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Most daring/naughty places you have pissed

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I thoroughly enjoy peeing anywhere I can, naughtier the better!:)

I’ve been at work: office floor, in cups, in the sink (both kitchen and bathroom!), bathroom floor, outside on floor and on the building. At home: carpets / floors, towels, cups, sinks, shower, bath, garden, patio... and myself :wink:

I've kind of done many of those things too. At home, I've peed on the carpets, on the living room coffee table, in the bath, in the bathroom and kitchen sinks, on the bathroom and kitchen floors, on the toilet with the lid closed, against the bedroom and hallway walls, on an old armchair and on the bed.

When I was a kid and too young to understand that this was wrong, I used to let my sister piss on my bedroom carpet, lol.

Never pissed at work though nor any other indoor naughty location not owned or rented by me. But have peed publicly with girls around after serious drinking.

When it comes to pissing at home though, the hard to clean up stuff - eg carpets - I only do very rarely, and usually only if a girl wants to see a pic of me doing it.

Of course, I'd be far more interested in seeing girls piss all over the place than in doing it myself. :biggrin:

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Of course, I'd be far more interested in seeing girls piss all over the place than in doing it myself. :biggrin:

Lol! Same :-) Would love to see girls pee all over the place, but unfortunately I don't have that luxury :frown: so I've had to cope with just enjoying myself!lol!

Yeah, clean up can be a nightmare so I tend to keep to bath / shower or easy to clean places, unless requested.

Interesting about your sister peeing in your room! lol! a little wrong maybe (as you say), but interesting none the less :-) how did this generally go down??

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Interesting about your sister peeing in your room! lol! a little wrong maybe (as you say), but interesting none the less :) how did this generally go down??

I described this in detail in another thread but will copy and paste the relevant information here.....

I was in my bedroom one day next door to my sister's bedroom from where I could clearly hear my mother chastising her for having peed on the carpet. I was highly "interested" in the idea of my sister doing this, in ways that I was too young to understand but later realised were sexual. I made a point of talking to her about it, asking her why she did it. She claimed that a friend at school did it and told her about it which is where she got the idea. I was intrigued and tried to encourage her to do it again, but she was afraid of being told off. So at first I made compromise suggestions, and got to watch her peeing in the shower. Then I persuaded her to piss all over the bathroom floor by promising to clean it up myself afterwards. She wanted to watch me pee there as well, so I did - with some difficulty because my dick was hard. She asked me why that was but I didn't know, so told her it was just something that happens sometimes.

We were both too young in those more innocent, pre-internet days to know anything about sex and thus knew nothing of sexual taboo. We knew it was considered "wrong" to pee where we shouldn't, but had no feelings of guilt or shame that went any deeper than that.

And I remained fixated on the idea of her pissing on the carpet. I really wanted to watch her do that. So - acknowledging the fact that she was never going to pee on her own bedroom carpet again, I took the plunge - and invited her to pee on mine! A number of times after that I got to watch her squatting and peeing on my bedroom carpet, on the understanding that if it were discovered, I'd take the blame myself. But I tended to direct her to discrete corners, or move beds and furniture for her to pee there before covering it again. Amazingly, it actually worked! It was never discovered!

Eventually, of course, I hit puberty and learned all about sex, and the fact that my interest in pissing was a sexual one. And the realisation dawned upon me that what had once seemed like an innocent form of naughtiness - no worse than stealing biscuits from the biscuit jar - was something that most would have considered far worse. I realised that my interest was sexual and that most seemed to regard it as highly perverted and disgusting - and there was no internet back then to reach out to like-minded enthusiasts. But still worse, I became aware of what incest was and felt deep shame and embarassment about the pleasure I used to get from watching my sister pee. And I felt intense guilt. I stopped encouraging her to do this shit anymore and wouldn't let her do it in my presence. Yet occasionally - and pubescent boys are mobile wanking machines - I found myself at night pleasuring myself as I replayed in my head the memory of her peeing here or there. And I'd feel intense shame and guilt immediately afterwards because I had absorbed all the sexual taboos that this was so totally wrong.

Of course, before too long I began to fantasise about other girls peeing all over the place instead, and moved on from the memory of my sister doing it. Yet for a long time I had enormous difficulty in overcoming the guilt and shame that I felt.

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I described this in detail in another thread but will copy and paste the relevant information here.....

Thanks Steve, I am a bit new here so havent found my way through all the threads yet.

Good story, and very understandable... I doubt many here would have acted any different in the same circumstance :-)

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Thanks Steve, I am a bit new here so havent found my way through all the threads yet.

Oh, that's OK. I understand that and never intended to imply any criticism in any way.

Good story, and very understandable... I doubt many here would have acted any different in the same circumstance :)


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Some awesome posts on this thread. I don't like to leave a mess where people might have to clean up afterwards, so I don't really pee anywhere indoors, although I did pee on the floor in a swingers club once when I was feeling particularly horny.

Off the top of my head, places I have peed are:

Side of the road next to my car loads of times

Down side streets at night after a couple of drinks too many times to remember (also no 2 a few times)

Various parks behind bushes (and no 2 again a few times)

An office I used to work at got closed down so I peed all over the carpet when the office was empty, I figured it would have dried by the time anyone else came in

Back garden a few times

Pub beer garden, wearing shorts so slipped cock out of one leg and let go

In the sea

On the beach a few times

I have a lady friend I see every few weeks who I introduced to peeing so I have peed on her tits, ass, pussy, and in her ass, pussy and mouth :biggrin:

With same lady friend I have leaked a little out into my jeans in a busy pub

With same lady friend in various hotel rooms but we use protective covers so there isn't any mess left behind

I am sure there are a few more so will update as and when I remember.

