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Posts posted by Peenicks

  1. "Hey Mira, isn't that your ex at table 6?"

    "Ugh, Brian's back? What a creep! He's been doing this for weeks now."

    "If only there was someway we could make get him outta here."

    "...Hey Izzy, don't you think his grilled chicken could use some more... homemade sauce?"

    "Ooo, good thinking! I'll go ask if he wants a refill on his lemonade."

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  2. Chapter 2: The Rising Sun

    Contains: Sex, public urination, piss vandalism

    Celestenne woke up the next morning, the night before being foggy in her memory. However, what she did remember sparked immense joy; her mortal form explored the depths of Patricia’s body and she returned the favor. Presently, she rolled over in the feathery queen-sized bed to see Patty herself, lying asleep above the covers due to the heat, with beautiful olive skin, shapely breasts, and an immaculately manicured pussy with dried juices. Celeste wanted nothing more than to make this paragon of mortal-kind her own. She had known of a few gods and goddesses who had had flings with mortals, but taking a mortal as a partner? It was practically unheard of.

    That was a problem to be dealt with at a later time, she currently had a different issue that needed solving: the twinge in her bladder that she had come to associate with a needed release of urine. Celeste reasoned that in her nude state, going downstairs to use the restroom might cause some of her pee to leak out prematurely. She decided she would scout for a place in the room to cause minimal damage. It was then her eye was caught by the window, more specifically the window box holding some red flowers. Plants needed fluids to survive, to her understanding, so perhaps her situation could be turned into a good deed! She quietly lifts the windowpane to allow herself access before hovering her bare rear overtop the flowerbed. After a few moments a small stream of warm piss leaked out onto the flowers below her. She moaned a sigh of near orgasmic relief as she settled into a more comfortable sitting position on the windowsill. As she moved, she felt the petals of one flower playfully graze her lips. Unconsciously she increased the force of her stream, becoming a focused torrent. With her head tilted back and eyes closed she did not notice the ferocious downpour supplanting the dirt and pooling beneath her.

    “Well, what have we here?” Celeste suddenly heard before her.

    Patty still in the buff standing before her, a stern glance on her face.

    “I invite a nice girl over one night and next thing I know she’s pissing all over my precious begonias!”

    “Patty, I… I meant no disrespect by it.” Celeste stammers trying and failing to stop her deluge.

    Patty’s face changed to one of more playful amusement.

    “Bahahaha! I’m just fucking with ya, sweetheart.” Patty replies.

    “You mind if I join you?” Celeste nods, still recovering from the peppy girl’s practical joke. Patty hangs her plump rear over the sill as well landing even more forcefully than Celeste herself. She lets loose a violent flood that ricochets off the dirt and turning it to mud.

    “Honestly, I’m surprised these things are still alive what with all I put them through”

    There they were, two beautiful figures sitting atop an open window, bearing their bodies in a brazen act without a care in the world. Celeste wanted nothing more than for this moment to exist ad infinitum. Celeste was the first to wear her flow down to a trickle. Letting a few stray spurts loose, one of which shot past the window box and onto the cobblestone street below, she began to stand again before realizing stray droplets from her pussy would leak onto the floor.

    “Just use the curtains, sweetie. It’s what I do”

    Celeste, per Patty’s suggestion, went about dabbing herself with the brownish cloth beside her. It wasn’t long before Patty herself had her stream come to an end. Rising from her perch, Celeste could see the point of impact quite clearly in the dirt. One of the flowers was now barely hanging on, suspended over the side of the box with its roots exposed due to the abuse. Patty chatted up her mysterious partner while rubbing her slit clean with the opposite curtain.

    “Say, while we’re talking friendly. I never did catch your name yesterday.”

    Celestenne is suddenly hit with the predicament she put herself in. Would Patty believe her if she told her that she was the goddess after which this commune was named? Would she accept her if she knew the truth? Would she come to resent her if she lied?

    “You seem a bit tongue-tied there, love. Don’t tell me you forgot!”

    “Well, I simply… you see…” Celeste tried to squeak out.

    “Oh, hun. Walking into a town you’ve never seen without clothes or name to speak of; you must have amnesia!”

    Celeste resides herself to do what she must to be with the one she loves.

    “No, Patricia. I’m afraid I have deceived you; I shall do so no longer. I am the goddess Celestenne, and I have made myself manifest in the material world to observe the lives of those who have lived in my name.”

    “…. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Aw man, looks like you do know how to tell jokes.” Patty boisterously chuckles

    “If you believe not my divinity, I will show you my true form.”

