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Posts posted by Havelock

  1. I know ABDL role play with diapers is pretty popular, but has anyone ever done any potty training role play? Especially outdoor potty training role play?

    Let me give some context. I have a strong and consistent interest in public peeing but occasionally I'll be turned on by diaper fantasies. More recently I have been thinking that these interests have the same origin and overlap. Like many who are into ABDL, I think my diaper interest come from fond memories being diapered and take care of. I remember being put in a diaper by a nanny to “go pipi" at a young age and having an overwhelmingly positive feelings of care. In a similar way I tend to think fondly of the nannies helping me take a "nature pee" or pipi outside when I was being potty trained and after. I have many good memories of being sweetly guided to various places outside to pee and being directed to pee on a variety of things (walls, car wheels, garages, sidewalks, trees bushes etc.) in a variety of situations. It always felt like they put my needs ahead of public perceptions or any concerns about soiling things. Most of this took place in Europe where outdoor peeing is accepted. This was always contrasted with much more strict upbringing in the US where such public peeing was not allowed or had to be uncomfortably delayed and hidden. Sometimes I would end up with wet pants and shame.

    As an adult I have found I enjoy relationships where my female partners sometimes act like the nannies of my youth, check if I need to pipi, and guide me to a place I can have a potty break outside. If they unzip me, help me and hold me that adds to the experience. If they disregard society in nonchalantly choosing a convenient location that will leave a mess/puddle, that’s even better. It seems similar to diaper roleplay but in a caretaker public peeing form.

    I've had a few partners who will indulge me in this role, but only one who I think could truly empathize with my psychology. This ex-girlfriend spent her early life in in China where they use split crotch pants instead of diapers. Thus, the same feelings many AB/DL have about diapers, she had about being held/guided to pee outside. We would often role play and switch roles and she really got into it.
    Is anyone else attracted to or ever done this type of pottying outside with a caretaker type of role play? 


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  2. Situations like this are amazing. When someone just blatantly pees and the group unfazed it just sets a tone for much more peeing. If you are lucky sometimes it encourages other girls.

    @vegis95 do you sense she got a thrill out of being seen peeing? Or was she just really nonchalant about it and unaware it would be exciting to others? Or did she just not care?

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  3. 2 hours ago, ABBYPEEGODDESS said:

    I think public peeing laws are there just to keep people from peeing in public everyday. It’s the most lenient law most cops don’t bat an eye in my experience. In New York where I’m originally from most cops could care less  about public urination they have more important things to worry about. NYC is overcrowded with homeless people cops literally can’t fine or arrested them all. 

    To this point I believe NYC decriminalized or made public urination a misdemeanor. Even prior to that it think NYC is an example that these laws are least enforced in large urban areas. These urban areas not only have many other bigger issues but they also have liberal and globally diverse populations that are not offended by peeing outside. On the other end of the spectrum I have found these laws most enforced in conservative suburbia. Places where the culture is very local, closed minded and conservative. 

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  4. On 11/6/2023 at 1:21 PM, Hidengo said:

    I remember when I was in the single digits one of my parents would bring me to the bathroom a few times, or standing near me when they led me to pee outside (usually in the rural areas of Jamaica). Once at my great grandmother’s house the plumbing wasn’t working, and I’d been holding for hours, too shy to say anything, until my mother realized what was going on and basically carried me to the backyard and told me to pee on a fence post. I was desperate past shyness at this point, and I swear I peed several yards through the fence into the neighbor’s property (it was a wire fence).

    Later, but when I was still in the single digits, my folks and I had gone… somewhere to buy… something with my female cousin and her mother tagging along. I was bursting to go again, and when I asked the store owner if they had a bathroom and told no, my mother heard and took me out into the back parking lot and told me to pee on the wall. I was afraid my cousin would see (I think it was a strip mall type of deal, and we all split off to different stores or something?).

    But again, desperation won out over shyness and I started to go. Not five seconds later my cousin showed up, asking what I was doing, and relief quickly turned into embarrassment as she watched the whole time. 

    @hidengo was that unusual in Jamaican culture to pee outside at that age? Did you ever see your cousin or others do it?

  5. 2 hours ago, vanessa9 said:

    I do what you call nonchalant peeing in at least two of these situations : offering a drive and when out at night in the city.

    My work requires occasional traveling by car, and I frequently offer a drive to someone, either through carpooling arrangements or picking random hitchhikers on the road.
    I drink a lot of water when I am driving, to keep me awake and to help looking and feeling fit at destination. Therefore I have to make regular pee breaks, and this also happens when I am not alone in the car. When I feel I need a pit stop, I openly tell my passenger, and most of the time, I just stop on the road side and go behind my car. When the passenger is talkative and we are having a good chat during the trip, it is even between open doors of my car, while we continue chatting. Some are surprised, probably even interested, specially men of course. On motorways, rest areas are usually equipped with proper restrooms, but when somebody is in my car I seldom use them. I don't want to leave a perfect stranger in the car with my personal staff, computer, etc. and I feel it could sound offensive to ask my passenger to leave the car and lock it while I go for a pee.
    Last month, I picked up a young guy who had missed his train and was traveling to more or less the same destination as me. He was a student and he told me about his life at school, his projects etc, a very interesting person and I really enjoyed the trip with him. When I told him I had to pee, he said me too. You bet I was looking forward for a spiced up pee break 🙂 I soon stopped at a rest area, no restrooms or other facilities, just a few tables and trash bins. I parked the car at the end of the area, close to a fence, jumped out of the car and squat between the car and the fence, on passenger side, so that he would have to pass close to me when exiting the car. I started to pee while still talking to him through his open window, but he was looking straight in front of him, not looking at me, not even daring to open the car door. I told him "you told me you had to pee, come and do it, I won't bite you and we won't stop for a long time". He turned his head, his look was hilarious. Eventually he opened the car and took a few steps to pee in front of the fence, not just beside me, but close enough that I could have a glance at his stream. Poor little student, I think I really embarrassed him. When we left, I apologized for my lack of modesty, he said it was ok but he was not accustomed to this behavior, and we continued to chat as if nothing had happened.

