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What Happens After You Die?


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Or perhaps, what I'm really asking, is what do you believe happens after you die?

Whilst I'd love to think that there was a heaven or some kind of afterlife, or that we get reincarnated, I quite strongly believe that death is the end. I hope I'm wrong.


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Well, being a Christian, I believe there is an afterlife. I'm not fully sure it's "heaven" per se, but there is a place after we die where we go and all our loved ones who have passed away are waiting there for us and we are strong and healthy once more. Same goes for animals... There's a special part of the afterlife just for our beloved pets, called the Rainbow Bridge, and all our pets are waiting there for us.

I personally take great comfort in my belief in the afterlife, because thinking this life is it and when we die, our minds and souls die with our bodies and are buried in the ground or burned to ashes doesn't seem a pleasant thought.

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I am not a Christian nor a follower of any other organised religion. But I do have my own beliefs in this area which kind of resemble a cross between Bhuddism and Spiritualism.

In short, I believe that there is a kind of spiritual life force interacting with our familiar dimensions of existence but simultaneously occupying many more . This life force permeates the entire universe and is particularly concentrated in materal things - the stars, the planets, and in us. I believe that life - all life and not just humanity - has a special purpose. It is where the spiritual life force uses biological evolution to evolve individual spiritual entities - souls in other words. I believe that everything alive has a soul - even plants - and that these are successively reincarnated and evolve in time just like biological life by being connected to and moulded by it. Our souls started out as very primitive entities many hundreds of millions of years ago and have reached their current stage of spiritual development with us.

So yes I believe in reincarnation. I also believe in karma - that successive incarnations help us to experience different things from different perspectives and grow spiritually in consequence, and that if we do bad, we will be on the recieving end of similar before too long - in a future life if not this one.

But I also believe in a spiritual afterlife, where our souls go for a time before reincarnation, during which time we experience a spiritual cleansing, feeling in intense form all the pleasure and all the pain we have brought to others - our own personal karmic heaven or hell, in other words. I believe that those still in the afterlife are contactable by spirit mediums and suchlike, though there are of course a lot of charlatans in this field too.

So in short, I believe that when we die we enter a spiritual afterlife for a time, the exact duration of which varies, before being reincarnated.

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  • 2 months later...

I believe it is just the end. The entity that is "me" is a set of electrical impulses and chemical traces in my brain. When the brain dies and rots, I will be gone. Nothing will remain.

On the other hand, against all odds, if I do wake up in Hell, I hope they will allow me a chance to meet Carl Sagan, Robert Heinlein and John Lennon.

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  • 4 months later...

There is a book out a little while ago, Proof of Heaven by (Neurosurgeon) Eben Alexander M.D. ....... I have not read it (??yet??) but apparently claims to be able to prove that there is an afterlife

Some people can speak ancient languages under deep hypnosis, this would tend to indicate the possibility of some sort of spiritual reincarnation

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  • 1 month later...

I certainly hope there is no life after death

Now this may sound sad but to be honest I would not be bothered in the slightest if I was to die tomorrow, I do not fear death.

To me if you believe in life after death, and reincarnation, surely logically you should believe in life before birth, and I can't remember it, so to me you die and that's it.

As for seeing everyone again when you die as the saying goes you can pick your friends etc but there is a vast majority of people I have no desire ever to meet again.

I do however believe in fate

Many disappointments in life, when reconsidered in hindsight, were for the best and my life path would have been so much different if they hadn't happened.

A marriage break up, and taking a dead end job for example lead to another which completely changed my life and to wealth I could never have achieved if I these event had not happened.

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  • 1 month later...

I must admit it is very difficult to believe in any sort of afterlife, I once had a very interesting theological debate with a Vicar friend of mine, regarding the fact that what applies to us, should also apply to everything else, (my point) we are after all only animals with a highly developed intelligence, made possible by having a thumb!

In the end he had to reluctantly agree that it was difficult to imagine the great hereafter cluttered up with all manner of Flies, spiders, etc. Everything that has ever lived in fact!

However it is much nicer to think that it not completely the end, and I believe that religion in general has evolved to satisfy the human need to believe there is something else when we go. So I prefer to hold out some kind of hope, however unlikely.