    “Wait, you’re serious about this aren’t you?” Patty replies

    “Be not afraid, for my form may be unknowable to mortal eyes” Celeste warns

    “No, you don’t need to do that sweetie. I believe you” Patty softly replies

    Celeste, certain she would be transforming, stops. Knowing this woman who she cared for above all others in this realm held that level of trust for her meant the world to her. Patty wrapped her arms around Celeste’s rigid form and gave her a warm embrace before leaning in for an impassioned kiss. Yet another moment Celeste wished she could hold forever.

    A few minutes pass…

    “Well, goddess of agriculture, how should we spend this day in the mortal plane?” Patty asked in a playful tone.

    “I believe I’ve found ways to modify my mortal vessel.”

    “Oh, how so?”

    Celeste surrounds how lower body in holy light before emerging from it with a noticeable change, an erect penis where her pussy once was.

    “Oh, wow. That can… certainly come in handy.”

    “Shall I make use of my new abilities?”

    Patty locks the goddess in a lustful gaze “We’ve got until sundown before the bar opens up, show me what you’ve got hun.”

    Patty lays back on her mattress spreading her legs wide for her lover to take full advantage of.

    Celeste standing above her instictively guides her newfound member into Patty’s awaiting lips. The new sensation is equal parts alien and euphoric, as she slowly slides her cock back and forth inside Patty, they both begin to moan in ecstasy.

    “Oh fuck, Celeste” Patty whimpers

    Eventually grabbing hold of her breasts, Celeste thrusts herself deeper into the womanhood of her nearest and dearest confidant. After a good while the two approach their sorely needed release

    “Patty, I’m going to…” Celeste manages to utter

    The two climax near simultaneously. Celeste’s dick throbbing inside of Patty who could not have asked for a better time.

    “I’m gonna get us something to drink, if I can even walk straight that is.” Patty jokes as she slides off of Celeste’s softening shaft. She returns to the room with two glasses of a clear liquid.

    “A nice vintage: doesn’t get you too drunk and goes right through me” she adds with a wink. The two down their beverages while sitting on the edge of the bed watching the afternoon sun.

    “I love you, Celestenne.” Patty candidly blurts out.

    Celeste looks at her with a warm smile. “I love you too, Patricia.”


    Author's Note: I hope you all enjoy the love story aspect as much as I do. And, if not, look forward to Hamilton Ridge Vandal Part 3 then! Had a lotta personal life stuff to deal with so hope my quality hasn't dropped too drastically because of it. Goodnight everybody!

    • Love 1
  3. On 10/30/2021 at 10:49 PM, Peenicks said:

    Contains: Public urination, Piss vandalism, Watersports, 


    Celestenne did not have much responsibility nor privilege amongst those of the Heavenly Plane and as such her work was often the most menial. Look through the Pool of Extraterrestrial Examination (or PEE as most know it) and make sure mortal harvests are bountiful, get rid of any animals with human parts or humans with animal parts, the basic stuff. But while skimming the farmlands, Celestenne let the pool’s eye wander and she found a commune the likes of which she had never seen. It was named in her honor and had a statue erected in the center of her visage! The face needed some work by the looks of it, but it was unmistakably her dark orange haired figure holding a farmer’s scythe in one hand and a chicken in another.

    It wasn’t the kind of grand epitaphs her fellow immortals received but it was certainly new by her standards! On this special occasion Celestenne thought she would do something she hadn’t attempted before: taking on an earthly form. She wanted to mingle amongst her worshippers and decided this was just the time to do so! With a snap of her fingers, she closed her deep blue eyes and vanished from the Heavenly Plane and appeared on the Earthly Plane… as a woman… without clothes… in the middle of a field.

    “I certainly hope I’m not borrowing the body of another mortal. No, this figure has to be my doing. Mortals typically fashion cloth to cover themselves, do they not? She reasoned with herself as she walked towards her own statue through rows of grain.

    She eyed her mortal body, and it was… if she should sum it up succinctly, cute. Modest, perky, freckled breasts with nipples the size of pin needles, leading to a somewhat trimmed vagina. Despite almost perfectly mimicking her immortal form, Celeste found the form of mortals to be infinitely fascinating. As she placed her hand upon one of her breasts, she felt a brief rush, much more material than any pleasure she had received before. She began to fondle one breast, then the other feeling a pent-up urge completely foreign to her overcome her body. Her left hand began subconsciously drifting towards her pussy. She slid her fingers into herself and it was as if her body had been filled with fireworks. She began to slide her fingers in and out, going deeper and faster than the last each time, gasping for breath for the first time as well. Until eventually, lying in the fertile dirt of the wheatfield, she climaxed.