    When I am out at night with my regular group of friends, most of us pee outside most of the time, on the pavement, on the grass, behind cars, in parking lots etc. Most of my friends, male and female, have already seen each other peeing more or less openly, nobody cares about that any more, and even less after a few drinks. Having strangers around doesn't make any difference. People are often surprised to see us peeing together, usually what you see in the streets on Friday and Saturday nights is groups of men or groups of ladies peeing, but not mixed groups peeing openly in front of each other. When I am alone, I don't go so far as peeing against the streetlamp, but I will frequently pop a squat at the bus stop while waiting for my connection, or pee beside my car before I board and leave.

    @vanessa9 when did you start doing all this public peeing? Also what got you and your friends so comfortable peeing around each other?

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  6. I saw this in the news and it made me think of peeing at amusement parks.


    I remember being in Legoland in Europe, needing to pee while in line for some car ride and being directed to pee on some pretty flowers. In Spain I remember the nannies having us pee behind carnival rides and booths with my cousins and once even waiting while my cousin dropped something more substantial. I remember exploring Tom Sawyers Island in Disneyland, running around and taking a pee break in one of the caves.

    More recently we had the girls pee in the parking garage beside the car after taking the tram at the end of the day. I suspect that's very common and even noticed some other puddles on the garage floor. 

    Does anyone else have amusement park peeing experiences? Were you directed to pee in the park growing up? Have you more recently?

  7. 10 hours ago, nenTyp said:

    Haven't had sich a place in a long time but in childhood I had one in the kindergarten as well ss my favourity playground. I went there with a friend of mine. 

    I do habe ome close to my flat where I can pee over a wall into a small river, I use that anytime I come home late. 

    @nenTyp what was your favorite kindergarten pee spot and where did you like to pee on the playground? I was lucky when in Europe that my cousins and I could pee pretty much anywhere I wanted at the playground. My girl cousins would often pee in a paved corner that was a bit sloped of one playground we went to and have pee races to see whose stream would get down hill first. I would sometimes join. I also peed on stone walls, trees, bushes, in the middle of the gravel if my cousins where squatting and sometimes even on the side of the jungle gym poles. I’ve mentioned other places that I was lucky to go to a forest kindergarten where we could go anywhere. 

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  8. IMHO Spain is way more open to public peeing than Germany or the Netherlands. Its part of the culture. You learn to do it growing up and you don't stop. Many times I have seen Spanish Police walking by people peeing in public and do nothing. Once I was at a costal port and shocked because a very attractive young twenty something girl was blatantly peeing on the nice stone walkway outside the port authority offices. A police man walked by and I thought he was going to tell her off but instead he approached me because he noticed I was looking and told me I should look at something else. She could have walked 20 feet more and peed between cars in a parking lot but instead just choose to relieve herself there mere steps from the door.

    In many parts of Spain, unless there are more specific local laws, there are no laws against peeing in public or public nudity. There may be laws against public vandalism/littering but these do not apply to private property. I've been told by friends that this actually encourages people to pee in private doorways/entry ways. Sometimes these entry ways are very nice like store windows etc. and no one feels bad about peeing in them/on them. 

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  9. Spain is one of the most open countries to public peeing I have witnessed. There is a reason so many voyeur videos are shot there.  Peeing in public is very common, taught from a young age and not considered naughty—its jut normal. France, Germany and the Czech Republic are also open to public peeing but not as much as Spain. Festivals in any of these countries are very open for peeing. 

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  10. On 10/26/2023 at 8:27 AM, nenTyp said:

    I have told my parents when hiking at 8 years old, that it is more fun than peeing outside than into a toilet and they kinda agreed or at least accepted it.

    @nenTyp did they accept you peeing places outside other than hiking?

    On 10/26/2023 at 8:27 AM, nenTyp said:

    I remember at circa 12 years old I was playing hide and seek with two girls from the neighbourhood and one showed me her favorite hiding bush. I pressured her for reasons why It was the best, till she said one could hide in there for a pee. I then used it for that and agreed with her.

    Did you ever get to see her pee there or pee together with her?

  11. 8 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

    Life moves in mysterious ways as I've found this thread today by doing a search with 'pee' and 'pool' as keywords.  🙂  

    My first experiences were of seeing boys of around my own age peeing was when I was at school.  Luckily my walk to/from school involved walking past an area of trees and bushes.  A few of the boys were naughty in there and I liked this. 

    Did you ever join them peeing in the bushes?

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