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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. I really enjoy cover bands, and this local one just amazed me. I never knew they existed until today.
  2. It actually got me wondering if the name "Space Shuttle" is a direct derivation from the flying shuttles on a power loom. I suspect it is, given that we have intermediate examples like "shuttle bus" and also the "shuttlecock" used in the game of Badminton, all being things that go back and forth. P.S. Are you saying that English is not your birth language? I would never have guessed that. If so, you speak it very well indeed. I have tried to learn three other languages, and I am terrible at all of them. I'd certainly be hopeless at trying to understand subtle humour and puns.
  3. For those ladies who want to take a peek at men peeing, Thailand has got you covered. 😉 (Check out the big window at the lower left of the picture.)
  4. Never seen that view, but I did once, about 20 years ago, see a beautiful young woman with her jeans pulled down, squatting and peeing on the grass beside the path. As I rode past she called out "sorry, I really needed to go."
  5. Yes, I wouldn't have much confidence in anything that that customer was building/making. Glad to see 5 people got the joke. The "warp and weft" pun above it was not so successful.
  6. Yeah, we definitely don't want the Hittites getting hold of something like this. 😁
  7. Every place I have ever been, the escorts are in complete control of where they choose to work, who they choose to see and what services they choose to offer, and that's exactly how it should be. Of course, a woman who is capable of showing kindness and affection to a less attractive man is going to be much more successful in her profession.
  8. They forgot "Silent Running." It was also set in 2001, or perhaps 2101 - the script is a bit ambiguous. "First year of a new century." I don't think I'd much want to live in any of them, except perhaps the Star Trek universe, but Milla Jovovich was lovely in The Fifth Element.
  9. Not my caption, but I definitely understand the sentiment.
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