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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Well done! Now let's see if you can pee every color of the rainbow.
  2. Just be careful around all those gators. 😆
  3. I have a car that's only a few months old. Like Sophie, I wouldn't even think eating in there. But, last month an elderly aunt came to visit. The passenger seat got covered with two layers of plastic sheeting. And, I'm so glad to have those heavy duty rubber floormats.
  4. I think it's more by the process of elimination. 🤣
  5. I'll let you in on a little secret, but you've got to promise not to tell a soul. It's a lot more common than you think. Almost everybody on his site has one.
  6. Some years back I was friends (without benefits for reasons stated later) with a woman who only seemed to date gay and married men. Over a few drinks one evening, she confessed to me she couldn't get off otherwise. I offered her suggestions that might relieve her situation, but was quickly rebuffed. In fact, she thought I was the pervert for suggesting she might want to give masturbation on a full bladder a try.
  7. The urinary and genital systems are in close proximity and share many things in common. I suspect what your experiencing is the result of both increased hormone production as well as stimulation to the nerve endings. The urge to both ejaculate and urinate often occur simultaneously. You might say, you don't know whether you're coming or going! 🤣 If you've been peeing constantly, there's likely little in your bladder. After your orgasmic release, you probably won't need to go again until it's close to full.
  8. An excellent point, one that can't be overstressed. Nearly all the dividends I received were the result of my playing it down, as well. Perhaps, too, I was the beneficiary of being in one-on-one situations where there were no established rules.
  9. There are other foods that often give you the 'asparagus pee smell.' Some of the chief offenders are coffee, onions, garlic, beets and especially fish. I'd recommend you to refrain from these for at least a few hours before you venture into the pub. You can also reduce the smell by drinking cranberry juice and taking vitamin C. Obviously, increasing your water intake will dilute both the color and odor of your urine, although I doubt that's something I need to tell you.
  10. Your comment gets a 🔥 from me. You deserve all the heat you can get.
  11. A bladder massage can be very helpful, Depending on where you apply pressure and the intensity of touch, it can calm an overactive one or relieve a blockage, It's something you can do yourself, although it seems to be more effective with a partner. If I give you one, Bacardi, it won't be my neck that's super stiff. 🤣
  12. Actually, she had peed earlier on the trip, at a stop shortly after lunch. It appeared typical of the facilities found in the bush, a block structure with two doors, one for each room, and what I imagined as little more than a couple holes dug into the earth with a rudimentary sit toilet on top. I believe the guides took advantage of the opportunity, as well. I chose not to go there, as I felt no need at the time and didn't want the risk of introducing unfamiliar germs to my system. Besides, I was kind of hoping I would later pee out in the open. 😁 I had a nice reaction, too, when s
  13. Wise words. I'd like to think I've always been discrete and respectful. I don't believe I've ever shown any sign of interest without first receiving confirmation that my actions were well-received. I will, though, let others know that I consider pee to be a normal function and there shouldn't be any reason to be embarrassed by a very basic need. In fact, I see my role as being one that make others more comfortable with what is so often an awkward situation. It's only when others express that they see this as fun that I am willing to join in.
  14. I had a great experience a few years ago. I was hesitant to post this earlier out concern for the party involved. But, I think enough time has passed that this can now be seen as an anonymous encounter. I was on vacation overseas and booked a day-long trip into the jungle. It was my good fortune the only other passenger in my truck was a woman in her early-mid 40s and who spoke English fluently. We struck up a conversation almost immediately and, as the day wore on, got to learn almost as much about each other as we did the local flora and fauna. Being the rainy season, the dirt
  15. Just be careful with whom you let embrace your kink. 🤣
  16. Just do the same as what you do in summer, only quicker, so your parts don't freeze! 🤣 Now in the Upper Midwest -3F (-19C)
  17. I find it is pretty common among outdoor people, whether hikers, runners, cyclists or boaters. (I'm not as familiar with others.) At some point, they all have to pee outside. If they want to enjoy their favorite activity, they need to accept the fact that sometimes it may be in an open setting. Even though most may never find it pleasurable, they'll at least be comfortable enough to not make a big deal. If you don't make a big deal about it either, a great many will drop their inhibitions around you. Going back to ShyPeeMan's original question, if he finds enough release in the voyeu
  18. Not at all! These women have been either friends or those I ran across in hiking/outdoor clubs. Given that their chosen activities would take them away from toilet facilities, most all had no problem with peeing outside. The more time we spent on the trail, the more comfortable we became with one another. I found that most women I hiked with were at least pee-curious. A good number seemed to find pleasure in the act of urination, sometimes their own, but usually those of the male gender. After a few hikes, I learned which ones liked to watch, those who enjoyed a tease by showing off and t
  19. ShyPeeMan, this can be a very slippery slope you're treading on. I may have a little different take than most, as I've seen this from another side. I've hiked with several women who had boyfriends, husbands or partners. Many times, we'd pee in front of one another, often because it was actually less awkward than running into the woods to hide, but usually because we found it fun. It was always more of a playful act than anything else. In fact, it often was a great release for any sexual tension there may have been between us. But, at some point, I knew there was a line I couldn't
  20. The smell may be weird, but it's a very good question. Asparagus and onions have compounds that, when metabolized, give a strong ammonia-like smell to your urine. This seems to be true for most everyone, but the odor can be diluted by drinking more water.
  21. Thanks, Peewee. It feels good to be here, too. I'll take any questions you have, even the most embarrassing ones.
  22. One thing I neglected to say is I won't be embarrassed about anything you may ask. But, if you think your question is too personal, you can always PM me.
  23. I thought it might be time for the Doctor to make a return. In the last couple years, where so much medical quackery has been passed off a facts, wouldn't it be nice to get some straight answers from a respected source? I will be glad 😉 to provide references who will vouch for both my dedicated research as well as my outstanding character. So, I welcome any questions you have about our favorite topic, the more specific and explicit the better. Who, what, when, where and why, how often, how much, how fun is it to try....? If I don't have an answer, I'll look into it. Any volunteers?
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