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Arigalo's Pee Experiences

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Wow! Those last two experiences you write about are amazing! Thank you for describing them so wonderfully well 🙂  I wonder, did your friend in the second story comment at all on how bold / desperate you were, or did you comment to him about how much of a relief it had been? As is often discussed here, there's no real way of knowing whether other people actually like the whole experience and find it arousing, so it's difficult to bring up. I'm just curious I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...
30 minutes ago, Kupar said:

Wow! Just amazing @arigalo! Thanks so much for writing about it. Sounds like a beautiful, hot experience. So you don't date men eh? But maybe this one is special 😜

We’ll see! 😄 I definitely would like to hook up again, but I don’t see myself getting into anything more serious with him. Would definitely be nice to have a FWB though! 

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
4 minutes ago, arigalo said:

My two main ideas were:

1. Sit one of the chairs on the grass, get good and desperate, and then sit on the edge to see how far I could get my pee to shoot out. Since my neighbors were all inside, this wouldn’t count as a “too obvious” pee since from the windows you’d have to really strain to see a stream. I was also just curious as to what I could do in terms of distance. I was wearing a dress, so all I’d have to do is take off my panties, shimmy the dress up a bit, and let go. 

2. Practice peeing while standing up, in between the shed and the detached garage. This is another place I sometimes squat and pee, but since there are some overgrown plants around there, it would work as decent enough shield to see if I could work on peeing against a wall. 

The coin toss decided that a standing pee on the garage was it. I removed my panties, pulled up my dress, and got into position. It took me a bit to get it right, but I did end up being able to finally release all that piss onto the garage wall. The release in and of itself was almost orgasmic. I only wish it wasn’t raining so I could have seen the result and the puddle on the ground. I stayed outside a bit longer to get some more relief (😉) and peed against the garage once more before going in for the night. 

I can’t wait to try again tonight and hopefully get pictures of the aftermath! 

Curious in scenario #1, if you were planning on sitting in the chiar just like on a toilet, or leaning back to try to get the stream to extend further?

Scenario #2 sounds hot too.  Would like to see that stream splashing on the garage wall and resulting puddle.


Sounds like fun to try again.  Please post if possible!

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8 minutes ago, DoctorDoctor said:

Curious in scenario #1, if you were planning on sitting in the chiar just like on a toilet, or leaning back to try to get the stream to extend further?

Scenario #2 sounds hot too.  Would like to see that stream splashing on the garage wall and resulting puddle.


Sounds like fun to try again.  Please post if possible!

For scenario one, I’d be sort of sitting on the edge of the chair and trying to lean back a bit to get the angle right. I might still try that tonight! I’ll see what piques my interest. 

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Thanks so much @arigalo for your latest account. They're always special to read ❤️. Sounds like you enjoyed the release having waited until you were really desperate. Turning down an opportunity to pee in the bushes with a sympathetic audience was a big call but the right one in the end 🙂

Edited by Kupar
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On 6/21/2022 at 2:18 PM, arigalo said:


Part of the way into the walk, I saw a college guy nip into a collection of trees after looking around to see that the coast was clear. It was pretty obvious what he was doing, both from the sight and the growing sound of his stream hitting the ground as I got closer. I felt a bit of jealousy as my need was definitely growing, but forced myself to take another sip from my water bottle. As I walked by, I snuck a look and the guy was very shocked and apologetic. I said “no worries, I’m about ready to do the same.” He offered to look out if I wanted to wait until he was done, but I fibbed and said I was pee shy, plus the sound of him peeing might make me lose control. He shrugged and said “good luck,” and I went on my way. 


 I'm curious, why didn't you take the guy up on his offer to pee in the trees?

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7 hours ago, arigalo said:

I wish I could say it was entirely out of willpower/out of commitment to holding, but it was more so because I noticed he was wearing letters for a fraternity on campus that is known to not exactly have the best track record for issues pertaining to consent. I didn’t feel like taking the gamble, to be honest! 

Personal safety always comes first.   You probably did the right thing and whilst peeing in front of someone who effectively gave you permission may well have been a bit of a buzz, it is not worth doing anything if you think you are at risk.

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On 6/23/2022 at 2:51 PM, arigalo said:

I wish I could say it was entirely out of willpower/out of commitment to holding, but it was more so because I noticed he was wearing letters for a fraternity on campus that is known to not exactly have the best track record for issues pertaining to consent. I didn’t feel like taking the gamble, to be honest! 

