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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. Happy New Year everyone. May all of your best wishes come true in 2016. :happy:
  2. I think the point is that we come to this forum to enjoy each other's fantasies, not to be the moral police force of the world. If you don't like someone else's activities, then politely turn away and don't read their posts. I rather like the "live and let live" attitude of this forum.
  3. I saw some posts from the producer of these videos in a forum a few years back. He said that the videos were VERY expensive to make. Given that they aren't using studios or sets or lighting, that suggests to me that the models are indeed being very well paid. He also said that he was thinking about not making any more, because too many people were posting the videos in forums, and it was becoming difficult to make any money from them.
  4. I've been fortunate over the years to give oral pleasure to some very lovely ladies, but now I'm older the opportunities are very rare.
  5. A thousand thanks for your work in establishing this great site. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Best of luck, health, happiness and prosperity in your future endeavors. I look forward to hearing from you again when you return.
  6. This guy is licking his lady just the way I like to. Soft and gentle, kiss and lick, kiss and suck, paying attention to what she wants and concentrating on giving her pleasure. Video - Missy Stone receives some oral worship. A lot of cunnilingus in porn seems to be just staged for the camera, without trying to make the woman feel good. This one is much nicer. I could really believe Missy was enjoying herself. Ladies - do you agree? Is he doing it right? (While he's doing it that is. I know he kept moving his head away so that the camera could see, but towards the end he put
  7. I wouldn't be surprised in the least. I'm pretty confident that none of them would have happened, though it might be interesting to find out what Ezekiel was smoking. No. The bible thumpers and flat earthers would lynch me. Bigotry is definitely strong in today's world. If Jesus really did return to the Earth today, my guess is that modern day Christians would crucify him before two weeks had passed. The Jews and Moslems wouldn't get a look-in.
  8. This may have something to do with browser settings. Do you have Firefox set to erase all cookies when closing the browser? That could (maybe) prevent the automatic logon. I personally haven't noticed this as I don't use email notifications. I prefer to follow threads by using the "Alerts" function in the forum.
  9. Yes, I have had a very lovely lady pee in my mouth more than once. I loved it. I also invited her to pee in my hair, which felt very sexy. It is best if she drinks a couple of pints of water about half an hour before she does it. Otherwise her pee will taste too strong and bitter. Never had it in the eye. I think that might sting a bit.
  10. This example is not sexy at all to me, but I don't think it's the "extreme" aspect. If the roles were reversed, and many women were peeing on a man, I would probably enjoy it a lot. Pee in bottles just seems pointless and not arousing at all to me.
  11. I'd like to be at Cape Kennedy to watch Apollo XI take off for the journey to the moon. Then I'd like to be on the Lunar surface to see Armstrong and Aldrin land. (I'd have to be invisible for that one. It would totally freak them out to find a little old fat guy in a space suit waiting for them.)
  12. You speak for me exactly. I love the sexy intimacy of it, and I love the scent and taste.
  13. The power companies buy any excess power from my solar panels at 5 cents per kWh. Then they sell it to my next door neighbor for 36 cents per kWh. It doesn't even have to travel over their gold plated network. Of course when I buy power from them at night, I have to pay the 36 cents too. I'm looking forward to a time when the price of household batteries becomes affordable.
  14. I don't think any number is too many. I'd be quite happy to be in a relationship that involved swinging, for example. Safe sex is a different issue. You can catch a disease from someone who has had only one other partner, while another person could have a thousand safe sex encounters without catching anything. The living proof of this is the fact that escorts and porn performers have a much lower incidence of STDs than the general population. They take better care of their sexual health and don't take risks, even though they have sex with many different people.
  15. likesToLick


    I think they are beautiful and I absolutely love them. It surprised me when I first heard that some women were embarrassed by them. While I have only known a few women that intimately, almost all of them had inner labia that were visible. They look nice too, and parting the outer labia for the first time to uncover the inner treasures can be a delight, but I think that women with this look are a minority in the population. I don't deny their beauty, but it is not the only standard of perfection to me. Kissing and caressing the long delicious folds of a woman with full labia, and
  16. Seriously folks, doing anything to your partner against their will is NOT ON. I don't know the local law, but in most places, her actions (as described by Ponme) would be considered sexual assault. Her boyfriend had already refused his consent to this activity, and it clearly caused him great distress if he was struggling and biting in panic. Abandoning a person who is tied up is also an extremely bad thing to do. What if there was a fire in the house or apartment? You would be responsible for that person's death. Just no! I'm sorry that your friend was bitten Ponme, but nobody
  17. Absolutely should be 100% legal. This would allow the women to operate in much greater safety and also reduce their health risks too. There's plenty of real crime happening elsewhere. Police officers don't need to be wasting their time harassing women.
  18. I have a 3 port WiFi bridge that I can take anywhere in the house. Only the bridge knows my WiFi credentials - a visiting laptop can just plug into one of the ports with an RJ45 cable. My laptop and phone can use the WiFi, but the router is locked down to allow only the specific MAC addresses of those devices to connect.
  19. I have had a similar experience I think. Originally it was tremendously arousing just to see a woman peeing at all, but now, although I still like all such pictures, the full-on erotic shock effect happens less often. Now it depends more on how much I can sense that she is herself enjoying the act. If she is clearly aroused by something like peeing on a sofa, or showering her man, that makes the whole event much more exciting. Strangely, because it's almost the opposite, if she has a completely casual attitude to it, that is also rather special. I like it very much that the women
  20. Something that has been in the news a lot is a major security exposure with the way it handles WiFi access. There have been several reports in the media that if you allow a friend who has Windows 10 to use your WiFi, their PC will immediately share your WiFi password with all of their Outlook and Facebook contacts, so potentially hundreds of strangers will suddenly have access to your home network. The feature is called something like "WiFi sense." You can't turn it off because it's on your friend's computer, not your own. I can barely comprehend the Olympic Standard Stupidity of w
  21. Glad to hear that everything is working. I have a fairly old printer and flatbed scanner, so I hope I can still get working drivers when I change over. I also use VLC, so it's good to hear that that still works. My current PC is 5 years old (a quad core Yorkfield processor) so I'm thinking of buying a new I7 box with an OEM version of W10. Intel is about to release a new chipset in the near future, so I may hold out for a chance to buy "last year's model" at a discount.
  22. Still on XP here. I suppose I will have to buy W10 eventually because XP is starting to get flaky and you can't buy W7 any more. Perhaps I will finally get around to moving to linux. I hear that if you have 7 and upgrade to 10, some of your media playing features will disappear.
  23. I never actually had to do that, my girlfriends were on the pill :).
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