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Everything posted by colette888

  1. It's my opinion, strengthened by numerous episodes that I happened to witness during various years, that, in general, «female pissing» is considered much sexier and gentler than the corrispective one performed by males. So, if a man deliberately pisses on a public toilet's floor he's considered a «filthy pig» and blamed merciless, while for an attactive young woman that would be a justified alternative, even cute, worth considering...
  2. Ours isn't a misunderstanding derived from language problems... I just tried to be cheeky, possibly in a very childish manner... anyway, by *consequences* I did mean not only the physiological ones,... but the ethical ones too!
  3. OBVIOUSLY, the fact that there are two diferent genders implies that we don't piss all in the same manner...
  4. Different anatomies, different consequences and situations...
  5. As far as I can tell, most of 'em are not *accidents* but deliberate actions...
  6. To respond to the original question that starts this thread, I affirm that I don't personally know any female who'd plainly admit to prefer to piss on the floor of a public toilet instead of sitting on the messy seat! But, even though I carefully avoid using public facilities these days, every now and again I happen to notice puddles just beside or in front of the bowl, so I can confirm it's a quite common practice....
  7. I suppose that, sooner or later, that secluded spot will be visited by one of your colleagues, am I right? Will still be there traces of your *crime*??
  8. Really impressive, congrats!! I particularly liked rhe *Happy-Ending*, plenty of sperm, yummy! 👅
  9. I too think that a little *confirmation* should be considered necessary if we want to make sure that we are sending the message that we are *available*... Still, in my case, that move, while making quite obvious my intentions, rarely achived the goal I had in mind...
  10. Agreed! but, believe me, in a Gym not all the *exercisers* are heterosexuals...
  11. For your (partial) consolation, I feel I should comment that it happened to me too, more than once, that a male *potential watcher* declined to do so, more or less consciously... My guessing is that either shyness or homosexual attitudes have some relation to that kind of non-behaviour...
  12. Even though I'm totally against gender-discrimination, let me write that I feel reassured when people like you appear here... Not necessarely because you're a woman, but since I share quite a lot with what is present in your introduction!!
  13. Determination is the unwavering drive to accomplish something.. in this case do you believe you reached your goal?
  14. .. For a female like myself it's rather awkward... 😞
  15. VERY CREATIVE!! My best congratulations to you both!
  16. .. Of course, the *Science* must be applied to our Lives...
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