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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. I've never read your stuff before, but I LOVE your writing style!!!
  2. I agree!!! There's something so elegant and sort of "non-toilet like" about them. They seem cleaner. If that makes sense? There is also something uniquely feminine about them. How do men pee in them without sprinkling the floor around it? Probably not standing. I don't own one. But I started keeping an old restaurant pitcher in my room during an extended illness. The spout was warped in the dishwasher so I know it will never be used for its original purpose again. I only have one bathroom so I often find myself having to use it when I'm getting desperate. Afterward, I wash it out a
  3. Sure, that's reasonable if you want the cornerstone of your relationship to be a piss fetish. I really like watching movies but I wouldn't end an amazing partnership with someone because they only enjoyed books. I would rather have a partner who I was compatible with on an emotional and intellectual level than one who only aligned with me on the fetish that gets us off.
  4. Yes, that absolutely makes sense! I do that as well. I feel self conscious if I'm too casual. I start overanalyzing myself. It's like 'if I pee TOO casually on this tree then I may appear to be putting on a show. Because that's my thing. I'm an exhibitionist!' I remember another user last year saying she can't pee with other people for fear she'll accidentally reveal her pee fetish. Like maybe there was some involuntary indicator of her arousal that she wasn't aware of. Something that other people might pick up on. Nevertheless, even if it was all in her mind it sounded like a perfectly r
  5. This strikes me as the dream situation for people with partners who don't share the fetish. You know, like we accept that you don't share our kink but just throw us a bone every once in a while. It's sad how often I read stories where the non-fetish partner indulges their partner's fetish but they just have to remind them that it's weird or creepy before they do it.
  6. Me too! That was before I even discovered masturbating. I remember coming home from school one day and having this random urge to pee in the dry tub. I balanced on my elbows with my feet pointed up in the air and peed down all over my face and chest. I did that every day after school for several weeks.
  7. Not the UK but close. On two separate occasions in the 90s 2 different girls told me they encountered female urinals while on vacation in France. The first time was in junior high. A classmate was talking about the different things she experienced on vacation in France. Including a female urinal. She described being nervous using it saying "you don't know if your pee's going to go in the hole or down your leg." That was the first time I had ever heard of a female urinal or even a squat toilet. Then in high school a friend of mine was telling me about visiting that famous cemetery in Paris
  8. To me, a container removes almost all of the appeal from the act. The hottest thing about piss drinking is that I AM the container.
  9. Hello, welcome!!! You are among friends and we're glad to have you on board.
  10. I assume that the urinal's providers were not expecting women to take advantage of them. However, a law that explicitly prohibited use by women would probably attract a decent amount of negative publicity. Especially if a woman faced a legal penalty for using one. Or how about a trans man? Technically, he wouldn't be breaking the law. So that would be a clear case of discriminating against someone for their genitalia. That security agent was the only one being indecent. Did she not understand the difference between your device and a penis? Unless a man is working with a serious micro sit
  11. I have both highway and street. I recall one evening after one bourbon too many I made my friend pull over so I could leave my mark on I-94. He's one of those rare males who is afraid to piss outside unless it's an emergency. He kept insisting he could find me a rest area, but I threatened to soak the car if he didn't pull off to the side immediately! I remember standing beside the car and sending a triumphant cherubic arc from the gravel below me into the ditch about half a car width away. There were also few times when I was driving through the city late at night when I maybe shoul
  12. I love this advice!!! Maybe you could turn this comment into its own post. Like a Naughty Peeing 101 They all seem like obvious, user-friendly starting points as you read them. And yet, none of them occurred to me when I was starting my journey.
  13. That's always been a good indicator for me. There was a period when I was younger (and drank more) where women often took that as a sign that I wasn't uptight about peeing. Therefore, if they had to go they felt safe joining me, and I would respond as if they were just another guy at the urinal. I miss those days.
  14. If I saw that I might think it was a single perpetrator who started on one seat then finished in the other.
  15. That's right! Duh. I totally missed that part. I thought this was part of the Democrats "Weird" strategy. Where they're trying to make the case that he's creepy. It's an old GOP play. Just keep repeating the same phrases and accusations until voters believe it.
  16. Oh no, those top six have gone private. That sucks. I've seen them before though. That guy's hot AF!!!!
  17. I don't get how anybody would find this scandalous? It was taken from his high school yearbook. It was a light-hearted joke in reference to those three girls taking over three spots on the student council previously held by boys. I guess he was on the council as well, which is why he's in the photo. It's one of those visual gags that implies "Oh no, the ladies are taking over." "Unearthed a photo." Attempting to make this corny ass joke a thing only makes the side who support women's rights look like uptight prudes. f they were actually peeing in those urinals with him watching
  18. I can't recall if it was a neighbor or just some random person walking by. Either way they should have minded their own damn business!!!
  19. I often wonder about that when I see baseball games and soccer matches in smaller parks where there's only one porta potty and it's far from the stands as the woods. One of the first times I ever peed outside was at one of my mom's softball games when I was a kid. The designated facilities were inside the elementary school beside the baseball diamond. But somehow the school got locked when it was normally open. Due to my desperation my dad advised me to pee in the adjacent woods. My mom would punish me for peeing outside so I developed a fear of it. My dad wasn't aware of this because he
  20. Yes, Americans tend to have an unhealthy view on exposed genitals no matter what the context is. I remember a story in the pre-pandemic era where a woman was given a public urination ticket because her 3 year old son peed in their front yard and a witness called the police.
  21. What if my incontinent friend is also my crush? First, I would ask her to show me how she puts the diaper on. Because she is accustomed to using the diaper I would request her assistance in guiding my diaper wetting process. I believe I would be much more comfortable using her diaper if it were to remain on her body. With her permission, I would kneel down in front of her, pull the elastic waistband towards my body, then drop my cock inside the diaper. With my cock settled snuggly against her hairless mound, I would slowly release the elastic band to create a firm seal. Feeling the
  22. If I had one in my house you would be welcome to use it.
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