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Cross legged wee wee?


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Girls,have you ever tried having a wee with your legs crossed?Or in other words,can girls do it like this?Give it a try let us know.

Maybe sit on the loo,cross your legs,let go..Maybe you cross your legs to prevent urination in the first place,it helps prevent leakage?This is why i ask.πŸ˜‰

Edited by fannywatcher
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  • 7 months later...

gldenwetgoose, Thanks for the incredibly sexy picture, and thanks to Riley, Audry81, Jayne78, and spywareonya, for your intriguing and erotic comments. I have never seen a woman do it standing, as shown in this beautiful picture, but I have seen two women do it on the loo, but not exactly sitting.

Both of them suspended themselves with their arms, and hung their butts slightly below the level of the seat, so their urethras were pointed downward, and toward the front of the toilet bowl. Their thighs didn't get very wet, at all, just a few dribbles in the natural hollow, or thigh gap, that many women have, at the tops of their inner thighs.

I would think that it would be easier for women whose urethras are naturally set low in the vulva, and oriented downward or backward, to pee with their legs crossed, while sitting on the loo, without getting their thighs wet. This probably applies to Riley and Jayne78. Those women whose urethras are set high in their vulvas, and oriented forward or upward, like Audrey81, and possibly spywareonya, will probably get their thighs wet, if they do it with their legs crossed.

This subject has always fascinated me, and I thank spywareonya for what is probably a correct explanation. Would love to read more posts from women, on this subject.


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21 minutes ago, Dr.P said:

gldenwetgoose, Thanks for the incredibly sexy picture,

No problem - It is rather isn't it. Β Apart from the more unusual stance (I hate that 99% of lady peeing pics all seem to be the same squat), I also love the fact that she's not a stick insect.

I've got nothing against skinny ladies.... Β But I do love curves.

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gldenwetgoose, I agree that many lady pee pics lack variety of stance. I like curves, too, and I especially love women with very sexy legs, which this model shows, and the black stockings just put her over the top, for me.


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In the light of the recent observations from Jayne78 and spywareonya, it is interesting to me that ladies on TV will often cross and re-cross their legs, while standing, when they feel the need to urinate, and are becoming desperate to hold it. They may also do it, while sitting, but it is more difficult to determine whether their actions are related to the same need, in those cases. So apparently, the belief that crossing their legs will help them to hold it, is widely held, among women, even professionals, like news anchors. Would like to see more observations and comments, from women, on this subject.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/15/2019 at 4:54 PM, Jayne78 said:

You certainly can pee withΒ your legs crossed unfortunately.

I have tried on several occasions to hang on (and failing) using that technique.

I sort of want to give you a reassuring and sympathetic hug @Jayne78Β - knowing that having an accident isn’t a source of pleasure for you... Β 

Hence why I feel sort of guilty about the mental video stream running through my mind. Guess all I can say is thanks for putting up with us weirdos - we love your posts.Β Β 

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On β€Ž5β€Ž/β€Ž16β€Ž/β€Ž2019 at 12:27 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

No problem - It is rather isn't it. Β Apart from the more unusual stance (I hate that 99% of lady peeing pics all seem to be the same squat), I also love the fact that she's not a stick insect.

I've got nothing against skinny ladies.... Β But I do love curves.

A bit blunt but obscenely agreeble

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Riley said:

"Crossing my legs definitely does help me hold it. Being honest anything that can help my put pressure against my urethral opening helps. I'm not sure how much of it is phycological after that however. Crossing my legs definitely does help me hold longer and I'll often do that when I really have to pee.

I hope this helped!"

Thanks, Riley. You are right, of course. I have a very short little story which supports what you say:

Long ago, I took an airplane trip with "Michelle," a long-time girlfriend of mine. We had been together for several years, at the time, and had been sharing the bathroom for a couple of those years. So we knew each other well, and there was no pee shyness, etc., going on between us. This was Michelle's first airplane trip, ever, and for some reason, she was terrified of using the bathrooms on the plane. So she forced herself to hold her pee for about 3 and 1/2 hours, which made her very desperate, in the last hour of the flight.

We were sitting, side by side, and she was wearing dark pants over pantyhose. After fidgeting and squirming for a while, with her hands between her thighs, but without crossing her legs, she finally took my hand, placed it firmly between her thighs, squeezed them together as hard as she could, and told me to press it into her groin as hard as I could, and keep it there, to keep her from wetting her pants. I was more than glad to help her, and I kept my hand there until we landed. Once we were on the ground, she made a mad dash for the Ladies' room in the terminal, and made it, without wetting herself. So the added pressure of my hand on her vulva put pressure on her urethral opening, helping her to hold her pee, as you say. The fact that it was my hand pressing on her, probably helped her psychologically, too, since she knew she had help, and was not alone, desperately fighting this, on her own.

