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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I entirely agree. After a long stressful day it really helps to have a play. Really relaxes me.
  2. I'm pleased to hear there is some interest! I'll write up a post about it tonight and hopefully answer a few questions.
  3. I think it would be nice to be able to pee without having to entirely undress, especially with a one piece but it doesn't bother me too much. I've learnt how to squat and pee without exposing myself and if I'm in a skirt or dress I can show even less! Please let me know of you would like me to elaborate. I wouldn't say I feel good about having to expose so much but at the same time it feels more feminine and girly, especially in toilets. That cute little tinkle, the pretty seating position. It's great. I've never tried peeing standing up but I've considered it. It would be nice to be able to p
  4. I think women are more open around other women. I mean we pee in groups, we compare breasts (at least weight) and were more comfortable being nude around each other. If I was a guy I don't think I'd do that.
  5. I think the reason front views are so popular is because of how much you can see. I'm not a huge fan of the rear view (although it can be nice at times) because more often than not you don't really see much at all. The steam goes forward and so does the puddle. So unless the photo/video is taken at a low angle you just see a girls bum as she squats. But when a front view you can see so much more. The stream, the puddle, her underwear if she's wearing any, the look of relief or excitement on her face and of course, between her legs.
  6. I've just sent them an email, hopefully they will be able to help me :) Fingers crossed!
  7. I thought that as well! Then I thought locations "Oh okay, I'll just pick a gym or something) nope! I'm presented with a world map.
  8. So I've been watching a few videos from my collection and this one really stood out. Below is a screenshot from it (I can get more if you desire) Does anyone know who this beautiful blonde is? She's from InTheCrack and made such a great video. Many thanks
  9. One thing I truly enjoy about pee videos is when it's clear the model is enjoying what she's doing and everything is very natural. The whole photoshoot “Start, stop, Smile at me, okay go” thing is very annoying along with the camera flashes. It's just not natural enough. I would create a nice white room, set some cameras running and let the model do things in her own time. She would be the only person there so she wouldn't have to worry about the camera guys getting impatient, she could do whatever she wanted however she wanted. I might set some basic criteria but everything else is entirely u
  10. Doesn't bother me providing i'm not being called a slut personally.
  11. Sorry for causing the thread derailment but I felt I had to say something about that photo. To answer your question I have never posted a video or photo of me peeing but I used to upload audio recordings of me peeing on a different website. The reason I did it was I got a little thrill knowing that so many people were listening to me peeing, but not only that, they were actually enjoying it! It's a big difference between peeing next to somebody who doesn't think anything of it and peeimg next to somebody who likes it. Sorry again.
  12. I get pee shy at times but I don't really understand why. I can pee in front of and around friends without a problem at all. Indoor or outdoor. And I usually don't have any problems going in a public bathroom either. But there are times at public loos where I just cannot relax and pee. Especially if the place is really busy. I.e people queuing for a stall. Which is strange because I couldn't care less about them hearing me or knowing I'm peeing.
  13. My my Miranda, you sure do post that picture around a lot. I'm sorry but from the websites it's on, I struggle to believe it's you.
  14. I voted once a day. Usually I'll masturbate first thing in the morning when I have the bed to myself and my daughter is fast asleep still. Normally I only do it once a day but everyone has those days when they're really in the mood and just can't help themselves.
  15. It is girls I'm asking, that's why I put "ladies" in the topic title. Thanks for the replies so far everyone.
  16. Interestingly your "girlfriend" appears on websites dating back to 2011. So did you build a time machine and go to VIP fest 3 years ago? "This past Wednesday" my arse http://hipsterrunoff.com/front?page=246
  17. I've been thinking about this for a little while and after talking to my friends about it I thought I'd ask you guys. When you're having a wee, how far do you pull down your clothes? I usually pull mine down to just above my knees and most of my friends do the same or similar, some only go to mid thigh and a few even drop their underwear down to their ankles! :O_o:
  18. I don't know when I'm at work or out and about but when sat at home relaxing on a weekend, providing i'm not engrossed in a movie I tend to pee maybe 5 or so times a day. When I first wake up and just before I go to bed, and a few times inbetween. It all depends on what I'm doing really. EDIT - I've just thought about it a little more. I know I go more often on a work day. When I first wake up, just before I leave for work, during my break, during my lunch, just before I leave work or just after I get home, one or two more during the day and once before bed. So on a work day I go at le
  19. I like to do a handstand. :laugh: But in all seriousness, I almost always sit with my clothes just above my knees, legs and feet together, leant forward a little with my hands resting on my legs or in my lap.
  20. Had you forgotten you had made this exact same thread? http://watchgirlspeeing.com/threads/would-you-let-her-pee-on-your-carpet.288/
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