we are, but they are reluctant to admit their interests, because they fear the same consequences we do. So they may be much more inclined to reveal their interests in a low key, initially non-sexual conversation.

Good luck!

Dr. P


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Even if they did not take offense, it is true that all the women would find out in no time.

This is another reason I would never bring it up, even if it did not result in my being thrown out of the apartment.

I have actually never visited anyone else in the complex.

I am not friends with anyone here, just a casual aquaintance who happens to encounter them a few times a week.

It is a shame, however, that even a harmless request could actually get me thrown out of the complex.

This would never happen 30 or more years ago.

I used to get teased at work back in the eighties and early nineties by the women I worked with, and I enjoyed it.

Today, these women would never tease me in these fun ways since sexual harassment laws are so  ridiculously strict they could not take a chance of offending me in today's prudish climate.

Work is not as fun anymore without the levity.



Edited by luv2watch
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@luv2watch, I had similar experiences, 30 or more years ago, but I noticed that times were changing, for the worse, unfortunately. Now, I appreciate the fact that  I was working during a very liberated and fun time. I looked forward to working every day, because of the opportunities for fun, flirtations, and risque conversations, which would probably not be possible, today.

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/8/2020 at 1:16 AM, luv2watch said:

  I live in a senior apartment where most of the women are not too attractive, but there are about five of them that, even though they are not actually attractive, are decent enough that I fantasize about asking them if I could come in and watch them pee.

Your story reminds me of a situation that took place in February this year. In my country covid was not present yet (at least officially), and I was for a week in a sanatory. Among tens of old and very unattractive women there was one who was maybe 60-65, but despite her figure was not slim any longer, she was attractive. I saw her first in the criotherapy room, where the patients undressed themselves to the lingerie.

Later I thought she might need to pee after the criotherapy (when it's cold, the need to pee becomes stronger) and I might make some use of it... but that never happened. It remains in my fantasies only.

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@p1ssputz - Totally agree there...  it's all about reality.  It's about taking what we know about a person to just one little step further.  It's not about any form of 'abuse', not degrading in any way, just about building on what we know about that person. Thinking of a situation they could find themselves in which would be arousing to us.

I've done so I'll freely admit.  Where a person has hinted, given a clue that we can build on. The female client who announced 'I really need a wee' as innocently as I'd have said I was hungry, the girl from the committee squirming in the portaloo queue who openly told us she'd peed behind the sheds earlier because the queue was too long and she was about to wet herself...  

It doesn't change my relationship and interaction with those people. I don't become some drooling monster. Just a guy who likes to imagine there's a little more than meets the eye.


Just to add as well, the only person (apart from the 30,000 membership here) who knows of my interest is my wife, who didn't take it very well and hence it's not something that I still openly discuss with her. I'm pretty sure she thinks it was just a phase and to be honest that seems for the best.  Even when real life conversations with other ladies trigger my excitement, somehow I can never bring myself to open the conversation up for fear of revealing too much interest.  I'll admit too that in real life I'm perhaps a little intimidated by over-confident people (because I never was) and hence find it better to let my imagination do the work instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, actually i have fantasized for a few girls who i knew in my life to be desperate and end up having an accident. One of them was really close to accident when we were in high school, she got really desperate and even had to hold herself with her hands. She finally got to the bathroom in time, which is good because i propably couldnt be able to enjoy for her being too embarressed.

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  • 1 month later...

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