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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. Just watched this scene again. One of the most brilliant pieces of movie making I have ever seen. Brilliantly captures the atmosphere of the audition, and the sheer athletic energy of the dancers. Plus, of course, George Benson's amazing performance of the song.
  2. I personally find this to be a bit of a redeeming feature. It's reassuring to be reminded that "artificial intelligence" does not have any actual intelligence yet. Sadly, I fear that there are many millions of people for whom the difference is not at all obvious.
  3. Lovely small boobs in the "pee and a smile" thread.
  4. Have to admit, I have never tried eating one with chocolate on it. You never know. 😄
  5. Wow, that's really sad. I hadn't been there for a long time. I drifted away because they had a toxic moderator who gave the site a rather hostile atmosphere, and most people I liked over there had migrated to here. I got the impression that the original founder/admin had lost interest too. Still it was a prominent internet landmark, and had a lot of good posts from the past. I'm sorry to see it go.
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