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Excursion to the Holy Tower

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I am happy you guys like it. I had hoped that it would not come across as too formulaic of a scenario given its similar set-up to the first part so I was unsure how it would be received. Thank you very much for the kind praise and encouragement as always. Part 2 never even existed until you inspired me with your love of Part 1.


On 10/18/2021 at 2:32 PM, Valenta said:

Loved it. To my disapointment i would have hoped that there where more of these stories.

Haha... I think it would be difficult to come up with more scenarios regarding this series but maybe if the right inspiration strikes? It was fun to write for sure.


On 10/19/2021 at 6:12 AM, ButterflyGod said:

I wish there were more stories like these!! This is my ultimate favourite style of story, it's great, hope to see more

I am glad you enjoyed it! Can you please elaborate about what you are referring to in terms of "style of story"? As in scenario, the setting, the narration, the girl's attitude, etc? Thank you for your feedback.

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/22/2021 at 9:11 AM, rann said:
On 10/19/2021 at 1:12 PM, ButterflyGod said:

I wish there were more stories like these!! This is my ultimate favourite style of story, it's great, hope to see more

I am glad you enjoyed it! Can you please elaborate about what you are referring to in terms of "style of story"? As in scenario, the setting, the narration, the girl's attitude, etc? Thank you for your feedback.

I love these stories. You write very well, with great attention to details that make all the naughtiness. The girl's attitude is so hot, and the details you give about peeing, spitting, crushing, soaking, every little detail makes all of it particularly exciting.


If I may, here's an idea for an episode 3 of this extraordinarily sexy story (that's just an idea, if you don't feel like it, please disregard or adapt at you will) :

The guy, a few days afterwards, decides to report what he saw to the cops, outraged by the girl's attitude, and telling himself she's probably not as influent as she pretends. The cops investigate, and find a witness, that precisely saw the guy getting out of the tower (the girl was more cautious and left a bit later when no one could see her). So the guy is caught at his own game. He faces heavy fine or jail, but he has one solution : to find someone who could testify in his favor. So he has no choice but to look for the girl again. 

Meanwhile, the girl has been requested by her father to help at a musem, with the extremely long inventory of art or antique pieces that must depart for another museum, and/or have been received for an expo and must be checked before exposing them. The guy finds her there and the fun begins.

She could keep with the dominant attitude she had in part 2, since he has no choice now if he wants her to testify in his favor. She could psychologically torture him like she did in part 2, making him tell her what most precious pieces are in the inventory and have him cry while she destructs these unique art or religious/holy pieces, maybe forcing him to himself pee on very precious art pieces. I imagine there could be a very rare and precious mummy in an open coffin that could get a good soaking, or unique egyptian papyruses that could get ruined too. I'd love her (but maybe it goes out of your original intent on these stories) to humiliate him by giving him the choice, if she pisses and destruct some very precious book/painting, or pisses instead inside his water bottle and have him drink it to save the book. He would finally choose the second one with disgust, but do it anyway to save the art piece, and then she could simply crush/grind it anyway with a cruel smile. 

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@expererg it makes me happy that my story was able to stimulate so much creativity. Like I said, I did not really plan on making a third installment (let alone a second), but since people seem to like it, I kick around ideas in my head from time to time. I have a few ideas myself how I might approach a part 3 to the story and I appreciate you sharing your ideas too (you have some good ones)! That's the nice thing about fiction -- boundless possibilities.

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  • 1 year later...

I just wanted to say that I love this story. The detail is amazing and it's refreshing  how it's written from the victim's point of view. The girl's attitude is amazing too and I love the total lack of respect she shows to priceless historical artefacts. I really hope we see more. The fact that this girl is still unnamed really adds to the mystery. Ever thought of doing a "crossover episode" where she teams up with the girls from your other stories? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Wetling

I like how she's so obviously daring, self-confident and how she exercises her power. ❤️ In some way a true role model for every girl. 😄

Edited by Wetling
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