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Encouragement to pee in pools (Old days)

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On 11/8/2020 at 11:40 PM, Eliminature said:

Like you, I was encouraged to relieve myself in the water, but I only recall it happening once. I was at the shallow end with my grandmother, wearing my armbands and said "I need a wee!" My grandma said "Just do it in the water. I always do." And I did. 

I'm still weeing in swimming pools now. 

Pools before covid: ask people to shower before swimming, mostly ignored

Pools during covid but not completely shut down: look, just put your swimwear on under your clothes before you get to the pool and don't spend any time in the changing room, just get in the pool

Before covid I would usually have peed in the shower before I swim, and let a little more go in the pool if I feel the need, but if I'm being encouraged to avoid the changing rooms at all costs, I'm peeing in the water every time for sure.

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  • 8 months later...
On 11/10/2020 at 7:54 PM, cornerstone said:

Wow this is crazy! I thought I was the only one!

Likewise, when I was little my parents always told me to pee in the pool because they were too lazy to bring me to the bathroom. So naturally, I thought everyone peed in the pool as well. It never crossed my mind that most people don't actually pee in the pool until I was in high school. I know, shocking, but it really was just one of those things that since you were raised by it, you never really questioned it.

Funnily enough, there used to be a swimming pool in my high school and I signed up for their swimming class, and you guessed it, I would pee in the pool every class. Some days, I would purposely hold onto my pee throughout the day just so I can have a really long piss in the pool. I don't know what it is but there was just something naughty about it. Especially when my female classmates were also in the pool. The craziest things I've done were chatting with my female classmates while letting some pee out. Sometimes I would get super scared if my pee was gonna be too yellow or they could feel the warmth, I usually just swim out and pretended I wanted to go for a swim then come back.

Every time, I would purposely skip every chance I could have peed prior hopping into the pool. Like while I was changing, in the shower for a rinse before hopping into the pool, or even when I conveniently walked by a bathroom before entering the pool.

Hey, I must have failed to spot this post last year!  Lovely to read your thoughts here Cornerstone,  

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The though of this is something which really turns me on. I used to go to a swinger club with a lady friend, they had a small pool and we would pee in there when no one could see. Sadly the club has now closed but I want to do more so might have to start actual swimming.

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On 9/8/2020 at 11:42 AM, Maggie_555 said:

Yeah I guess most of us who enjoy peeing in pools will be giving clues as to what we are doing! 😉 A quick glance down - yes it's nice and yellow but not too obvious - then staring into the distance and focusing... I'm focusing on the warmth, first at my crotch and then spreading down between my legs, which lets me know for sure that my urine is spreading within the water.

I'm using the pool as a toilet on purpose, keeping going for as long as I can, and it feels SO good!  

I love peeing in pools. I often look around and wonder who else is doing it also. The more yellow the cloud the sexier it is for me. Love reading your post Maggie, love women who just piss when need to in pools.  😈

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1 hour ago, Mrhapee said:

I love peeing in pools. I often look around and wonder who else is doing it also. The more yellow the cloud the sexier it is for me. Love reading your post Maggie, love women who just piss when need to in pools.  😈

Great to hear that you love peeing in pools Mrhapee, emptying your bladder into the water for your own enjoyment! Must agree with you on the yellowness of the cloud too. Perhaps you could post some more about your pool peeing activities... please! 😉


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On 8/12/2020 at 10:32 PM, oliver2 said:

Roses are red, kittens have ears

The swimming pool’s yellow, ‘cos @Maggie_555 was here

Hey Oliver2 I like this! 🙂 Sorry I didn't reply back in December but I wasn't in a good place then. Now I'm back and happy I'd like to thank you for this, as I'm taking it as a compliment! - LOL

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On 11/8/2020 at 11:40 PM, Eliminature said:

Mr Eliminature and I used to go swimming every week. Unfortunately, the local baths are closed now because of this wretched pandemic. But I peed in the pool every chance I got. I was a lurker here at the time and I used to think of you, @Maggie_555 every time I let my bladder loose in the water. 

Like you, I was encouraged to relieve myself in the water, but I only recall it happening once. I was at the shallow end with my grandmother, wearing my armbands and said "I need a wee!" My grandma said "Just do it in the water. I always do." And I did. 

I'm still weeing in swimming pools now. Mr Eliminature isn't too impressed by it, though. I am trying to encourage him! Once after swimming, we were in a shower cubicle together and I aimed a long stream against the wall of the shower. You should have seen the look on his face! 

Hey I genuinely feel bad for not replying to you many months ago. With all this Covid-19 stuff I've been both up and down mentally for quite a while. It's reassuring to hear that you were also told "Just do it in the water," as I was - and I like your grandma's comment "I always do."

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7 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

Hey I genuinely feel bad for not replying to you many months ago. With all this Covid-19 stuff I've been both up and down mentally for quite a while.

Sorry to hear that, and glad you’re feeling better.

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4 hours ago, Eliminature said:

Don't feel bad. I was in a similar situation myself thanks to winter and Covid regulations.

Yes, my grandmother encouraged a lot of free peeing in various places and praising me when I had peed. I think it could be where my fetish stems from. 

Thanks, and I guess it's not been an easy time for any of us as we are social creatures who like to mix and share time with each other.

Lovely to hear that your grandmother encouraged a lot of free peeing and also praised you when the deed had been done.  Must admit I enjoyed being praised after I'd peed in what was often an obviously naughty place to do it.      

