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New Trains with No Toilets

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16 hours ago, peeingfurry said:

Always wanted to piss on the train here (not UK tho), but sadly they got very visible 360° cams on the ceiling so not risking that

Well, I don't know where you are, but I know a bit about the CCTV typically used on trains.   Usually trains have multiple coaches with at least a couple of cameras in each, so you could well have a 32 channel (or more) recorder for the whole train.    These recorders are located in a private compartment of the train - maybe the guards compartment or even a dedicated cupboard.   They are not linked to any central services and they only record onto the device itself.   There is nobody sitting watching the cameras - they would need a bank of screens and a decent size room to do that, not to mention a member of staff sitting there doing that.  There is either one screen for the management of the system, or there are no screens.  The footage is recorded on removeable media - e.g. a swappable hard drive.   If a serious incident occurs on the train then the CCTV footage media is taken off the train and sent to a facility where they can look through the footage to find what they need.  A guard I know once told me that they only do this if the incident is serious as the time and effort involved is significant.

So, if you peed in your seat on a train, or peed on the floor, then yes, you may be captured on the camera, but the chances are, nobody is watching you at the time, so nobody is about to come and instantly challenge you about it.   If you decided to wet yourself in the seat, it would be very discrete anyway and even if you decided to pee on the floor, you can always cover your lap with a jacket or similar.    By the time the cleaners detect a wet seat or carpet, even supposing that they do, the train is back at the depot, they don't know when in its daily use the wetting occurred and they won't bother to check the footage because it would be too much effort to send it off and trawl through it to find who has sat in that seat that day.   There may be multiple people that have sat there and for each of those people, they won't know the identity.  The best they can do is find the station that you got on and off at.   Yes, if they really wanted to pursue it then they could possibly assume that the last person sitting there was the one who wet the seat (as others might not choose to sit in a wet seat), but even that is not guaranteed.  They could potentially then look up the CCTV at the destination station and try and track you to a car or something, but you are one person in a crowd of hundreds and they really are not going to bother with all of that for a wet seat or floor.

If it is a hard floor, then you have the other issue which is that your pee will spread all round the carriage as the train moves and people will notice - also, if the guard walks through the train, they will see the wetness.   However, if you pee on carpet or the absorbent seats, then there is nothing to draw attention.    

So, as long as you are fairly discrete, the chances are that you would totally get away with it.  I have wet myself on the seat once and I've peed on the carpet in front of me a couple of times and have not been challenged.

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Totally agree @Alfresco - as long as you don't give a fellow passenger or the guard enough cause to be offended you will be fine.

(And if someone did report you to the guard for more of a public exposure offence than a wetting,  you'd perhaps be more likely to have Transport Police meeting you at your destination- but that would be more if you'd nonchalantly exposed yourself to piss in front of people causing gross offence and not for an unavoidable wetting accident).

Very much the same situation exists on public buses too - I was talking to someone around a local company that provides bus CCTV equipment and download / analysis services.  The one or two camera domes you see on the bus are pretty much for deterrent, but with 32 channels of hidden cameras behind vents, covering the inside and out of the bus.  Again though they would need a good reason to want to recover footage from the hard drives - like a traffic collision or somebody being assaulted on the bus. Not somebody wetting a seat or discretely relieving themselves onto the bus floor.


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OK, I've just found something that says that CCTV systems now allow for the data to be wirelessly accessed without the need to remove the media, but other than that, the system still requires multiple steps and can only download data when it has a suitable connection.   It still very much shows that a request has to be put in to access the data, then the system will request the data, which will then be downloaded when connection allows and then it can be viewed.  This info points to the fact that you can't actually view the footage on the train - so still a huge amount of effort and only likely to be used for serious situations.



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In my opinion, I'd be less concerned about people peeing on the train if there is no lavatory and more worried that people might soil the train. Seeing others peeing and adding to it myself might be arousing and relieving, but the thought of coming across other people's solid matter really puts me off!! 

Sorry about that. I know scat is not allowed on this site, I'm not into it either. Though I have nothing against people who are. 

If people can stick solely to expelling liquid on a train with no loo, that would be great. 

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17 hours ago, harry_jones_1975 said:

I have on a previous occasion after many months of checking out where the cctv cameras on the different services commuted naked for the journey,  taken photos of my cock and pissed over myself. Sounds like I might not need to be so uber cautious. 

I take it that must have been a very quiet commuter train!   Either that or you are very bold.

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