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Everything posted by Kirby23

  1. I have an update - a few nights ago we did this again! Unfortunately it wasn't quite as exciting this time, but still an enjoyable experience overall. After we finished foreplay and were ready for the main event, I said to her "I'm going to have to pee at some point. Should I just go now (in the toilet), or should I grab a second towel like we did last time?" She said something like "I don't care, do whatever you want." So, of course, rather than going in the toilet, I opted for the second towel (and peeing while inside her). I started to insert, but things were a little dry.
  2. Just for fun - which films/scenes come to mind that were real, or suspected to be real?
  3. Yes, I don't think she'd let me watch her closely when she's going in the toilet. It creeps her out. I probably asked once or twice at the beginning of our relationship, but have since given up trying. It's just not something she's into and/or would allow. If I really pushed she might let me, but she'd be extremely uncomfortable, and that would ruin any pleasure/satisfaction I might get out of it.
  4. Yep. She's comfortable peeing in front of me in a situation like that. It's when I try to watch that she gets skeeved out, like if I ask to watch her pee in the shower, or outside while camping, for example.
  5. I'd be interested to hear of others' experiences with accidental or unexpected nudity sightings (particularly female) in real life. A few times that come to mind for me: Once I was at the beach, and a young couple (probably about 18) were kind of play wrestling with each other. The girl was wearing a bikini. She was Asian, and very thin, perhaps 100 pounds. The man picked the girl up into the air, and as he went to grab her, he sort of pulled her bikini bottom to the side, and I got a full view of her cute little dark bush, and as her lifted her, of her pussy lips. She sort of giggl
  6. Thanks for the help and insight. As a point of clarification, with my wife, I'm pretty sure it's a non-starter. She's not interested, I'm pretty sure that's that. I wish she wasn't so firm on not wanting to try, but she's made it pretty clear it's not going to happen. So the question I posed initially wasn't really "How can I get my wife to do this," but more along the lines of one of a purely academic nature, just to hear of others' experiences, who have been successful in this area. Thanks!
  7. To get the ball rolling - my experience in this area in real life (other than porn) is only with one person, my ex. The first time she did it was in a swimming pool. We were having sex in the water. We'd been drinking a lot of beer. She told me she had to pee. Not really wanting to stop, I said "just go." She had a bit of a hard time getting started, but as long as I held still (my penis was still inside), she was able to go. She had to push hard to start. She did a few "spurts," then was able to establish a stream of sorts. It was mostly dark out, so I couldn't see anything, but I could
  8. On several occasions, I've asked my wife to try peeing during sex. The idea doesn't interest her. And she'll say something like "Besides, I don't think it's even possible." I know it's possible, because I've seen it in lots of videos, and my ex did it a few times. I've told some of the stories in other posts). So here's my question - for couples that have done this - how easy/difficult is it for the woman? I'd be interested in hearing from women directly, or from men (e.g "my wife/gf peed during sex, and here's how it went"). What was the situation? Was it planned or unplanned?
  9. Last summer the wife, kids, and I took a day trip to a local state park for some hiking and a picnic. After hiking all morning we had our picnic by the side of a pristine lake, adjacent to the beach area. The beach has sand, and is well groomed. It was a hot day, so there were hundreds of beachgoers and swimmers. We were all the way on one end, pretty far from where the bathrooms were. Near us was a couple lounging in the sand. They were probably about 40-ish. The woman was attractive, in an "average 40yo woman" kind of way - thin, shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, and sort of ang
  10. Thanks! No update yet, we haven't had sex since then. We usually do it about once/week, so it just hasn't happened yet. We did, however, talk about it a few days after it happened. I brought it up - I asked her if there were any residual effects from it afterwards. She said that the next day she'd dripped a little more than usual - that there was a small (coin-sized) wet spot on her underwear. But that was it, so I guess not too bad. She still wasn't thrilled with the whole situation though. It definitely wasn't a turn-on for her like it was for me. So I don't know how soon I
  11. That's pretty much exactly what I'd guess. It's interesting to think of it that way - looking around at parents at a school meeting, or at my kids' sports games, or whatever, and wondering who has peed on who... haha.
  12. To build on what's been said, and as to the question of whether the actress might pee for real, I think it depends on the budget status of the film, and/or how high profile the actress is. In a big-budget film, and/or with a higher-profile actress, they'd have some sort of special effects bag/rig for her to wear. In a low-budget film with a less well-known actress, I'd guess the chances are more likely that the peeing might be real. And unless the position/specifics of the peeing are important to the plot, I'd guess most directors would just let the actress do her thing whateve
  13. There was a recent topic discussing "Percentage of women into piss kink" (or something similar). Along those lines, I've been wondering what percentage of "average" couples (e.g. not people with a piss kink per se) partake in pee play, say once in a while. I'm not necessarily talking about the more extreme versions (drinking, pee sex, etc.), but maybe in a playful way, like watching each other pee, peeing on each other's leg in the shower, or similar? My guess is that it's actually higher than we might think. Reading r/sex, r/relationships, etc. on Reddit, for example, pee/piss come
  14. My wife (F) and I (M) have been married for 13 years. Our sex life is very normal for people our age (40s) in terms of frequency, satisfaction, etc. We're very comfortable with each other, our bodies, etc. I've expressed my interest in pee to her in different ways over the years; both subtle and occasionally not-so-subtle. But it's never been part of our sex life together. She's not interested in the topic, or pursuing it sexually (e.g. as a kink). In fact, for a long time she "kink-shamed" me about it. She would say things like "it's sick," or that I should "seek professional help." Whi
  15. Yes, I'd think so. And in this particular case, the hostess (hot tub owner) specifically asked the guests not to pee in the hot tub. They're all nurses, so she's a no-nonsense kind of lady. Kind of like a "Let's all be adults here, ok" talk prior to them getting in.
