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Everything posted by nutinfancy

  1. Welcome to PeeFans!!!! Ifnyour into pee this is the place to be!!
  2. Hey 👋 👋 👋 And Welcome to PeeFans!!!!
  3. Little belated but Welcome to PeeFans!!
  4. Being a straight/Bi gut seeing this makes me go crazy too!! Especially with my mouth and tounge!! Mmm
  5. I got 80% ! I've got to mark a interior wall, toilet with closed lid,dishwasher and in someone's mouth other than my own!! I think I can mark 3 off pretty easy!
  6. I too, love waking up and pissing in the bed and going back to sleep!! My wife isn't a fan of it though, so I don't get to do it very often. Thanks for sharing your hot experience!!!
  7. I finally had to go after holding for over a hour, pissed in my pajama pants completely soaked them. Pulled them off and folded them up and stuck them under my side of the bed!! Can't wait to put them on later tonight or tomorrow morning!
  8. I love reading about your experiences!! They are always so erotic and arousing!!!
  9. Occasionally, if the divider is hung a little low, and the flush sensor is a little high, you can appear to be looking ahead but you can see there reflection in the shiny chrome on the flush valve!!!
  10. Welcome to PeeFans!
  11. It is a bare mattress!! What fun is it if you have protection!!! 😆 🤣 Plus it feels so much better when it's unprotected!
  12. Welcome to PeeFans!! I feel you on the relaxing and stress relief!! Thanks for sharing your journey here!
  13. That first one is a knock out!!!
  14. I'm about the same when desperate in the morning, if I'm drinking and desperate its more often and a fuller stream and the desperation is more intense!
  15. Love your story! Nothing like those intimate moments with your spouse! And love that you gave him the honor of wiping you!
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