    “What in Celestenne’s name are you doing out here, missy!?” a bearded farmer angrily retorts to her moaning.

    Her first and most obvious hurdle was getting the townsfolk to believe that the naked lady masturbating in the middle of a field was actually the goddess they worshipped and had just taken the name of in vain, a hurdle not yet fully processed by the goddess herself, however.

    “I am Celestenne, I have come to revel in the festivities of those who honor my name and give me praise.” She replies calmly.

    “I don’t like drunkards wandering in my field, missy. So, you’d best get going.” The farmer dismisses while brandishing a quite sizable pitchfork.

    “You understand not.” The goddess raises.

    “I understand I’m not going to repeat myself. Now GET!” He barks nearly poking her mortal form straight in the rear.

    She quickly stands before darting out of the field, feeling exponentially less welcome than she thought she’d be. Around this time, she learned another quirk of the form she inhabited, namely the bladder. Celeste had been paying enough attention to the humans to know they had a ritual to disposing of built-up waste in the body, but she didn’t know the specifics. As she ran into the commune, now dripping from having masturbated and having a butt covered in dirt, she talked with the first person she saw. A poor elderly man sitting on the dirt path and unable to move his eye up farther than her chest once he saw her.

    “Excuse me, do you know of what I am to do to relieve myself of waste?” the goddess asked, clearly unable to think of a more natural sounding query.

    “Dearie, you can use my mouth if you’d like.” The man replies clearly in an ecstatic daze.

    It sounded somewhat impractical, but she reasoned it out in her head. Disposing of one’s bodily waste into the body of another, it’s likely this must be some method of forging bonds between mortals.

    “Much obliged elder one, I am glad to have found such a reliable ally this quickly.” She courteously adds.

    With the man already sitting she moves her mound intensely close to the man’s face, lifting her leg in an attempt to position herself properly. However, oblivious to how urethras function, she releases and spray her hot urine over the man’s chin, most of it splashing back onto herself or the man’s unprepared eyes and nose.

    Argh!!” the man cries out, jerking his head to the side and shielding his eyes.

    The unexpected movement causes Celeste to lose her balance quite easily. Not knowledgeable of how to halt her stream, she continues to pee, leaving the man’s clothes, chest, and groin soaked by her outburst. Despite the unintended shock, she finds the feeling of release to be filled with ecstasy.

    Somehow, once opening his eyes again, the man latches his mouth to the pissing flower of the goddess without missing a beat. Apart from seeming superfluous, Celeste could see why mortals would rely on this to form kinship. At this stage, her stream had turned to a harsh torrent. The man was holding onto her legs while guzzling down her contents and had only paused once or twice overall. All too soon, her torrent turned to a faint dribble, much like when she had pleasured herself in the field.

    “I’ll get that for you, dearie.” The man grins as he sticks his tongue out to wipe the remaining droplets from her slit.

    “Hey, you take her hands off her!” an unfamiliar voice calls from farther along the path.

    Celeste and the man turn to see a tall green-eyed brunette in a barmaid’s uniform.

    “Oh, hello Patricia” the man says trying to feign friendliness.

    “Rufus, the last few cons I could excuse, but you’ve gone way too far this time! I better not see you out here again, got it!?” She asserts with a steel glare.

    The man folds and leaves as soon as he can “Yes, ma’am. You two have a good night!”

    “I’m so sorry miss, that old perv won’t bother you anymore. Are you okay, do you need anything?” the girl evidently named Patricia asks.

    Celeste whilst eyeing the woman up and down see that she has notably darker skin and larger breasts than her own mortal figure. Through with her gazing and now processing what was asked of her, the goddess replies.

    “It would be much appreciated if I could have some garments such as yours and perhaps a place to rest.” She softly requests, clearly still unable to process the events of the day thus far.

    “Oh, you poor thing. You’re welcome to use the guest bedroom at my pub. Here, come with me.”

    Patricia stops briefly at a market selling all manner of foods and ingredients, leaving with three bags worth of items. Celeste offers to take the third off of her hands.

    “Thanks. Sorry for the wait, I was on a supply run when I saw you.” Patricia explains.

    “I’ve come to believe it is a taboo for mortals to be nude in places of large population, yet you seem unperturbed by my presence.”