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22 hours ago, Eliminature said:

I have referred to her and her sister (my great aunt) helping and encouraging me to pee in unusual places on this website before. 

I'll recall some of my own childhood memories on your other thread detailing your mum's encouragement of naughty peeing if you would like. My own experiences weren't exactly the same, but you might find them interesting.

Hey thanks for your offer @Eliminature, and please do recall your childhood memories of being encouraged into naughty peeing by your grandma and your great aunt.  It's nice to know I'm not the only one who has been encouraged by older relatives. By the way I must have failed to spot your earlier posts on this subject so I'll need to search for them.  Nobody is perfect! - LOL   

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I was originally going to post this as a new thread but it seems right to add it right here instead, Because of anxiety about Covid-19 my parents haven't visited a swimming pool for a long long time, so with things getting easier I persuaded them to come to Windsor Leisure Pool with me.  Of course it was more complicated than in old times, with us all having to register for a particular time slot and to try to arrive 'swim ready' as described on the website. My mum and dad are in their early 70s now, double-jabbed like me and so hopefully safe, but they still considered it odd to have to arrive at the pool with swimwear under their everyday clothes.      

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On 11/8/2020 at 5:40 PM, Eliminature said:

Mr Eliminature and I used to go swimming every week. Unfortunately, the local baths are closed now because of this wretched pandemic. But I peed in the pool every chance I got. I was a lurker here at the time and I used to think of you, @Maggie_555 every time I let my bladder loose in the water. 

Like you, I was encouraged to relieve myself in the water, but I only recall it happening once. I was at the shallow end with my grandmother, wearing my armbands and said "I need a wee!" My grandma said "Just do it in the water. I always do." And I did. 

I'm still weeing in swimming pools now. Mr Eliminature isn't too impressed by it, though. I am trying to encourage him! Once after swimming, we were in a shower cubicle together and I aimed a long stream against the wall of the shower. You should have seen the look on his face! 

I feel that we have a great deal in common when it comes to swimming pools. My mom as well as her sister encouraged me many times as a kid and teenager to just pee in pools. My mom as well as myself always encouraged my boys to do so as well. My husband knows we do and that we encourage others to do so as well, but he's generally not in favor of doing so himself.

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9 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

I was originally going to post this as a new thread but it seems right to add it right here instead, Because of anxiety about Covid-19 my parents haven't visited a swimming pool for a long long time, so with things getting easier I persuaded them to come to Windsor Leisure Pool with me.  Of course it was more complicated than in old times, with us all having to register for a particular time slot and to try to arrive 'swim ready' as described on the website. My mum and dad are in their early 70s now, double-jabbed like me and so hopefully safe, but they still considered it odd to have to arrive at the pool with swimwear under their everyday clothes.      

So did you all pee in the water together? 😉

(I suspect the COVID rules for swimming - arrive already changed, don’t shower, get straight in the pool - will have encouraged people to pee in the pool more than usual)

Edited by oliver2
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10 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

I was originally going to post this as a new thread but it seems right to add it right here instead, Because of anxiety about Covid-19 my parents haven't visited a swimming pool for a long long time, so with things getting easier I persuaded them to come to Windsor Leisure Pool with me.  Of course it was more complicated than in old times, with us all having to register for a particular time slot and to try to arrive 'swim ready' as described on the website. My mum and dad are in their early 70s now, double-jabbed like me and so hopefully safe, but they still considered it odd to have to arrive at the pool with swimwear under their everyday clothes.      

Hope you all had a lovely time. And I hope you all peed in the pool! 

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35 minutes ago, JDG said:

I must admit I have never peed in a pool before. I am not really peeshy and I pee when swimming in the sea or a lake all the time, but in a pool I somehow block.. Maybe it's because my mother's profession is swimming teacher and I never wanted to pollute "her" pool, but somehow I have never peed in any other pool to be honest, even though I'd have liked to. But my girlfriend (who isn't into pee at all) pees where ever she feels like.

If you don’t mind me asking, did your mom teach you not to pee in the pool? And what other places have you caught your gf peeing?

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On 9/12/2020 at 10:48 AM, boochoy said:

thanks for this. Here is the evidence. Actually she made the same confession in another interview. will try to find that too. Wish i could get in the pool straight after her! Olympics here i come:)

Oh yes, I remember Duncan Goodhew making the same confession.  @boochoy - Just like you've said about Rebecca I wish I could get in the pool straight after him!

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On 11/8/2020 at 11:40 PM, Eliminature said:

Mr Eliminature and I used to go swimming every week. Unfortunately, the local baths are closed now because of this wretched pandemic. But I peed in the pool every chance I got. I was a lurker here at the time and I used to think of you, @Maggie_555 every time I let my bladder loose in the water. 

Like you, I was encouraged to relieve myself in the water, but I only recall it happening once. I was at the shallow end with my grandmother, wearing my armbands and said "I need a wee!" My grandma said "Just do it in the water. I always do." And I did. 

I'm still weeing in swimming pools now. Mr Eliminature isn't too impressed by it, though. I am trying to encourage him! Once after swimming, we were in a shower cubicle together and I aimed a long stream against the wall of the shower. You should have seen the look on his face! 

Yeah that must have come as a shock to him! 🙂 Best of luck with your ongoing encouragement of your hubby to use the pool water as a toilet. I've been lucky as mine is co-operative, even though he's still puzzled as to why it turns me on so much.  By the way it's lovely to hear that I influenced you to some extent while you were a lurker here.  

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