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Posts posted by Peenicks

  1. On 8/4/2022 at 5:11 AM, Takashi96 said:

    Do you write non-pee stories also? Are you fiction writers that use your literary skills to get pee perverts off out of the goodness of your own hearts? Or are you pee fetishists inspired to become writers for the benefit of our hungry genitals? 

    And if the answer to the first question is yes, do you struggle to keep pee scenes from finding their way into your non pee stories? Asking for a friend.

    Late to the party, but while I'm no novelist I did write a bit of fanfiction before coming here (not much of it was sexual and none of it was piss-related). As it stands I don't really have much motivation to write outside of piss fics. I only really write when I have an idea I think is relatively unique and I'm horny (it happens too often nowadays for me to not try and put it towards something semi-productive)

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  2. 8 minutes ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    Either the site owner updated the security cert. right then, or more likely, your browser couldn't authenticate the certificate as valid (and not revoked) and called it "expired."

    More than likely what happened. Sorry for the scare, everyone!

  3. Recently my browser has began to flag Peefans as unsecure. I wasn't able to read the full notice but it said something about the site's license expiring. Is this something any other users have encountered, and should it be something myself or anyone else should be concerned about?

  4. 2 minutes ago, hentaixt said:

    "So how's it handling? Is the suspension and get up what you expected?"
    [From the backseat] "Are we allowed to pee during the test drive?"

    "Sure are! We want you to test all the features. You will find the seats are absorbent and moisture wicking. It all flows down to the floor board drains, so even shooting off the seats is fine. It all gets collected and deposited on the road as you travel!"
    "Thank goodness, this is going to be a LONG release."
    [Parking back at the dealership]

    "You go ahead with the paperwork, I still need a minute to finish peeing."

    I'd certainly get a lot of use out of something like that ❤️❤️❤️

    • Agree 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, AshySlashy said:

    Do you ever hover if you do use the stall? And if you dont mind me asking, which if you do please feel free to not answer. What kind of conversation or event do you mean? 

    If I don't feel comfortable sitting on a public toilet seat, yes, sometimes I'll squat and hover over top of it.

    Most recently I went to a family reunion at a public park and I spent plenty of time relaxing in the stalls to avoid the more awkward conversations

    • Hug 1
  6. Mistybush hovered with her flapping wings just above my shoulder, per usual as I timidly walked my way farther into the cursed woods. A carnivorous plant had already stripped me of my shield so I was left with little but a sword and a tattered tunic. As I rustled my way through a thick layer of brush and emerged on the other side, I was ambushed!

    "Watch out!" Misty was hardly able to utter before a goblin leaped at me with a dagger in hand. The blade ran down my back creating a brutal wound and further destroying what little coverings I had left. With one precise counterattack I slew the monster. Falling to the ground in pain I removed my ruined tunic, leaving me with naught but my boots for protection, my bare breasts and buttocks exposed to the still, dank, air polluting the woods growing darker yet darker.

    "You need to be more careful! I thought you were a goner" the small fairy chided me.

    "Here, lie on your back" she commanded, wishing to check my wounds it seemed.

    As I lie there, boobs pressed to the dirt beneath me, I heard a shimmering sound and felt a warmth embrace my badly damaged back. I turned my head to see Mistybush, stripped of her leafy undergarments and peeing nonchalantly onto my open wound! Instinctively I jolted away in response, demanding to know what she was doing!

    "I'm healing you, you big jerk! Don't you know that fairy urine heals sickness and wounds?!?!" She cried in pouty anger. Stunned at this new information I had no choice but to lie back down, now in the mud because of Misty's scattered urine. I looked over my shoulder at her relieving herself over my person as if it were any ordinary chamber pot.

    "It's a lot more embarrassing now that I know you're watching." her face flushed crimson but her deluge didn't stop, if anything it was strengthened. She had long since covered the length of my cut, but was now simply pissing for her own relief. She swung her hips back and forth while hovering, as if bored with her stationary beam of glistening nectar. After letting loose a sigh to signal she was spent, she casually wiped the last droplets of her gift onto my discarded tunic not bothering to search for her small leaf panties in the tall grass she had tossed them in. I could already see her magic mending the slice across my back as if it never was.

    "You're filthy, we need to clean you up at the nearest town!" Mistybush went right back to scolding as if nothing had changed.  

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  7. Mikala was beginning to panic, this was her first day helping the local fishers and she picked just about the worst time to drink a large iced coffee. She couldn't just whip her cock out and pee off the side of the boat like she would like to. Not only would it scare away the fish, but it'd probably scare away the fisherman who's supposed to pay her too!