    “Well, no laws against nudity in the commune. And I’ve worked at the pub long enough to see people exercise that right, frequently.”

    Celeste peers into the bag she is carrying and notices a bottle containing a clear liquid.

    “Careful with that, that’s a vintage. You’re free to try it when we get to the pub.” Patricia grins kindly.

    “Most of humanity works on a barter system of some kind, yet I have done nothing to deserve such kindness.” Celeste asks quite puzzled.

    “Piss to the barter system, a good deed’s always worth doing.”


    “Yeah, piss. It’s… well what that old man made you do.”

    “I… pissed on him, I see.”

    Being on Earth has helped in expanding her vocabulary, at least. Arriving at the pub, Patricia stores away all the supplies she brought. When she finishes, the two women decide to drink and sample all manners of alcohol the pub has to offer. Celeste herself has taken a liking to the beverage Patricia calls beer.

    “I wish to express my gratitude, Patricia.”

    “Please, call me Patty.”

    “Very well. Patty, I wish to express my gratitude.”

    “How do you figure?”

    “I would like to stimulate you orally.”

    Patty nearly spits out the drink she’s downing. She had no idea how to make sense of this girl.

    “Well, I’d be lying if I said I’m not interested.” Patty admits with a lustful glance.

    “In that case, shall I proceed?” Celeste asks in an unfittingly proper manner.

    Patty now slumped over in one of the bar seats reasons “Eh, what the heck. It’s been a long day, taking the edge off might be for the best.”

    Reaching under her barmaid outfit, Patty produces a set of white cotton panties, clearly dampened ever so slightly, before spreading her legs, revealing her neatly trimmed strip of dark pubic hair leading to her beautiful pussy.

    Celeste took this as an open invitation and began to gently caress the woman with her tongue.

    “Congrats on promoting yourself from the guest bedroom to my room, sweetie.” Patty sexily whispers.

    After the drinking and the affair that transpired, the pair were both hit with the same urge.

    “If we are to share a resting place, then may I utilize the guest’s space to relieve my waste?” Celeste asks.

    “Mmm, you really are naughtier than I gave you credit for. Let’s do it.”

    The girls rush upstairs to the modest room with little more than a nightstand and single bed occupying it. The pair clamor onto the top of the bed, standing atop it with a wide stance. Patty almost immediately bursts a thick stream of pee mixed with her juices on the top of the sheets. Celeste, being closer to the head, aims her pussy at the pillow. When she relaxes her muscles, however, she overshoots and impacts with the wall above the pillow. Getting a rush from her botched execution, Celeste doubles down and begins swaying her hips up and down, leaving the pillow, the wall, and the bedframe all covered in her piss.

    Patty halted her stream for just a moment. In an attempt to outdo the show Celeste was putting on, Patty opened the lone drawer of the nightstand and squatted over top of it, not even bothering to check what the contents of it were before pouring a shower of piss into it.

    The two surveyed their mess with a prideful gleam before both retiring to Patty’s room. It was clear to both of them they were going to have a good time.



    Pulled this one out of the archives and was pretty happy with it! Maybe I'll pick up where I left off if you folks enjoyed it enough! Since it's almost midnight here, Happy Halloween!! Hope you have a good one 🙂

    Well I feel like a dunce! That ellipsis in the middle was a placeholder for a sex scene I was going to write but I accidentally published it as is!

    I'll have to update that later, apologies on my behalf folks! Lol

  4. Wow, log in after a while to find this gem. Fantastic work! Upper-class suburbia is such a good setting that it's a shame it doesn't get used that much to my knowledge. Keep up the great writing!

    • Agree 1
  5. Shoulda posted something on here earlier but oh well. Hi, you can call me Nick (usually use "he/him" but I'm not picky)! Been into the "naughty peeing" scene for a while and I've been on & off writing a couple of stories of my own.

    Bi, by the way

  6. 18 hours ago, 1badboy said:

    I confess I haven't really worked out all of the details yet.  The story started out as a sort of 'stream of consciousness'.  I don't totally know where I am going with this.

    'stream of consciousness'

    heh, I get it. Also good work! I wanna see where this goes for sure.

  7. On 5/23/2021 at 2:18 PM, nopjans said:

    You are an excellent writer. Thanks for sharing this chapter with us. I definitely look grotto seeing more from you down the line. 

    I'll be completely honest, you have been one of if not THE biggest inspirations for my writing, so it means the world to me that you appreciate my work! Part 2 is in the works so here's hoping you all enjoy what's in store :)

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