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The first pee in front of your partner

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Guest UnabashedUser

My wife actually peed in front of me first, details here:


Bonnie, my wife of ten years, initiated our first pee sex experience on our third date. This is a true story of that experience.

We'd had two other dates after we met at a drive-in restaurant, and we'd clicked immediately which led to an extended make-out handjob  session on the second date, and I hoped to score a home run on this date.

We were in the car returning from another burger-milkshake date and looking for a lonely back road to continue our mutual love session.  Finding a farmer's road next to a cornfield I pulled in.

She was immediately on me like a starving sailor on shoreleave, as I snuck up her t-shirt to open with one hand those pesky wire loop fasteners they insist upon placing on bras as she slithered her hand into my pants and slowly stroked my boner which was already leaking its nectar.  Sliding my hand to the front now, I freed up her 38's and circled a nipple with my thumb.

My other hand was working on the zipper of her tight tight jeans and having got it down now crept into the waistband of her sheer panties, sliding down to find her already damp furrow.

"Ooooh sailor (she liked to call me that) easy I have a full bladder. In fact, let me take these panties off and then I can pee and then you can ravish me " she murmured.

Bonnie hurriedly slides off the jeans and panties and opens  the door and swivels out, takes 3 steps and leaves the door open.

"You can watch sailor -- I think it will turn you on " she says, bending over in a half-crouch, her white butt gleaming in the moonlight, it's dark inner anal circle giving me a nice wink and show when suddenly her hot foaming piss streaks out from between her moist pussy lips and falls to the ground just inches from the open door.

I am clutching my boner now, gaping, as a whiff of hot female pee grabs me by the nose. I am so close to cumming now that I slack off the stroking, not wanting to waste it now, hoping to give Bonnie's pussy the full sizzling load of my pentup cum.

Still bent over Bonny shakes her butt a few times to dislodge the final drops of her pee, then turns and slides back into the car, putting her legs over my lap, then bending me down so my head rests directly on her pussy.

"Hey sailor -- how about drying me off now  ? " she moans as my pointed tongue finds its target inside her furry pissflaps and I begin to suckle her dripping twat, all 3 holes as she writhes in ecstasy and cums almost immediately gushing her juices all over my face and greedy tongue.

Suddenly my boner can't wait any longer and I press it to her clever hand where she feverishly jerks me off and I cum almost instantly all over her bare tits, drops of some hitting her squarely on her knowing and cunning lips, which she licks saying "mmm  mmm"  

Not many months after this early date we were married in Cuidad Juarez, Mexico . And it just keeps getting better, friends. Te Amo,  Bonita

The first time she watched me it was off the back of the deck of my house after an early morning romp.


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I honestly cannot remember. There are two reasons for this. First, it was a *long* time ago. Second, simply weeing in front of others has never been a big deal for me - growing up we had an open door policy at home - and that hasn't really changed since I've lived with K. There must have been a first time of course but I think both must just have been an everyday wee where we happened to be at the time ... perhaps at university. Perhaps in the grotty house I lived in after I graduated. My pee kink was latent at the time, and that's probably why I can't bring the occasion to mind.

I am sorry that's such an uninteresting answer! Perhaps to make it more interesting, a back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that since we've pretty much never chosen to shut ourselves away at home (unless we've had an argument!), K must have seen me wee in front of her about 15,000 times at home ... but a very small % of those have been anywhere other than the toilet. Wees in front of each other away from home are a bit different. We'll still go to the bathroom together and wee in front of each other no problem in others' homes and in hotels, but we've not sneaked into restaurant toilets together for instance. I'll wee in front of her when we are out in the countryside as well - she's not interested in watching really.

But that first time remains an elusive memory.

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For me it was well before we were even daiting she was a friend of a friend back then and i met her when we were drinking at my friends house. Now we live on the countryside so peeing outside is the norm when the drinks were flowing thru me i just went to the nearest tree that was like 2m to my right and just peed there the whole night everyone could see everything and it didn’t really bother me or anyone else. So yeah the first time wasn’t so special for me and to this day she often sees me peeing outside 

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46 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

I remember my first time with Mr Eliminature. We'd been together for just shy of a year and we were in a hotel room. This was before we were married. He knew that I peed standing, but he had never seen it. I'd always closed the door - mainly out of respect for him rather than any modesty on my part. He'd heard my stream hitting the water and commented how it "sounded like a bloke." For those who aren't aware, "bloke" is UK slang for a man - particularly one who indulges in stereotypical masculine behaviour.

Now, I don't remember how the conversation went. With the door open, I watched Mr Eliminature relieve himself of whatever we'd been drinking into the lavatory, making a manly trickling sound. Whilst he released a silvery stream of descending water, he glanced back over at me, sprawled on the bed and smiled to see me watching him lovingly. May my mind always retain the memory of seeing him pee like that.

I asked him to leave the seat up so I could go too and he could watch me peeing standing. After he had finished, I stood in front of the lavatory, parted my labia and released my own stream into the pool he had just made in the bowl. Mr E watched me from the side, amazed. After I had emptied my bladder, he confessed that he had been imagining my peeing standing up wrong. He thought that I straddled the bowl. Nope! Not only does it sound like a bloke, it looks that way too!

Does my husband have a piss fetish? Not really. In his own words: "You can pee any way you like; and I enjoy arousing you any way I can!" 

Very hot story

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I don't really remember where or when I first peed in front of my partner.  I think it was probably something really simple like using the loo whilst she was in the shower.  She's done the same in reverse.  But this isn't one of her turn-ons so it's just peeing.  That said, she's not uncomfortable with it and I've peed on her whilst taking a shared shower and she's held & pointed me whilst out walking in the woods.  Just random events, nothing sexy.

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  • 1 month later...
8 minutes ago, Sammilove said:

I had just came out of an abusive relationship of 2 years. I had told my then BF what I liked around 6 and he shamed me for it. Said it was gross and would never want to see it or be in it.

I had been single for about 6 months when I met my now wife. I told her upfront after our 2nd date what I liked in bed and what I wanted. There was a bunch of stuff we both wanted like toys, hand cuffs, blind folds, whips, etc. basically all the bdsm stuff. Then I brought up pee. I told her how much I enjoyed it and how cool it was. She never in her life had even heard of this fetish. She is tons of questions. 

We talked for roughly an hour about just pee. Show her a video for two and a few pictures and stories. Needless to say, she wanted to try it. Our 3rd date, we booked a hotel for the sole reason of sex. Somewhere not too far away but where we would have privacy. (We both lived with family)

I don’t remember what all happened leading up to it that night. But I do remember, not only the desperation but also anxiety. Probably my most anxious pee of my whole life. I remember us standing in the tub together while we held hands and looked into each other’s eyes while we both squirmed. But after a few seconds of forcing myself, the damn burst and I soaked my shorts. (We both agreed to wear running shorts for the sake of laundry) She followed shortly after I finished. It was the most amazing experience ever. My hearts racing just thinking about it now. I’m not going to elaborate on what happened next but I’m sure you get the idea.

We’re married now and tend to do holding contests every few months (I always lose) but it definitely brought us together more than any form of sex could’ve. She doesn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I do but she says she just likes seeing me so happy and squirming while we’re doing it.

Another wonderful description - thanks for sharing ❤️

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@Sammilove - Every so often someone writes something which obviously comes straight from the heart. We see a soul bared, painful memories touched on, but also we see a passion and a love being fulfilled. 

Yours was exactly one of those posts. I’m so happy to things have worked out for you - it shows there’s always hope and dreams can come true. 

Thanks for sharing - here’s to much more of the same!

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