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Everything posted by glad1

  1. I also have hiked with a woman friend who was very shy. While she had no problem peeing outdoors, she always made we walk some distance away before she would go. While we spent lots of time together on the trails, we remained just friends. In fact, it probably was her shyness that kept us from becoming lovers.
  2. I suppose the naughtiest place for me was a girlfriend's bikini panties. While she was wearing them!:biggrin: I though at first she might have been pissed off. Instead she was pissed on! :wink:
  3. I live in the American Midwest, a couple miles outside a small town. Some of the closest cities nearby are Sioux Falls, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Omaha and Chicago. I drive across much of the country for my work, but, unless someone is traveling with me, almost never have sightings on the road. But, I like to hike and find the best places to watch and be watched are out on the trails.
  4. Great story, Blob! I'm sure you could have added two more accidents to the list had I driven by. :wink:
  5. That's good, Chrissy! You don't know how many times I've been standing there, innocently relieving myself, when some half-crazed woman comes over, intent on shaking off my manhood!
  6. Welcome, Chrissy! I look forward to hear of your experiences and see more of you around here. :)
  7. I suppose I had the normal curiosity as a child, but it wasn't until my early, almost mid, twenties that it really kicked in. I would often go on long hikes with a woman who wasn't the least bit shy and quickly got me over any of my own shyness. In fact, we peed around one another long before we got intimate. Since she thought this was perfectly natural, in short time I felt the same way, too. And, while it may have lost the naughty factor, it wasn't any less, um, entertaining! :)
  8. A great many, if not most, women are at least what I call pee-curious. While I can't speak for everyone, I base this on my own, er, research. As one who enjoys activities like hiking, biking and boating, I find they're even better when I get to share them with a woman. Frequently, I've found myself in outdoor situations with them where I needed to pee. Now, I'm not shy, but unless I know them very well :wink: , I'm going to walk at least a few steps away. Often, as I've stood there watering the ground in front of me, I've looked back and caught them stealing a glance. Of course, most q
  9. I guess I'm one of the rare men who actually prefers a good story over a video. In fact, I've even written a few. But, then again, I'm a writer and, apparently, am good with words. In fact, more than one, I've been told I'm a cunning linguist! :wink:
  10. Yeah, walks in the woods pretty much started it for me, too! A couple years out of college, I hiked a lot with a woman who wasn't shy when it came to answer nature's call. Since then, some of my best experiences have been on the trails.
  11. This brings back great memories of the time some years ago when a girlfriend slipped a pair of her panties into my bag as I was returning from visiting her. Knowing that I wasn't going to see her for several weeks, she made sure that she would stay on my mind. I totally enjoyed running my fingers through the silky fabric, and it was like a breath of heaven to smell her womanly scent. Now, if only she had been into pee!
  12. Often I try to get someone to hold my pee for me. So far I haven't been successful. :frown: (Unless you want to count the time a woman got more on her than what she aimed me at!)
  13. No, it's pretty normal. We all pee... at least once, twice or several times each day! :wink: As for bringing up the topic, sure, it's usually still one of those things not discussed in public. But, private conversations are another story. And, what I find most interesting is that women nearly always brings it up first.
  14. One time, on a road trip with a girlfriend, we stopped at an internet cafe. We were there for probably and hour, reading our mail and filling up on coffee. Both of us needed to pee pretty bad, so, on our way out, we stopped to use the bathrooms. This place had only one, a unisex facility with both a toilet and urinal. I followed her inside and, thinking she would use the toilet, headed toward the urinal. But, she was already in front of it, and quickly had a leg of her shorts pulled aside. It was a little cozy there, but neither of us complained! :biggrin:
  15. ShyOne, I'm looking to catch you here. In the right circumstances (of course), I love to be watched, too! So, if you show me yours, I'll show you mine! :)
  16. Since I've never been outdistanced by a woman, at least not yet in person, I too suspect those in the videos are much more the exception than the rule. Of course, I'm always looking forward to be surprised.
  17. Peegirl, I wish I had been there, too! Although, I don't suppose I enjoyed it QUITE as much as you, especially since I missed the ending! :wink: Wow, six feet! That stream of yours had to be most impressive! Say, why don't you take up my challenge?
  18. I did a little better the other evening as I walked out to the end of a dock. As I stood there watching the fading colors of the day, I must have peed almost ten feet. This time it was too dark to take a picture and, sadly, no appreciative woman there to witness me.
  19. All of $33. And, I've actually been paid for my writing!
  20. Good for you, Pissgirl, to find it normal to stand. It must make peeing for you easier in so many situations. I've had women tell me they couldn't. On long hikes, some were even upset with me when I could. But, I encouraged them to practice, and most eventually learned the skill.
  21. It's spring now for most of us, and we should be spending more time outside again. This should give us ample opportunity to both practice and determine how far we can pee. I've been told that women can pee further than men, but it's something I've yet to see, I've outdistanced them time after time. Then again, I probably don't pee normally! :wink: So, I'm issuing a challenge to all of you out there, especially the women who claim three meters or more, can you beat me? Sure, you can tell me, but I'd rather you show me! :) A woman who can pee four or five meters is definitely exciting t
  22. Hope you understood I meant "friendship WITHOUT the complications of sex..."
  23. A recommendation from an online friend. She knows I love watching. I'm pretty sure she does too!
  24. Steve, you're absolutely on the right track to put friendship before everything else. Too many guys pay more attention to their little head than to their thinking one! Like you, I've had a lot more women friends than lovers. Of course, that didn't mean there weren't some great times on the trails! After all, we'd spend most of a day only a few steps apart from one another. And, sometimes, friendship with the complications of sex had it's own benefits, too! :wink: Wish you a great visit from your friend. Just relax, take things slow and, if it feels right, go with the flow! :)
  25. I'm, er, glad to hear this happening to you, Steve. :) As one who's had literally dozens of blinds dates, nearly all of them very good experiences, let me offer you my encouragement. You've got a great head start in that you've already shared so many talks of the intimate kind. I think the two of you will get along famously. But, let me offer a hint to assure both of you will have a great time. Keep the conversation light and lively, talk about her favorite things, center it about her and not just about pee. See that she's regularly supplied with refreshment, a little food and plenty of th
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