That's a shame 😞

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/5/2022 at 3:21 PM, arigalo said:

It’s been too long since I’ve been able to have any pee fun, and I was hoping to go for a walk in the park today with the express purpose of peeing somewhere outside, but it started raining and I don’t feel like braving the mud on the trail! So I figured I’d share another throwback experience while I make a plan to go out later tonight and pee somewhere naughty. 🙂 

This is a story from fall of 2014. I was a junior in college and had been invited to a house party with some new friends. I was also living in my first apartment (at my undergrad institution you were required to live in dorms for the first two years). So my roommate and I were finally able to keep some wine and other booze on hand. I knew there would be drinks at the party, but I also wanted to mix my own to have in case there wasn’t enough or I didn’t like what they had or something. I ended up making a vodka and cranberry juice mix in one of my large water bottles and getting on my way. 

I think I first started feeling the need to pee right when I made it to the edge of the quad. I was walking from my apartment a bit to the east of campus to a house on the southwest bit. I had looked up the directions before going and was fairly confident I knew how to get there. It was going to be about a 20 minute walk. When I first felt the need to pee, I wasn’t that panicked because I knew I’d be at the house soon. 

What I didn’t count on was taking a wrong turn down a street and ending up in a totally confusing residential area! I ended up finding what I *thought* was the address, but was on the wrong end of the street. Basically, I was somehow on North Smith Street instead of South Smith Street (fake street names obviously 🙂). So when I got to 123 North Smith Street, I was looking at a totally normal family home where there obviously wasn’t a party happening. After spending some time being embarrassed over such an idiot move, I pulled out my phone to get new directions. It wasn’t going to be a super difficult fix (just had to turn around and go back down the opposite side of the street). But it was going to be an extra 15 minutes of walking, and I needed to pee worse than before, especially since I had stupidly continued to drink the mixed drink I made before leaving! 

At the time I wasn’t super well-versed in peeing outside, even though the idea intrigued me. I started to think that maybe I’d need to find someplace, but it was hard to figure out where that place would be. There weren’t a lot of hidden places on my way back to the quad, and once I was on the quad, there were some stairwells leading to buildings and other little nooks and crannies that would keep me well hidden enough from anyone passing by, but I couldn’t tell if there were any cameras around and I was terrified of being caught on video. I tried the doors to a few buildings, but it was 9 pm on a Friday night so they were all locked. I was really starting to get desperate at that point, and decided I needed to just keep on route to the house party since peeing on campus didn’t seem to be in the cards and I could maybe make it in time if I just got a move on. 

After five more minutes of walking, that was becoming less and less of a possibility. It was getting seriously desperate for me, to the point where I was genuinely worried I was about to wet myself, and I eventually passed by some train tracks with some heavy trees around them. I figured there obviously wouldn’t be any cameras in the trees, and while it may not have been the ABSOLUTE best cover, right now there was no one around. So I headed behind the trees, got into a perpendicular squat with my back against one of the trees, and finally peed. The release was amazing, and it definitely sold me on peeing outside (especially when desperate to add some excitement!). I ended up stopping in the same spot on the way home from the party to pee again, and it became one of my regular stops for the rest of my time in that town. 

It maybe wasn’t the most exciting story, but it’s a memory I look back on fondly as an early pee memory! Here’s to hoping I’ll be able to find a spot or two tonight so I can share some new stories. 🙂 

I love that you peed in the same spot on the way home! There's something special about returning to the same spot at the end of the night. It's like the end credits of your adventure. I could totally imagine the anticipation as you approached the tree for the second time. And the excitement of that second release. 

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8 hours ago, arigalo said:

So, last night I was finally able to pee outside! It wasn’t my favorite pee experience unfortunately, really the problem was that I was having trouble finding a good spot to release. It was late enough for most people to be off the streets, but not late enough for people to be asleep, so there were way too many house lights on and I was worried with one look out of a window people could have seen me. What I really wanted to do more than anything was squat between two cars (which given the circumstances would have provided the best cover) but all of the cars were parked in pretty well-lot areas. 

Eventually, I needed to go badly enough that I just decided to squat in the darkest driveway I could find. I took a picture afterwards, but unfortunately since the driveway was so dark, I didn’t notice until taking the picture that I had just peed over a bunch of leaves! So it’s not my best pic, but if you look closely you can see the wet parts. 😅


I can clearly see a big pee puddle!  Thanks for sharing.

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