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Everything posted by Soak_me_please

  1. Position yourself somewhere that you feel like you really shouldn’t be… but time it just right to the point where you simply can’t hold it back anymore…..
  2. Can barely hold on now, been at it for hours I can feel the leak…
  3. Holding and holding until it’s all too much and experiencing the joy of release…
  4. My latest efforts after deciding I hated that shirt anyway…
  5. When it’s too hot to hold it in and you just don’t care about getting wet…
  6. Come next week I’ll be absolutely drenching this get up…
  7. I’m doing exactly this on Monday, might dress for the occasion!🌊💦
  8. Currently holding myself and will be flooding my shorts soon if this keep up haha!
  9. You have lived my absolute dream! Well done and thank you for the account it is utterly incredible and I’m really happy for both of you!🌊❤️
  10. I hold it till I can’t anymore and then get out to a quiet part of the garden and hose myself down. One day I’d love to lay back and let rip at the desk!!
  11. Nice depends how much mess you want to make hahaha
  12. Depends where are you when you let it go???
  13. Few years ago went to a Wedding in Cyprus. I knew what I was going to do before I even got on the plane. Had plenty to drink throughout the reception and held it all in - reception ends And at 1am I jumped in the pool in a full suit and shoes and had the most satisfying pee there and then so much so I was literally crying with relief!
  14. On my bucket list to do that with the right company - I’d probably join in!
  15. This is so hot. I’d love to host a house party with plenty of drinks and/or alcohol bathroom being locked off and when it all gets too much everyone just starts spraying wherever they like, boys, girls - doesn’t matter, nowhere and nothing is off limits! soaking the entire place!! Am I the only one who likes the idea of this? Thoughts?
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