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Do you take pleasure out of ALL your pees?

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So ofcourse I like watching girls take a pee. Ofcourse I enjoy peeing in places outside of a toilet, isn't that why we are all here? My girlfriend isn't into pee, but she knows I like to watch her. She also doesn't have any inhibitions about peeing (not because of me, but because of her general attitude and how she was raised) and has peed in parking lots, parking garages, alleys and what not purely out of convenience. 

This is all fun and games ofcourse. She asks me almost everytime she goes for a pee if I want to watch. That does sound very nice, but do you guys consider EVERY pee sexual and make something special out of it or do you guys pee like a "normal" person as well? 

To be fair, I sometimes don't feel like watching her. I need to be in a certain mood or else I'm more like "just go, I don't care now". Especially now in coronatimes when working from home, I usually react like "I am working now, don't have time to watch and I don't feel like it". 

Also with my own pees. I like peeing outside of a toilet, but I must say that in 98 out of 100 times I pee like a "normal" person, don't get aroused by my pee and don't feel like it's something sexual. By that I mean I just walk to the toilet, pee, and continue with whatever I was doing. 

When I read stories on this forum, I sometimes feel that everyone here makes every pee a special occasion and that the naughtier the better. Even when I have one of those 2 out of a 100 naughty pees, I STILL pee considerate. By that, I mean I never damage something with my pee, don't pee against someone else's property etc (even though that sometimes feels very tempting).

I also feel I should embrace my girlfriends attitude towards peeing much more than I'm doing now. To watch her every single time, maybe ask her to pee in weirder places than she has already done, maybe even start introducing pee to our sexlife instead of just watching... 

What is your opinion on this? 

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It's the same for me, I often pee simply out of necessity and don't think about the sexual aspect of it. Peeing in a urinal is nearly always a bit of a turn-on, in that it's a "guy thing", public to varying degrees depending on the setup, and also I only started using urinals in my teen years so it has the association from that. On/in the toilet, sometimes if I'm needing to take a break from whatever I was doing I will notice how full my bladder is and how it feels to empty it. But especially if I'm stressed out/preoccupied with something, getting up in the middle of the night, etc., I won't be thinking about anything other than needing to go. 

Also, my own pees are never really the focus of my fetish--it's women peeing that I am really interested in. It's kind of like the difference between being naked and looking at a beautiful other person naked--the former can be vaguely "hot" in that it has associations with private moments and you can be proud of how you look, but it's not like seeing someone you are attracted to undress.

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I'm with you. Im someone who drinks and therefore pees a lot. If going to the toilet would always be a sexual experience then i would be horny all the time xD. 
On a bit more serious note: I get the biggest enjoyment out of doing something that feels "taboo", rebelling in a way or seeing someone defy my/peoples expectations. Seeing someone indulge in their own pleasure no matter what is also a turn on.
But going to the toilet to pee is just a normal part of life and it therefore does not interest me that much.  I think your girlfriend asking like that, would ruin the mood for me as well. I loose interest when it is specifically for me / the camera (in videos) especially when i get the feeling that the other person does not enjoy themselves. 

Long Story Short: Same ! xD 

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I don't take pleasure out of all of my pees, usually the opposite actually. I'd say 75% or more of my pees are just regular sat on the toilet out of convenience or necessity, I don't give them any thought whatsoever. I needed to pee so I did it. 

This has the nice side effect of making the special pees EXTRA special. It's like a rare treat. If you ate at a fancy restaurant every week it would quickly lose its charm and the same applies to peeing. That time I decide to wet myself, or pee outside somewhere is so much enjoyable because it feels special, it's different. 

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I agree with the previous replies. For me a pleasurable pee is a relative rarity and most are functional. There are ways to make a functional pee a little more fun - perhaps by just holding for a few seconds when you think you're about to start - but that's not in the same league as a special pee (to use @Sophie's phrase) or wetting, or playing with a partner. Further, observing my wife peeing isn't always special either, when she's on the toilet doing a functional wee. But it doesn't take much of a change in her attitude to her wee to turn it into something more special. But that doesn't happen all that often.

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5 hours ago, Sophie said:

I don't take pleasure out of all of my pees, usually the opposite actually. I'd say 75% or more of my pees are just regular sat on the toilet out of convenience or necessity, I don't give them any thought whatsoever. I needed to pee so I did it. 

This has the nice side effect of making the special pees EXTRA special. It's like a rare treat. If you ate at a fancy restaurant every week it would quickly lose its charm and the same applies to peeing. That time I decide to wet myself, or pee outside somewhere is so much enjoyable because it feels special, it's different. 

That's actually a great comparison with the fancy restaurant! I indeed wouldn't want to eat there every week indeed, it'd become McDonald's way too fast..

Having said that however, I must add to my opening post that there are certain situations that I always enjoy. For instance, my girlfriend always pees in the shower (also when I'm not there) out of convenience. Whenever we shower together, I have never ever NOT felt like wathcing her pee in there. But then again, the girl I love is standing there naked, that's probably got an influence as well😁

Also, we like roadtripping and we do it often, even now during corona (just in our own country, leave early in the morning and return back home late in the evening). I always have hopes of her peeing outside when we plan such a day and I always enjoy watching her piss on parking lots or in bushes or something. But a girl peeing outside is just THE thing that always does it for me so if she pees in a parking lot it is a "fancy restaurant" moment. She obviously doesn't pee outside every day and we don't plan on have peeing-outside-dates or something. She just does it out of convenience. We basically never pass a gas station or something with a proper toilet on these kind of trips, so there's not much choice.

We have even had moments where we couldn't find any hidden enough place where she could pee (just busy parking lots, she tends to want to hide for other people, which I fully understand!). I am not into desperation at all and I just KNOW she will be peeing outside shortly in these situations, but even then I felt bad for her being so desperate without being able to relieve herself more then I felt excited because I am going to see her peeing outside.


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It’s impossible for every single piss to be an erotic experience. Mostly I just piss because I have to. And with family around, it’s not easy. Sometimes I’m able to plan out being able to do something. Other times it just happens. We just came back off vacation. Where we were staying had a huge shower. The other day, my wife and I decided to share a shower. I realized I had to take a leak, and knew I couldn’t start a shower without it being over powering. I went before the shower. Last night, I took a shower alone and really had to piss. I held it until the shower started and let it go. That felt great. 

It’s almost impossible to time sex with my wife with a full bladder, but for me that’s the best. When alone, I do my best masturbation when I’m really full. 

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