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Women's Peeing Styles

The discussion of cross legged peeing is a subtopic of the general topic of women's peeing styles, a lifelong interest of mine. So here are some very intimate questions for you ladies:

When you are using an ordinary toilet, or loo, either at home, in private, or in a public facility, (Answers will probably be different for public and private facilities.)

Do you prefer to:

1) Sit with your thighs pressed Tightly Together;

2) Sit with your thighs Slightly Apart, or Open, with an inch or two of space between them, all the way to your vulva, so your stream can be seen;

3) Sit with your Knees Apart, but with your Upper, Inner Thighs Together and Touching, so your stream cannot be seen from the front; (Naturally Discreet)

4) Sit with your legs Spread as Wide Apart or Open as possible, given your clothing, and the situation;

5) Or do you like to Squat or Hover, with your legs wide open, or closer together?

6) Or do you actually like to Stand Up Straight, either facing outward, or facing the toilet (like a guy)?

7) Does your pee come out, or sound different, (hiss, gush, or other), when you pee in different positions?

😎 Do your Legs, your Clothing, or the Toilet or Seat usually get Wet, when you pee in any of these styles or positions?

9) Why do you like your preferred peeing style?


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1 hour ago, Dr.P said:

Women's Peeing Styles

The discussion of cross legged peeing is a subtopic of the general topic of women's peeing styles, a lifelong interest of mine. So here are some very intimate questions for you ladies:

When you are using an ordinary toilet, or loo, either at home, in private, or in a public facility, (Answers will probably be different for public and private facilities.)

Do you prefer to:

1) Sit with your thighs pressed Tightly Together;

2) Sit with your thighs Slightly Apart, or Open, with an inch or two of space between them, all the way to your vulva, so your stream can be seen;

3) Sit with your Knees Apart, but with your Upper, Inner Thighs Together and Touching, so your stream cannot be seen from the front; (Naturally Discreet)

4) Sit with your legs Spread as Wide Apart or Open as possible, given your clothing, and the situation;

5) Or do you like to Squat or Hover, with your legs wide open, or closer together?

6) Or do you actually like to Stand Up Straight, either facing outward, or facing the toilet (like a guy)?

7) Does your pee come out, or sound different, (hiss, gush, or other), when you pee in different positions?

😎 Do your Legs, your Clothing, or the Toilet or Seat usually get Wet, when you pee in any of these styles or positions?

9) Why do you like your preferred peeing style?


4) for me though if public toilet it would be 5)

And yes I often wet the seat, I think my.bush gets in the way sometimes

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Jayne78 wrote:

" 4) for me though if public toilet it would be 5)

And yes I often wet the seat, I think my bush gets in the way sometimes"

Jayne78, Thanks very much for your detailed and frank reply. Your bush getting in the way, causing the seat to get wet, is one of many things which make women's peeing so fascinating to guys like me.

gldnwetgoose, Thanks again for the beautiful, imaginative, and very hot picture of the lovely nude lady peeing with her legs crossed, in the shower. I would love to lick her thighs "dry" for her!


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My wife fits category 3 most of the time at home - although moves to category 4 on request.Β Β  I can't really comment on what she does in public toilets as I don't generally get to see that, but from what she has said, I believe mostly it is the same unless the toilet is in a state in which case she goes for 5 with legs slightly apart in a hover.

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Alfresco said (5/31/19; 5:26 a.m.):

"My wife fits category 3 most of the time at home - although moves to category 4 on request.Β Β  I can't really comment on what she does in public toilets as I don't generally get to see that, but from what she has said, I believe mostly it is the same unless the toilet is in a state in which case she goes for 5 with legs slightly apart in a hover."

Alfresco, Thanks for the reply, describing your wife's style. With the very welcome exception of Jayne78, I see that the ladies are reticent about answering this question, and I understand that. It is quite intimate, after all. So you have inspired me to Full Disclosure, regarding my own wife, and several girlfriends, over some decades.

My wife fits category 2 or 3, most of the time, at home. She says she sometimes fits category 5, in poorly maintained public facilities. She hisses or pees silently, most of the time. When we first met, I was very impressed by her loud hissing pisses which I could hear through bathroom doors.

Now, to my girlfriends, over the years: (All names are fictional.)

"Ellie:" A very loud and powerful hisser, and sometime gusher, in her late forties, at the time we dated. In the one time I was able to watch her, she fit category 2, perfectly.

"LM:" We were very close friends for three years, and became lovers over the last summer, before she moved out of the area. Category 1, the only time I was able to watch her. Could not hear whether she hissed, since I was watching her from the shower.