  16. This is similar to a discussion topic thread I started here a few months ago. My wife and I have a hot tub, and if I need to go, I just stand and pee into the grass/bushes area to the side of the hot tub. My wife always goes before we get in, so has not had to pee while we're in the tub. My wife has attended several hot tub parties with friends (all women). Per my wife, the women generally either a.) Hang butt over the side and pee discreetly, or b.) Get out and pee standing/through swimsuit into the grass. Since it's all women, and since there's drinking involved, these practices are "a
  17. My wife has a huge bladder (about 2 quarts), and drinks a lot of water. She sometimes holds it too long before she gets up to pee. As such, she often has close calls, and occasionally leaks into her pants before getting to the toilet in time. My kids and I love to make her laugh, because often this results in her having to frantically run to the bathroom, which makes her laugh harder, and so the cycle goes. It's like a game - whoever gets her laughing so hard that she has to run to the bathroom "wins". Cruel, I know, but it's funny. When she leaks, it's usually just a small amount
  18. My family (wife + kids) and I go camping an average of 1-2 times each summer. We have a medium-sized tent, and usually camp with extended family at a local state park. Our site locations vary, but the bathroom facility might be, say 100-300 yards from our campsite. The campsites are wooded, but we're definitely not peeing outside during daylight hours - not private enough. So during the day we just walk to the restroom. During the nighttime, my wife and I usually pee on average, once per night. We have to be quiet/careful so as not to wake the kids. We exit the tent together, and go
  19. My wife is super not into pee play. I've asked her to try it a few times and it's always a hard no. But one time recently, during sex, I mentioned it, and she said something like "I don't even think it's possible." I said "I'm pretty sure I could pee right now. Do you want to see if I can?" (I was inside her at the time). She rolled her eyes, and said "whatever" (or similar). So I tried, and it worked. I only peed a little, kind of a squirt. I asked her if she could feel it, and she said no. It felt weird. It was definitely wetter, more "sloshy." But it wasn't a huge turn-on for me becaus
  20. I recently saw a rerun of an episode from 2020 called "2 Tarzans and a Jane," which (as one could assume) features two men and a woman. In an early part of the episode, before the group gets drinkable water, the woman decides to drink her own pee. The scene shows her in a high squat, peeing forcefully into a piece of bamboo, then drinking the urine out of the bamboo. I don't recall exactly what she said, but it was something like "It was fine, it didn't taste like anything."
  21. Yes, toward the end she knew I was into it. We never made it a "thing", as in "let's do watersports tonight", but she also knew that if we were having sex and she needed to pee that she could just relax and pee and that I didn't mind. She tended to get very wet during sex, even if pee wasn't involved, so most of the time we put a puppy pad down on the bed (if that's where we were doing it). So with the puppy pad, she knew that she could pee if she needed to. It definitely wasn't every time, but maybe 1 in 5? And a lot of the time I couldn't always tell if she'd peed; sometimes I'd feel it
  22. I thought it would be fun to share my experiences of the first time I saw a new partner pee. I'll start with two stories. When my wife and I first started dating, I was remodeling my bathroom. She was helping me paint, and we'd both had a beer or two. After a little while she announced that she had to pee. I said "Ok, go ahead." She said "Can you leave so I can go?" I said "Just go, it's not that big of a deal. We've already seen each other naked, who cares?" She said "I guess you're right." and sat on the toilet. I couldn't see her from where I was painting. But I was listening. Some tim
  23. I like the idea of using our own experience with sexual partners as a measuring stick for relative percentages. I haven't had a large number of different partners, but among the ones I've had, only one (my wife) definitely was not into it. My ex-wife was into it (I've made several posts about her in the past), and brought it up to me before I ever brought it up to her. When we first got together, she "tested the waters" with me (pun intended), by mentioning to me that her friend told her that she and her boyfriend (both of whom I knew) "tinkled on each other in the shower". I think she w
  24. My ex used to take long (1 hour plus) baths, often while drinking wine or beer, and when she had to pee, she would usually just go in the bathwater. It didn't bother her at all. It didn't really strike me as weird per se, but one time I asked her about it, and she said that when she used to get kidney stones, that trying to pee in a warm bath was the least painful way to pass one. Since then it became more "normal" for her, and was just a lot easier than getting out when she had to pee. Made sense to me. Some time later, a close female friend of mine ("M") and I were discussing the
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