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Posts posted by Peenicks

  1. 6 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Again, Nikki, you and I have got to be the same person. I've discussed something eerily similar with a friend before. Sitting under a desk and sucking someone's cock as they play, and having them do the same to me as I play on my switch. We didn't go into the rules but I'm gonna message them rn and send them this to see what they think lol. 

    Another person I talk to had a good idea about not peeing before you win a game of fall guys, which would mean I'd be holding my pee forever cause I can count on one hand how many times I've won a whole game of FG 🤣

    That's crazy! I've given a partner oral during a video game one time but I've never played this game before. I also received an under-the-blanket fingering while I was chilling and playing Smash Bros with a few of my friends and I pulled off an amazing combo because of it, lol

    Also that last game sounds agonizing, I have such a low bladder capacity I'd wanna fold after the first loss 😭

  2. On the other hand, if you're competing with someone who's not well versed in games you could choose a Kirby game or Yoshi's Island. If you're well acquainted with video games but are also a bit "sensitive" to stimulation then that kinda levels the playing field. 

    If you can last long in the game and during sex then this is just an exercise in humiliating your partner, but hey maybe they're into that (not the first thing I picture when I imagine degredation tho)

  3. I couldn't find a topic that felt appropriate for this anecdote so I made my own. Here's a fun game involving sex that I learned during college:

    1. One person plays a video game (usually a platformer like Mario, Sonic, Crash, or Celeste if you're hardcore) while the other person gives the player oral.

    2. If the player loses a life, the roles switch, the other person plays while the first gives oral.

    3. First to cum or first to lose a certain amount of lives (3-5 usually) has to do a punishment of the other's choosing (usually chores)

    4. (Optional Bonus Rule) The loser must make the winner cum before the end of the night or else they receive two punishments

    You'd have to both have a comparable skill level at the game or else it'd be a bit one-sided tho. Could be fun under the right circumstances. Anyone heard of this before or have a name for it?


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  4. God, that's my dream 🥵. And if they spanked me and started pulling my hair too. I'd cum so damn fast 😵💫

    12 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    Turns out it was just sitting here waiting for you 🤣 

    I would absolutely die if someone petted me on the head and called me a good girl, but then switched up the narrative and slapped me across the face and told me to suck their dick and called me a bad girl or something 🤤

    Found something of a similar ilk. Credit to glacier_clear on Twt.


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  5. Made some pork rice bowls recently (this one's for Scoob since I know Shaggy's a vegan). Generally I prefer to bake my pork chops in the oven, grilling's not exactly my forte. I bake at 350° and rub the chops with a mix of seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Usually I'll wait three minutes, flip em' over, then do another three, and see how they look, repeat until they're a nice beige-ish brown with a pink center. Once I'm done I take my rice out of the rice cooker, cut the pork into bites, and pour em' both into a nice big bowl (also have some edamame or buttered corn on the side). Drizzle on some shoyu and parsley then it's perfect!

    Also remember that one episode of Mystery Inc. where Daphne got brainwashed into thinking Shaggy was Fred and it's kinda implied that Shaggy knew what was wrong and went along with it anyway? Kinda fucked up, ngl (I know that's not even the most fucked up thing in Mystery Inc. but still, what the hell Shaggy?)

  6. I'm giving oral to someone and after they climax they tell me they need to pee. I begin to get up so they can excuse themselves but instead they shove my head back into place and use my mouth to relieve themselves without a second thought. Once they're done they call me a "good girl" for taking it so well and fuck me mercilessly as a reward 😊

    • Hot 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, oliver2 said:


    (Then things went in a different direction)

    I felt the unmistakable shape of a phallus within my hands. With what strength I'd left I dusted the sand off of its shaft, began to swallow its content, and rhythmically bob atop it in an attempt to coax something out of it, be it semen or piss.

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  8. I had long since given up hope of rescue as I used what was left of my energy to drag my burning carcass across the barren desert, no food, water, or hope of civilization as far as my weary eyes attempted to see. As my hands scraped across the scorching sand I felt something unmistakably solid in my grasp. It looked to be a container of solid gold. I attempted to pry it open in hopes of finding something, anything that could help me. I rubbed the sand off the side of it to see if there was perhaps an encryption on the side, and it was in that moment a plume of purple mist and smoke rose from the container. As it rose and circled around me I thought it to be a cruel mirage, taunting me in the moments before my certain demise.

    Eventually the smoke and mist materialized into a physical form, a woman of dark skin and lavender hair in a purple outfit covering only her bottom half. As I lie on my back waiting for the end the figment spoke to me

    "You have summoned me, as gratitude for my release I shall grant you three wishes. What is your first wish?" she looked at me with unphased yet inquisitive purple eyes. Even if she was but a mirage, I couldn't help but stare at her bountiful bare chest. My frayed and torrid vocal chords could utter but only one word.

    "W-w-w-w-at-er" I said reaching towards the figure. She paused in silence for a moment as if taken aback.

