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Everything posted by cowboy73

  1. I peed off building at work sometimes cause I can. Pee on the roofs a lot.
  2. I am asking for ideas. Suggestions or any help. I will be in Vegas for st Patrick's Day weekend. Downtown on Fremont Street. What r some ideas to get a girl or 2 to come take a piss in my hotel room just simply on the floor.
  3. When at a party or anytime u go to the bathroom as a group. At a house. Bar. Restaurants etc etc
  4. Yes I do for the reason in ur question. As well as myself if I need it. Do a lot of outdoor stuff. Fishing camping hunting biker rallies.
  5. Never can find anyone somewhat close that is willing. Maybe one day. Would be fun if it ever actually happens
  6. Yes she did as well. Believe her mother had her and her sister do the same as she did with her children
  7. I want to first say this is not my first hand experience but was told this from a very good friend a few years ago. She was a single mother of 5 kids. Not too far apart in ages. 4 girls and 1 boy. One time talking with her she told me that when she takes all the kids school clothes shopping (which she hates). It would never fail that as the kids were trying on the clothes one would need to pee. She said to save time and dragging the kids across the store. She always just told them to pee in the corner in the dressing room she said this happens a lot more then you think it would
  8. Ur fantasy being the bed or the original just anywhere and everywhere
  9. If requested by the host that in the morning you squatted and pissed in the bed with ur first of the morning pee. Would you or would you have any concerns?
  10. Is pissing on the carpet your only interest
  11. I have always been one of it is already messy. I will make it more messy.
  12. Who has used a dressing room for their bathroom. And why? Or had a friend \ kids do it with your encouragement
  13. I have always wonder if I was the only one to go in a corn maze
  14. Last night. Actually a total of 3 times yesterday. For me there r very few days that go by I do not piss outside
  15. When the other 2 joined in. Were they both guys also? How long till the lift was fixed and everyone was able to get off?
  16. I have peed in a cup at a crowded outdoor concert before and have also seen ladies pop a squat to do the same at same type events
  17. U sound amazing I am sure u r no where near me though
  18. That is basically the idea about this dream. There is very little limitations, I have actually had this fantasy for awhile and thought about it I do appreciate all the comments and input. Maybe it will help me have it actually happen. The biggest issue is finding ppl close and \or true to what they say they will do. Guess Indiana is a dry state. Lmao
  19. What do you mean more if you were brought in to do it
  20. Well I have not found anyone as open as you are. But have had discussions where a lady will say she will piss anywhere she is told is ok. But when it comes down to actually doing it they chicken out. But to be totally honest. My dream fantasy is for there to be 3+ ladies doing this. Might be way over the top. But we all have dreams. Don't really expect to find ladies on here close enough. But wanted like minded thoughts
  21. Well I have not found anyone as open as you are. But have had discussions where a lady will say she will piss anywhere she is told is ok. But when it comes down to actually doing it they chicken out.
  22. I own my house too. Guess I am not concerned
  23. Understandable. Some ppl like the revenge twist. Other would just do it to do it. What do you mean if you could in your own house? Why can't you
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