All these arguments aside, I am absolutely astounded by the amount of seemingly indisputable accounts of reincarnation that have been documented, like this couple of examples:

The guy who came over (for the first time) from Australia, managed to find a place way out in the middle of nowhere, found an old stone pig shed, which he claimed was his home in a previous life. He then described, accurately, what markings would be found on the stone floor of the shed, after a couple of hundred years of shit had been scraped of it. How can that be explained if there is no reincarnation?

or, the guy who went to a hospital he remembered studying in, in a past life, only to find the landscape outside was similar, in some degree, to what he remembered, but inside the building it was completely different. Staircases, corridors, rooms all completely different. He described what he thought to find in perfect detail. Then it was discovered that the building had in fact been completely gutted and redesigned back a couple of hundred years ago, and the archives held records of what the building had been like pre-renovation. Exactly as he described it!

I often bore friends with my thoughts on 'the great mystery of life and existence' and the question of time and space without end is my favourite hobby horse.

Completely impossible, I maintain, to have something that goes on for ever! It must come to an end, then what, more of the same? All this must be somewhere, then that place itself, must be somewhere, It is completely impossible for the human mind to grasp the concept, of space time continuum, world with out end, as a fact rather than a theory.

So while the possibility exists of something within nothing. then anything is possible, including an afterlife!

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  • 1 month later...

I use to think that when you die that was it I was raised as a christian but even from an early age thought it was a bit one dementional so to speak . The whole good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell then I learned of other religions particulary older belief systems like Celtic and old norse it was quite different . So the only thing I really believed then was science . At around the age of about 15 or so I started to get an understanding of partical / quantum physics/mathematics I am still into it a bit to this day but it comes down to chance so that even in a obscure quantum way that there may be something more ? . I had my revelation when I got an understanding of theoretical extradementional mathematics and all that sort of weird geek stuff that they are playing around with at CERN . Now I believe that we might all come from some unknown other place out side of 3 demential space and when we die we go back like taking a drop of water out of the ocean and then putting it back in the drop of water is technically still there but is now mixed up with all the other water . I hope my take on this makes sence I tried to explain it with out going into a whole lot of weird geek stuff .

There is an almost endless amount of geek stuff at CERN,s document server I go there every few months and download a few months of reading and head scratching . So my belief now is there might be more but there is equal chance that there is not.The more I understand of that sort of stuff it just adds more questions than answers so I think when the time comes and I drop dead then I will know so I do not really worry about it . Every one who has lived will one day die it has all ways been that way nothing last forever in the known and theoretical universe . But in other dementioins /universes who knows ? that is what I reckon anyway .

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  • 5 months later...

Well I think that when you're dead you're dead. So I won't know I'm dead because I won't be around to know. However those who believe in an afterlife have an advantage over me: if they are wrong they will never know but if I am wrong then I'll find out. So I might get a nice or nasty surprise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no idea, but I tend to think .. nothing. The religions of the world paint radically different pictures of the afterlife. Since they can't all be right I'm left assuming they're all wrong.

If one of them IS right, well, I've got a big surprise coming. I'm not fussed either way and I'm not in any hurry to find out.

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  • 3 years later...
On ‎4‎/‎22‎/‎2014 at 2:20 PM, Admin said:

Or perhaps, what I'm really asking, is what do you believe happens after you die?

Whilst I'd love to think that there was a heaven or some kind of afterlife, or that we get reincarnated, I quite strongly believe that death is the end. I hope I'm wrong.


I had been an atheist (although I have had occult experiences since teenage, just thought to be ill to the point of planning suicide, my abusive family did not help) until I met Alex

After that I had entered an underground world where science goes far Beyond what is told to normal people

I came to believe (know…) a quantistic double of us exists in the wrinkles of the quantum, a living-travel-diary of our existence, totally unaffected by what happens to our body, and this double will simply dress with another meat puppet after one gets too old and damaged


and this also explained why sometimes I happen to sense them… after you reach a place you never visited and dream of a soldier asking you to find his body and you reach a grass field and have a seizure and weeks later tv says three skeletons had been found exactly there while excavating to make a Holiday resort… you begin to hope maybe you wasn't that insane...

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On 4/22/2014 at 8:20 AM, Admin said:

Or perhaps, what I'm really asking, is what do you believe happens after you die?

Whilst I'd love to think that there was a heaven or some kind of afterlife, or that we get reincarnated, I quite strongly believe that death is the end. I hope I'm wrong.


I couldn't agree more.  There is no scientific evidence of consciousness after death and until such time that there is, I will continue to believe that death is the end.

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9 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

There is no scientific evidence

It's Amazing that a man like you that has the guts to believe Conspiracy theories are real (it's not an accusation, quite the opposite indeed, I do myself!!!) miss to understand that some discoveries are just kept away from people...


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