    While her partner was preoccupied, Mikala was scrambling around looking for some solution to her swollen bladder. She saw a white plastic box that was embedded into the ship. She opened it to find a tank filled with clear blue water, so there was plumbing on these kinds of ships, she knew it! As quickly as she could while out of view she tore down her overalls and panties and squatted over the lid of the tank. She pointed her dick at the waters and let loose a torrent as she relaxed her body in a sigh of relief. She stifled a moan as she blasted the clear waters with her yellow thundering deluge for nearly a minute. Her bladder at ease she shook the last drops from her tip and pulled her lower garments back into place before joining the fisherman at the front of the vessel.

    "Oh, you caught one Mr. Keola!" Mikala applauded

    "Sure did, lassie! Be a dear and put this in the live well, would ya?" The older man replied

    Mikala paused now holding the fish, not sure what he was asking.

    "The what?"

    "There should be a little plastic tank with a lid in the back, that's the live well" Keola kindly responded


    Mikala was beginning to panic again

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  8. Despite the stereotypes I never had wet dreams as a teenager, it wasn't until I was a proper adult that they started happening and one of the only ones I can recall was pee related. For reasons I can't recall I was sharing a rustic looking hotel room with a woman I didn't know and the room had a bunk bed. In the dream I was lying awake and the woman in the bed above me started pissing in her sleep. It soaked through the mattress and over the sides of the bed and got all over me. Eventually through a series of events lost to my subconscious we started having sex and that was the last thing I recalled before waking up and getting a change of panties

    • Love 2
  9. It's come to my attention that some of the showrunners here at Peefans have been looking for a way to make categories like pee photos, pee videos, and pee stories more gender neutral. My solution is something fairly simple and already integrated into the site, hell it's right next to the title of this post: prefixes.

    I think expanding the prefix system so it is able to be used under all of the Wet Zone categories (albeit perhaps optionally) would help alleviate this issue by allowing people to put prefixes regarding gender on their posts (men, women, non-binary, gender-queer, etc.). If people are worried about this convergence burying content of a certain gender, then I'd also propose an addition to the "Sort By" feature which filters content by its prefixes. As such everyone can easily find all the content they wish to see under one unified category.

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  10. I've gotta pretty bad caffeine addiction but I'm not too big on coffee for whatever reason so I mostly drink diet sodas. I have a comical amount of them stockpiled in my fridge at all times and I've been trying my damnedest to wane myself off of them by drinking more and more water to compensate. Mostly this has just had the effect of me needing to pee more often, but considering where I'm posting this you can probably guess that that's alright by me (unless I need to go on a long trip or drive with minimal privacy, then it's pretty damn annoying)

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  11. When I was in high school I had a dream regarding one of my lesbian friends where I helped her aim a stream up the wall of a pristine public bathroom. I was wondering why I had this dream because I wasn't at all interested in her romantically nor sexually and I knew I had no chance with her even if I did (this was pre-transition Nikki)

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  12. On 8/22/2022 at 8:41 AM, Alfresco said:

    I would have definitely enjoyed the view and would have returned the wave.  After all, she wouldn't have known you anyway and in the same way that you couldn't get to her, she couldn't get to you, so you may as well enjoy what is in front of you.

    Yeah, lol. I considered waving back to them after my knee-jerk turn away but by the time I thought to they were out of view. C'est la vie 

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  13. On 8/25/2022 at 2:48 PM, Kirby23 said:

    My guess is that it's actually higher than we might think. Reading r/sex, r/relationships, etc. on Reddit, for example, pee/piss comes up a LOT, and people are generally pretty casual about it. Almost every day there'll be a post "Do you pee in the shower?" and people might joke about peeing on each other in the shower for a laugh, etc.

    I think this is something also worth looking at because I have a sneaking suspicion that meme culture has been awakening more and more people my age to piss kinks. There's one mantra I've seen passed around on social media that "if you joke about having a kink more than three times, you've probably got it." And the majority of memes joking about "taboo or weird kinks" I've seen online revolve around piss and watersports (possibly only tied with BDSM). Algorithm pandering to me might've fluffed those results but nevertheless. 

    Recently I was watching a Twitch stream and in the middle of it the streamer had to leave to use the bathroom and essentially the whole live chat was making jokes about how long she was taking to pee and it launched into a whole conversation about pee with a few members expressing their "ironic" kink for piss. She didn't have a camera or anything but it got to the point where the streamer started pouring water into a cup next to the mic to appease the viewers asking for a "6 hour piss stream". This was a trans streamer with a smaller viewer base so it's safe to bet that the demographic was largely trans folks like myself (primarily women) and I'm willing to bet it awoke something in someone there.

  14. I've told pretty much all my partners in the past about my kink and for the most part, while only one of them has had an interest in it, all of them had agreed to participate in pee play at least once. So I'm willing to bet for every one person into piss, there's at least 2-4 people who haven't tried piss play, but are "up for just about anything". Although my data's skewed of course, for a number of reasons, but I'm willing to bet that experimental types make up a good share of watersports participants

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