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Inspired by all the naughty peeing and indoor peeing stories I took the opportunity to have one today.

A slightly complicated story but I own a house which is rented out, and the tenants have just moved out so I was going round looking at the state of the place and went into the garage which was carpeted. I was needing to pee so thought, well no one can see and the garage won't be used for a little while so I got my cock out and pissed all over the carpet. There was more pee than I was expecting so it made a fairly large puddle.

I am not sure if it was a bit of a rush of adrenaline but I then had the urge to poo as well but resisted that as it would have taken some sorting out!

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  • 2 months later...
If I was alone in the bathroom, I loved standing at the edge of one shower stall, facing the one across from it, and seeing how far I could aim my pee.
So, how far can you?

Enquiring minds want to know.:biggrin:

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A well known High Street Fashion chain store...it was in the changing room, and I was a bit miffed with the attitude of the young sales girl. I was trying on a pair of skinny jeans at the time, and asked her to get another size, she took her time, and clearly whispered something to her colleague...so I left her a little pool to mop up for her insolence before telling her to forget it..and walked out feeling very naughty and rather proud of my gift to her!

Wow Sally, please can I come shopping with you....LOL

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As much as I enjoy seeing girls pee in daring/naughty places, I don't often myself. If I do have to pee outside it's normally not too obvious, although if drunk that's not always the case. Probably in the street (or I actually remember being on a bridge - but at night) is about as daring as it gets.

Interesting to hear of female members peeing in some daring locations though.

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As much as I enjoy seeing girls pee in daring/naughty places, I don't often myself. If I do have to pee outside it's normally not too obvious, although if drunk that's not always the case. Probably in the street (or I actually remember being on a bridge - but at night) is about as daring as it gets.

Interesting to hear of female members peeing in some daring locations though.

I remember once many years ago being totally drunk after a party, pissing right across a pathway with no one around, or so I thought in my drunken haze!!

Suddenly around the bend appeared two friends of mine from the party, A married couple, who had stop suddenly to avoid walking right into my stream! Of course they laughed about it, and ribbed me for years. Perhaps if I hadn't been quite so drunk I might have heard them coming, or at least realized the possibility of someone else around.

The joys of youth!!

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  • 7 months later...

I think the most adventurous i ever got was right before going to a friend's house. They were in an area where a lot of new houses were being constructed, so their house was right next to a construction area of a new house. Middle of the night. My friends were there. But I just got out of my car, hand my SO hold onto my belongings and popped a squat right next to my car in the construction area in the snow. Then I went on into my friend's house like I hadn't done a thing.

Indoors, I peed my carpet quite a few times when I was younger and still lived at home. (Was there until mid twenties for college.) And at my own home, I've devised a new game of 'piss there and then clean the room' so I don't get huffy about cleaning the house. Fun game. But it makes me want to urinate all over everything now. I sit down and just get the urge to stand up, lower my pants, and take a huge sloppy piss all over my chair or whatever. Peed the kitchen and bathroom floors today already and then mopped them. Still need to pee the bedrooms, office, and living room so I can clean them, too.

Oh, I peed on the spare bed once, too. Just a little bit. I was too afraid of making my guests sleep in piss-smell-land.

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  • 5 months later...

When I was younger and still experimenting I used to purposefully pee in my sleeping bag. I also peed in my trashcan, through my pjs, through my boxers, and one time all over the floor of a taco bell bathroom.

I got in trouble with my folks for peeing in the shower [with no running water] and was embarrassed so I quit doing such things while i live at home....

Well... mostly. I still pee in the sink from time to time, and have also done that at work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

As a reporter, I once covered a day-long sporting event at a women's college. I stuck around to enjoy the evening party, perhaps thinking I'd get more interviews with the athletes. College being what it is, the alcohol flowed freely, so over the course of a few hours I enjoyed several beers.

I'm sure a couple came out while I was there, although in the proper facilities. :frown: But, as I was leaving and made my way to the car, I could feel two or three more calling. Fortunately, there was a somewhat wooded path between the campus and I took, er, full :wink: advantage of it, watering at least a couple trees. To this day, I can't be sure why, the next time I was on campus, a couple dozen of the students recognized me. :redface:

I suppose it wasn't so naughty, but the most public place was from a 16-foot boat - in view of at least a couple hundred boaters.

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The naughtiest places I've peed is in an ex-girlfriend's mouth while she was on her knees. I filled her mouth with a hard stream then shook on her and put my stick away. I pissed on another ex-girlfriend while she sat on the floor against the edge of her bed on one of those blue tarps we used for piss activities. It was in the morning. I drank like two beers the night prior, and held it all night. I woke up before her. It was torture holding it. When I stood up I'd leak so I sat and waited. I remember my toes digging into the floor while I pissed on her. I was able to squirt more piss 4-5 times after I thought I was done.

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6. Phone booth at a rest stop. Small area and when I was done there was standing piss maybe 1/8th an inch or so. I also left something else there.
Hope it wasn't your wallet with your ID. :redface:
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