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Everything posted by sumrexus

  1. You have a great athletic body ........ and a great Penis!
  2. Maybe I dare show mine..... erect or flacid?
  3. And me! I'm perhaps a little 'bi-curious' 🙂
  4. There was just the odd man, breaking off and heading towards a tree. The start area on Embankment playing fields is quite a sight normally, an inadequate number of portaloos and guys and some girls searching for places to pee. I did not go near the start last year. I watched the Great North Run some years ago, there is a bridge people cross, many people were crossing a crash barrier at the side, going down a soil bank and pissing at the bottom! There were men and women urinating together, perfect strangers, you don't see that too often 😉 in 2005 a man was caught and overpowered by a male runne
  5. I'm surprised Google / you-tube have not taken that down, they are quite strict
  6. I watched the first mile of the RHHM in the UK last September, the first mile runs up London Rd (120 miles from London!) and there is a grass bank on one side with trees planted on it. Quite a few men stopped to piss and the trees are not tightly packed. No sign of any women, they would have to be brave! I'm running it myself this year 🙂
  7. Ages since I have been on here but I still get the odd notification. Amazing to see how many have got this bizarre interest from watching their sibblings pee as kids
  8. As well as Diane Lane, Jaqueline Bisset when she was young and gorgeous!
  9. I have seen women car passengers getting out to piss in layby's before but never next to the car, they tend to disappear up or down embankments or climb over the fence or farm gate & piss behind the hedge.
  10. Reading the title, I was thinking of the que for the ladies or mens room & was not expecting this. Personally I would be offended if I saw her doing that
  11. Probably so but it is not a fetish I think about nowadays
  12. Like Kevin above I have had a 'Pantie fetish'. Not so much nowadays but when I was younger yes. I have stolen women's washed panties off clothes lines in the past! I was once nearly mauled by a Doberman Pinscher in somebodies garden one summer night, I had climbed over a wall & it was sleeping in the corner of the garden, I did not see it but it heard me land. I just escaped without being bitten. In later years I was more into worn panties & I have sniffed soiled panties from laundry baskets before. Dunno if I would bother now, I'm 50 & getting a bit past it:eek:
  13. Yeah, I have a younger sister who knew about my relationship with Annabel. She warned me at the time that women with violent husbands & lovers do tend to go back to them. She was very supportive when the relationship I had finished. My sister had said early on in the relationship that we would have to all go out on a double date, Annabel & me, my sister & her boyfriend Tony. I think she was keen to meet Annabel to see what she was like & whether or not she would be the kind of woman who would stay with me. I cannot understand why a woman stays with a violent man either? Ann
  14. I used to run in fell races, cross country & marathons etc, never considered going to a Gym. I also cycled a lot & used to race mountain bikes. These days I am very sedentary
  15. sumrexus


    You-tube tends to go through phases of being tolerant & intolerant of 'adult' themed content. I have a you-tube account but I find the present version inferior to the you-tube of the past. I keep having to press the refresh button to view comments & video's for some peculiar reason? I came here via a you-tube video...
  16. My first true girlfriend was called Annabel, she was 28 at the time & I was 20, you could say that she was a bit of what nowadays people would call a "Cougar". I had a few girlfriends at school & I once 'fingered' one girl while she fondled my penis, that was about it regarding me & girls, apart from the peeing with my sister as pre adolescents.. Anyway, Annabel was a single mum with a five year old son & she had divorced a man who used to drink & also knock her around, the bastard. Her ex husband used to have access to seeing the little boy on every other Saturday a
  17. This throwing plastic cola bottles full of piss out of truck windows goes on here too, Egwalrus. The highways department workers do hate dealing with these, after all, it is pretty gross. I am pretty observant but as yet I have never seen a female lorry driver peeing alfresco. I guess they time their comfort stops better & in emergency pee in a wide necked bottle in the cab :wink:
  18. It was actually a man around the back of a night club, he was a young man & seemed to piss endlessly against a wall. On the whole, women do seem to take longer to pee than men do
  19. I have come across this situation a few times, usually at Easter believe it or not heading towards the coast if the weather is OK. Have seen the odd woman heading up & down embankments on the M1 & M6 before in heavy traffic where they have been forced to pull over on the hard shoulder :rolleyes:
  20. I like Bianca on there :)
  21. England Scotland Wales France Greece Belgium USA Israel Malta Italy Norway The Netherlands Croatia
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