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PeeWatcher’s Sightings

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Hi @Alfresco 👋 Appreciate you stopping by. It was actually me reading your sightings thread that made me decide to share my experiences on here as well. You have some great tales to tell! 

You’re absolutely right, timing is everything. Sometimes you get it right and sometimes you get it wrong. In my case, I have this, my primary location for spotting, but then I also have a few secondary locations that I know are pee hotspots around as well. Sometimes choosing which location to go to can be the hardest decision of the night as I know I will be potentially missing a sighting at another location. 


When it comes to engaging in small talk with the person, I agree with you. Many times I too will use your technique in making them feel comfortable and not embarrassed, even offering them a tissue if I have one on hand. However the only time I won’t engage in chat is if I feel the person is likely to respond in a negative way such as saying something like “can you just go/look away”. In these cases I will make it seem as if they’re doing the wrong thing so why should I have to leave/stop. I felt that was the case here as the girl was young and in quite a vulnerable position physically. So I just patiently waited, not seeming to pay too much attention to her. 

Thanks for the tips though. I look forward to sharing more stories with you and the community here soon. 


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That sounds like a beautifully intimate situation, Peewatcher! To me it would certainly add to a sighting if I got to know the woman a bit before and/or after. You're also quite lucky that she peed in a place where you could see her (as opposed to hiding around a corner out of view) and that she either didn't notice you watching her do it or didn't care.

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On 11/2/2021 at 11:49 AM, PeeWatcher1 said:

suddenly I get the biggest shock of my life!

You complete tease that was obviously meant to get us thinking the shock was pee related!   Have to agree though, kebab with no onion?  What?

Fantastic sighting all round - especially with her asking for permission, drawing attention to her intentions and doing it in full view of you.   

On 11/2/2021 at 11:49 AM, PeeWatcher1 said:

I sometimes wonder what they’d do if I ever said no. Guess we’ll never know.

No, I'd never know the answer to that - I would never deny a girl the opportunity to pee.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/27/2021 at 7:24 AM, PeeWatcher1 said:

Hi everyone! I’m new to this sight but an old hand at finding and watching girls out peeing in public. Let me share some of my tales…

So let me set the scene, often on Friday & Saturday nights I will park my car in a carpark that is next to the only nightclub in the area and to the other side is the train station platform. From my car I can see the entire carpark to my left, the nightclub lineup which is often 20-30 people deep, a staircase that leads down from a busy street, the common “pee spot” which is directly ahead of me and to my right the train station platform which, at that time of the night, the toilet is locked.

My nights usually begins around 10pm and will often stretch until the nightclub kicks people out at 3am. One thing that I’ve been doing for a little while now though is strategically placing half rolls of toilet paper near the “pee spot” and on the nearby station platform. Recently I’ve started placing buckets around too and let me tell you, they are definitely getting used thoroughly. 

In my 5 years doing this I’ve seen probably over 1000 people peeing, many of which I can remember clearly and some of whom I’ve had a conversation with while in the act. 

I look forward to sharing my experiences with everyone soon! 

~ PeeWatcher1

Genius!!!! I had a spot like that, minus the train station. I have posted stories about it titled, “The Lot” if you look back. Unfortunately my spot came to an end when the city shutdown the Hookah Bar which supplied all the pissers. 😔😢 I look forward to reading about your experiences. 

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On 10/29/2021 at 3:09 AM, PeeWatcher1 said:

That time that I knew the girl

What’s more embarrassing than being caught peeing somewhere you shouldn’t be? Being caught peeing somewhere you shouldn’t be by someone you know. 

I’m in my usual spot, the carpark next to a popular nightclub that always has a big lineup outside. It’s Saturday night around midnight and it’s been a pretty successful one for me so far. Four different sightings in four different spots and all of them pretty memorable. None however will be as memorable as the fifth sighting of the night. 

I’ve just returned to my car after observing 2 young women emptying their bladders next to a charity bin. I’m sitting their processing what I just saw when I see a young blonde women in a tight orange dress come into view. She’s walking with her arms crossed and looking around into the shrubbery. She doesn’t have a bag with her so I assume she’s left it with a friend in the line while she goes and looks for a spot to pee. 

She crosses the road and makes her way over to the base of the staircase and looks up it. Deciding against going up, she takes up a position squatting next to the base of the stairs just behind a public bench. It’s a pretty secluded spot at the moment, she would think no one can see her. 

