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Feedback / Idea I don’t feel welcome here

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40 minutes ago, MarleyMarley said:

Lately I feel like people are really rude to me or like I don’t feel welcome here cuz I am a transsexual woman 

I am sorry to hear that. Take it from me that amongst the mod and Admin team no one has anything against you and you are welcome here. If anyone is being rude or unkind to you, report it to us and it will be dealt with. We do not tolerate members being made to feel unwelcome.

You are welcome here.

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No matter what anyone says you are an important part of this community.  If you ever feel unwelcome remember that we are in this together and for some of us we have been hiding this for many years.  Reguardless if you ever feel unwelcome you can report those who seek to isolate you.  Please don't feel shy about sharing stories you have or exploring your own fetish further.  We are all in this journey together!

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1 hour ago, MarleyMarley said:

Lately I feel like people are really rude to me or like I don’t feel welcome here cuz I am a transsexual woman 


14 minutes ago, Jar351 said:

No matter what anyone says you are an important part of this community.  If you ever feel unwelcome remember that we are in this together and for some of us we have been hiding this for many years.  Reguardless if you ever feel unwelcome you can report those who seek to isolate you.  Please don't feel shy about sharing stories you have or exploring your own fetish further.  We are all in this journey together!

As jar351 has said and I agree with you are an important part of this community. There is nothing wrong with who you are and it's good that you are a member of this community since it helps to diversify it. It would be very boring if we didn't have members like you @MarleyMarley to spice things up. Also remember if people don't like you then it's their problem and not yours (I appreciate it's not nice when people are being rude and it brings you down). I know we don't really know each other but I am really glad you are a member of this community and I hope you don't leave.

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Hey, even though I don't know you I'm sorry you feel this way. This was supposed to be an accepting community. If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me. We're here for each other

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I'm really sorry to hear that Marley and I'm going to completely echo what others have said.

From my personal perspective I have a very strong view that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity, and it doesn't make any difference to me as to their sexual preferences, age, nationality, social background, pee preferences or anything else.  I'm going to be civil and polite irrespective and will stand by anyone who needs a friend.  Yes, I have my own sexual preferences but that doesn't matter.

And from a staff perspective, the moderators are here to 'moderate' and we do that by ensuring that all site content is aligned inside the framework of the rules. All of the rules are equally important, including of course those against racism, homophobia, insulting, asking for or trading etc.  We can't see personal messages and we won't always see every post - which is why we're really grateful for people using the Report button to highlight any concerns.

So Marley, we've got your back - we're not dismissing your concerns - but please do shout up and let us help you.

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Could you please give an example? To say people are really rude to you seems like quite a strong allegation.

If there is an issue, you can message myself or a moderator privately about it if you prefer, and I assure you we will take it seriously.


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3 hours ago, Simpfan said:

 I always think people are going to dismiss me because I'm a senior citizen, or because I sometimes use a wheelchair.

I would like to think most of us are bigger than that. Age is irrelevant here as is any physical disability. On a forum full of the written word it is mostly your mind we are interested in anyway, and anything you choose to share. 

Besides we have people of all ages here and many of us are getting on a bit. I will be 56 this year and time is racing by. I too will be a senior citizen before I know it it seems, lol. And there are plenty others here substantially older than me, including pensioners.

No one is going to dismiss you, except perhaps those tiny minority of young fools who only come here to pester the young ladies for pics of themselves. And they are just a nuisance anyway. 

I for one often enjoy your posts.

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