"Jeanie:" After the very first time we slept together, at a friend's house, she said, "I have to pee." "Can I come with you?" I asked. "Sure. Do you want me to sit or stand?" "Stand??" I stammered. "Yes! I didn't know women could do that!" It turned out that she was always category 6, in public facilities, having been trained, "from little on," as she told me. At home, she was category 4, sitting with her legs spread very wide apart.

"Lisa" was naturally a gusher, and sometimes hissed, sitting with her legs spread wide apart, because it felt good to her, she said. So she was a category 4, at home, or in private. She squatted, in public facilities, grasping the front of the seat for balance, a category 5.

"Michelle:" It took me about a year of persuasion to get into the bathroom with her, and she still peed with her thighs pressed tightly together, so I couldn't see anything. So she started out as a category 1, to the best of my knowledge. She was and is a category 5, in public, where she squats low over the seat, with her thighs only an inch or two apart. We were apart for 3 years, when she ran off and married another guy, but we got back together, when he divorced her. She was a very willing category 2, when we got back together. She told me that she had always been a category 2, but she had resented my "pushing it (watching her pee) too hard," in our previous relationship, so she kept her legs together, when she peed in my presence. She usually pees silently, or hisses softly. Outdoors, "behind a bush," as she says, she adopts a very high squat, which is quite erotic, category 5, bordering on category 6.

Another gf, who shall remain unnamed, prefers to sit, inΒ  category 1, but has done it in category 4, in my presence, at my request, many times.

So that is my full disclosure, ladies and gents. I have heard verbal descriptions of their styles from other women, some friends, some lovers, but have not been able to observe them, so they are not included.


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On 5/30/2019 at 1:23 PM, Dr.P said:

Women's Peeing Styles

The discussion of cross legged peeing is a subtopic of the general topic of women's peeing styles, a lifelong interest of mine. So here are some very intimate questions for you ladies:

When you are using an ordinary toilet, or loo, either at home, in private, or in a public facility, (Answers will probably be different for public and private facilities.)

Do you prefer to:

1) Sit with your thighs pressed Tightly Together;

2) Sit with your thighs Slightly Apart, or Open, with an inch or two of space between them, all the way to your vulva, so your stream can be seen;

3) Sit with your Knees Apart, but with your Upper, Inner Thighs Together and Touching, so your stream cannot be seen from the front; (Naturally Discreet)

4) Sit with your legs Spread as Wide Apart or Open as possible, given your clothing, and the situation;

5) Or do you like to Squat or Hover, with your legs wide open, or closer together?

6) Or do you actually like to Stand Up Straight, either facing outward, or facing the toilet (like a guy)?

7) Does your pee come out, or sound different, (hiss, gush, or other), when you pee in different positions?

😎 Do your Legs, your Clothing, or the Toilet or Seat usually get Wet, when you pee in any of these styles or positions?

9) Why do you like your preferred peeing style?


I would say I naturally pee at a number 2 but I enjoy peeing on all of the positions just to try them.Β 

Sometimes due to me not being careful enough or being in a less normal position I'll accidentally get some on my legs clothing or seat but never if I'm sitting on the toilet normally.

Idk it's just natural. When I sit down to pee I spread my legs a little so my pee flows easier but not super wide because my legs don't naturally fall in that position. In public restrooms I also tend to have my legs closer together just in case someone walks in so I can close them quickly if I need too. Besides that I'm not totally sureπŸ˜‚

I hope this helped!

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Riley, Thank you so much for your very detailed and insightful answer. It is a total delight to read, and very erotic, too! And it does help me understand much more about women's peeing preferences and motivations. I love and admire your spirit of adventure, enjoying peeing on all positions, just to try them. You must be a lot of fun to be with! πŸ™‚

It's interesting to read that your legs, clothing, or the seat only get wet when you are doing something out of the ordinary, not when you are sitting normally, so you must have reliable control of your stream, in most situations.

I love your description of how you spread your legs a little, so your pee flows easier. Very intimate and sexy! Love it! I once had a gf ("Lisa"), who told me that hers flowed easier when she spread her legs wide, which was her normal style, so I see that there are fascinating differences between women. I love them all! Bring them on!

Very interesting to know that you tend to keep your legs closer together in public restrooms, so you can close them quickly, if someone walks in. I have always been curious, and wondered if that sort of modesty influenced women's peeing positions and preferences, even in an all-female environment, like a ladies' restroom. You are saying that it does, for you, anyway. That is very enlightening to me.

Thanks again for a great, intimate, and erotic answer, Riley! Looking forward to reading more from you.

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