I wait until I see her pull her underwear down. Looks like a grey Calvin Klein thong to me. As she does, I once again get out of my car and make my way over to pass her. I’ve already got my phone in hand and begin to look downwards at it to ‘look busy’. She also is looking down at the puddle of pee that is forming beneath her feet on the concrete. As I’m approaching I glance at her face a few times. I recognise her, we were mutual friends for our last years of high school together. That’s “Jessica!?”, I exclaim as if I’m unaware of what she’s doing. She instinctively says “yeah?” while looking up and seeing my face. “Oh hey, (my name)”. I reply with “hey Jess, how you been?”. “I’m good yeah, I’m actually peeing right now” she says. I use this as an opportunity to lift my head a bit as if to look down at the ground underneath her and say “oh yeah, good spot”. 

Jess is still peeing as we converse, albeit the torrent has slowed to a trickle now. I can see the stream but not really the source unfortunately. She’s in a typical low squat position with her grey thong at her knees in front of her, clutched in her hands. I fear the conversation will end and I will have to walk away so I quickly follow up with “do you remember (name of mutual friend), he’s a bartender here”. She replies “oh really, I haven’t seen him for years. I haven’t been in yet the line is like an hour long”. We talk for a bit longer while she pees. 

She’s finally finished but I’m still standing there talking to her. Without any hesitation she stands up and pulls her underwear back up in one smooth motion. Unfortunately for her but luckily for me, the crotch of her underwear hasn’t quite reseated properly and has left one of her beautiful vaginal lips exposed, so she reaches down to adjust it. I instinctively look down briefly but she catches me looking. I actually don’t know what to say at this point. Luckily she returns with a “sorry”, while adjusting. “No it’s fine”, I say. 

As she moves her feet slightly, we both hear the audible splashing of her feet in the puddle of pee she’s created. We both look down and then Jess says to me “don’t look at that”, in a joking manner. I question “oh my god, why is there soo much?” continuing the tone of the statement. She tells me how she’s been drinking all night at the local pub with friends and that she couldn’t hold it any longer so one of them told her to come over here to pee. 

We spend a few more minutes catching up, all while she’s still stood in the puddle of pee, before I compliment her on the dress she’s wearing. It really is a nice pale orange dress. It accentuates her slim body well. I lean in for a hug and we embrace for about 5 seconds. I can actually smell the pee myself now. She tells me that I’ve become hotter since high school and that she wished we were closer back then. I say to her “well we’re definitely closer now” gesturing with my eyes down to the pee puddle. She laughs and says “well yeah I guess we are now”. 

I wish her a good evening and we part ways as I head up the stairs and she returns to the nightclub line. 

I really cherish this memory both as a pee sighting but also just for that fact that it was good to catch up with an old mate. I’m quite happy with the way I handled the situation. On reflection, there’s absolutely nothing I would change about how it went. 

This was just one of seven sightings on this night alone. A fantastic night. 

~ PeeWatcher1

Great story!! I always said if I saw a hott female that I knew pissing in The Lot I frequented, I would probably ingest the tissue/napkin she wiped with. 

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On 11/17/2021 at 6:56 AM, PeeWatcher1 said:

That time in the bank 

That is fantastic.   I find it fascinating that some girls think it more appropriate to go inside a building like that for a pee rather than squatting outside in a side street.  She was obviously VERY full and sounds like it made a huge puddle.   I love that her friend openly announced that the reason they were there was for the girl to pee and that she encouraged her to carry on.  You can guarantee that if that friend hadn't egged her on, you would have lost that sighting.  You absolutely did the right thing by showing that you weren't bothered if she peed and putting them both at ease.   Offering the tissue was another bonus definitely.  The only thing that would have made that sighting even better would have been if the friend had also needed to pee and having been put at ease she may have considered adding her pee to the floor and asking you to stand guard.

I've never caught any girls peeing inside a bank like that - the nearest I've had was when I saw two girls leave a nightclub line in Newcastle and go inside the entrance to some big building - the outer door was open but the inner door was glass and was shut.  They went inside, found the glass door locked and then promptly proceeded to hitch up their skirts and pee all over the door mat that was just inside the main entrance.    The other one was when I overheard some girls talking in a queue and one obviously needed to pee.  She said she was going to find somewhere.   She spotted someone coming out of the entrance to an apartment building and she dived in there before the door closed.  I obviously couldn't follow her, but she came back a few minutes later and said to her mates that was much better.   One of her mates asked if she found a toilet in the building and she said that she didn't, but she found a nice corner in the hallway under the stairs and pissed on the carpet.  They burst out laughing at that.

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