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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. I confess I don't understand how someone could seek out this site if there wasn't at least a hint of sublevel arousal. I know a number of people who really enjoy peeing outside. But I can't imagine them being comfortable here. Well, maybe 2 or 3? I've never inquired if any of them have a kink or a fetish. However, those 2 or 3, I strongly suspect do.
  2. It's a weird transition. Your brain isn't fully developed until 25 or 26. Your teens are when you start to become self aware. But my self awareness was way late. I remember at 16 I started pissing in a plant in my house. It turned me on but I still didn't understand it was a kink. I was by myself, I wasn't cumming, I wasn't hard. I wasn't thinking about a girl. How could it be sexual? But I couldn't understand why I was doing it?
  3. The internet is a crystal clear line of demarcation with this topic. I didn't get a computer or internet service until I was an adult. I remember hearing about it from kids at school. But it was something low income kids had no access to at the time.
  4. I've also had urinary health issues from holding it too long. Not for pleasure but as a result of my work. My urologist said it's a frequent problem for nurses and teachers.
  5. Which of you first came up with the idea to try it?
  6. Oh my god, welcome to my world! I think I was about 16 when I had the thought "it'll probably be over by 20...22 at the latest. There's no way in hell I'll still be like this at 24! 24? No way. Impossible." I think about that memory everytime I'm on one of my guilt trips. Especially when those birthdays rolled around.
  7. Thank you! I love how insightful you are. You really put a lot of thought into your observations.
  8. I'm not into wetting. But that's totally what I'm talking about.
  9. You are absolutely right. The last decade has been notable for the ease with which, at least American girls pee far more brazenly than I've ever seen before. It sounds like it's become universal. And that's not even getting into that protest peeing that started happening a few years ago. Where these gorgeous young women were peeing on symbols of capitalism and oppression to show their disgust with the system. Like Femen, except these were just normie college girls. That's behavior that never existed outside my fantasies before.
  10. Many of us here who engage in the habit of "naughty peeing" first began the practice as children. In fact, that's probably the case more often than not. Correct? No? Did any of you have a moment of clarity, when you were old enough to realize what you were doing was a kink? And that you were probably going to keep doing it. And how did that make you feel?
  11. I've done this before. It's kind of a long story. But basically, my housemates and I had to move out of our home because some rich dicks went to our landlord and offered to pay more money in rent. As retribution, I decided to wee down the heat grate that was right outside my room. One of my cute housemates came out of her room shortly thereafter and I informed her of what I had done. I knew she was pretty upset by the new tenants also, and she approved of my action. So I said something along the lines "too bad you can't help me out. I mean, it'd be pretty hard to pull this kind revenge without
  12. That's amazing! If I ever end up with a vagina you'll be my role model.
  13. Welcome Karuhowashere! I look forward to hearing about your experiences with this fetish from a Japanese perspective!
  14. I think it's because women pee accidentally more easily than men. Especially if they've given birth. Men have a whole highway between our bladders and urethras. Women have a driveway. The exit is right there. When's the last time you heard about a man getting a bladder infection?
  15. I had a period in my early teens where I would do this a few times a week after school. It was before I had any sexual awareness. I didn't understand the compulsion or why I enjoyed it.
  16. I just remembered an interview I heard maybe 2 years ago, between Phoebe Bridgers and another female musician ( I hadn't heard of). And they were talking about recording in some remote studio in the middle of nowhere. And I guess the place has an outhouse that's really far from the recording booth. And they were sharing stories about having to pee, but the toilet was too far away. And both admitted that they just peed their pants, because what else can you do? That seemed absolutely crazy to me! Had neither been exposed to the art of popping a squat? One of my female friends once commented th
  17. You have a urinal in your house!? I've always wanted a urinal in my house. Is it the hanging kind or the floor length version?
  18. Thank you! I very much appreciate your help. Speaking of mobiles, mine has a garbage touch screen. And it has this tendency to send me to user's profiles when I'm just trying to scroll. Then the activity thing announces that I'm visiting their profile and I feel like a stalker. I can't wait till I have a better handle on this site.
  19. I'm afraid I do that too. Because I don't notice until after I've asked the question.
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