    "Oh my god, I'm soo glad you said that. I've been stuck in that thing for over a millennium, doesn't exactly have state-of-the-art plumbing. I'll tell you that." she quipped to me

    Now it was my turn to be bewildered by her words. She proceeded to lower her purple parachute pants revealing an immaculately trimmed garden with carpet to match the drapes. She stood above me, legs on either side of my head, and adopted a low squat over top of my mouth. My only view now was of her vulva and her asshole with which I was now making eye contact. I began to second-guess my psyche if this was what I thought of in my last moments.

    "Open wide" I heard her declare before a shockingly real stream of hot water graced my arid lips. Parched and desperate I began to suck greedily from the girl's lower lips as I felt her deluge of sour water patter down my aching throat. Lapping like an animal at her genitalia produced a sensual moan from the woman. She began to gyrate her hips as her downpour of urine intensified. The bounty from her urethra that was rejuvenating me, thundered down for a full minute. I greedily drank all she had to offer me. As the liquid gold she gave to me turned to a drip, I tongued the last drops from her and she rose back up from her squat, clearly satisfied by her immense release.

    "First wish: granted. What's next? And no wishing for more wishes... or more genies"

    • Hot 4
  9. The dining room like the rest of his house was obscenely ornate and far too big for a single man to possess by his lonesome, yet here he was. I counted twelve empty seats between myself and Demetri and I was finding it difficult to maintain our conversation from such a long distance.

    "I've come to hear many a tale about how blood is the only thing that can sate the thirst of my kind" the pale figure announced while cutting into a slab of steak, crimson to its very center. He continued "I can assure you, that is but a myth. There are many fluids that run through a body, and all serve just as well for us. I am a civilized type so I'd rather not cause any undue harm to humans." he boasted as if deserving of an accolade.

    Before I could utter the question that had been on my tongue since I arrived, he appeared on my side of the table at inhuman speed. I could feel him behind me, the tall wooden chair the only thing shielding me from his shallow yet cold breaths. I felt his thin fingers caress my shoulders, just as hauntingly chill as the marble upon which my feet uneasily squirmed. He leaned his head towards my ear with his fangs bare, every movement calculated to keep me guessing. In a whisper I heard him speak

    "Now might I ask you to remove those undergarments you are about to soil? I'm feeling rather parched and I wouldn't want to do anything.... rash, I shall say."

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  10. "The founder of Teeny-tinysburg was truly a visionary. For the longest time us Teenians had lived in fear of the humans due to their immense size, but then we realized that having big folks around could help us out too! Take the volunteer fire brigade for instance!" says enthusiastic local Teenian, Jeremy Smallsmore.

    We cut to footage of a punky girl in skinny jeans and a faded band tee towering over a Teenian city

    "Name's Bridgett"

    She hastily unzips her fly and pulls her semi-erect cock out from her grey panties

    "So, where's the fire?"

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  11. I've had to tell my fair share of folks (women included) that their fly was down. One of them happened to be cute, and good thing too because I could see through their fly that they were commando and had quite the bush on em'.

    Both of my other experiences were at waterparks. Once was on an outdoor waterslide and the person who went after me (think they had brown hair, they were super pasty) was quite rambunctious. When they came down I was still just getting out of the landing pool and I saw them fly down, boobs clearly visible, and their bikini top around their neck. I thought they were trying to flash someone they knew on the way down but they got out like lightning and was super embarrassed, even apologizing to me on their way out. I found it in my heart to forgive them.

    The next was at an indoor resort with a woman who was hitting on me, so for all I know this could've been intentional. Regardless I was relaxing in the jacuzzi by my lonesome, taking a break from babysitting my younger cousins, when this woman (black hair and tanner than me) walked by and complimented my hair. Eventually we got to talking and she was laying it on thick. I probably would have loved to talk more or see her again but unfortunately it seemed we both had other preoccupations at the resort. Her friend beckoned her somewhere else in a hurry and for a brief moment when she got out I noticed her bottoms were off to the side and I could clearly see a small trimmed vulva now inches from my face. As she walked away I saw her pull up her bottoms to remedy this (which ended up giving me an even clearer view of her butt) so maybe she really did mean for me to see that. Daring move if so, and one I appreciate considering she vanished from my life afterwards.

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  12. On 8/4/2022 at 5:11 AM, Takashi96 said:

    Do you write non-pee stories also? Are you fiction writers that use your literary skills to get pee perverts off out of the goodness of your own hearts? Or are you pee fetishists inspired to become writers for the benefit of our hungry genitals? 

    And if the answer to the first question is yes, do you struggle to keep pee scenes from finding their way into your non pee stories? Asking for a friend.

    Late to the party, but while I'm no novelist I did write a bit of fanfiction before coming here (not much of it was sexual and none of it was piss-related). As it stands I don't really have much motivation to write outside of piss fics. I only really write when I have an idea I think is relatively unique and I'm horny (it happens too often nowadays for me to not try and put it towards something semi-productive)

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  13. 8 minutes ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    Either the site owner updated the security cert. right then, or more likely, your browser couldn't authenticate the certificate as valid (and not revoked) and called it "expired."

    More than likely what happened. Sorry for the scare, everyone!

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