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Everything posted by ppppppp

  1. If only there was a puddle under her.
  2. Unseen peeing. All competitors on the field together for 30 minutes, in which time, each must empty his or her bladder without the umpires spotting them doing it.
  3. Also, you might be interested in reading this article by a psychologist: https://drmarkgriffiths.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/urine-demand-a-beginners-guide-to-urophilia/
  4. You've perhaps heard the saying, 'Your kink is not my kink, but your kink is OK.' You're wired the way you are. Unless you find yourself drawn to involving other people, without their consent, it's not going to get yourself into trouble. Many religions like to make people feel guilty about their sexuality. I think it's a form of control. It's best ignored. Human sexuality is fascinatingly diverse. Have you ever looked at the map of the lands of human sexuality? (https://www.humansexmap.com/) There's loads of stuff on there I've never heard of, or really don't understand.
  5. I like the idea of installing fully functional urinals - male and female - on the walls of an art gallery, among the other works. With nothing to stop visitors from using them, beyond their own inhibitions.
  6. Drinking a yard of ale. Followed by a two-mile walk home. Bad idea.
  7. Agree 100%. There's that cute jumpsuit she wore. I like to think she'd need it all round her ankles to pee. And she always looks good in a dress.
  8. One of my favourites too. It dates back to my teens when I first realised that girls of my own age would pee in the sea or on the sand when we were at a beach with no toilets. That started only when I saw a girl squat in the shallows, just dipping her shorts in the water. It was a sudden shock as I understood that I was watching her going in her clothes. From that moment I was hooked. I learned to read their body language, so I could sometimes spot when a girl needed to piss. That was not difficult when she was blatantly holding herself, but could be more subtle. I discovere
  9. A prototype is being trialled at the Bristol Comedy Garden at the weekend. Is there anyone here near Bristol who could make a site visit and report back?
  10. I reckon on an outdoor peeing ratio, male to female, of about 4:1. If I see four men peeing at a festival, or at night in the street, I reckon it won't be long before I'm likely to spot a woman popping a squat. There's no great science to that, but I'm interested to see that your ratio was similar.
  11. I heard about a girl who accepted a challenge into a height-pissing contest. All other competitors were male. She stepped out of her jeans, and dropped her knickers - which earned her applause and wolf whistles - then performed an elegant handstand, parted her legs and sprayed a bold stream on the wall above her. She was the clear, immediate and undisputed winner.
  12. And the night finally draws to a close... Within a few minutes after she had got back into the taxi queue Chloe realised that she needed the toilet. Again. It made no sense. It wasn’t that long since she had knelt in the grass and peed. Perhaps, she thought, there was just because she had ‘broken the seal’. Or, maybe it was because she had been drinking so much that night already. It could even be because she had been too careful to wee slowly, so her puddle had soaked into the ground, rather than wetting her jeans. Whatever the reason, she found herself casting a glan
  13. Jess led Chloe into the park. ‘This is no good!’ protested Chloe as she realised the direction they were going, ‘The loos here are really manky, and they’re closed at night anyway.’ Jess stopped. ‘Don’t be daft. That’s not where we’re going. I’m just going to pee in the grass here.’ And with that, she turned off the path and walked behind a flower bed. Chloe was horrified. They were going down a strip of mown grass, with flowers in earth beds on either side. To the left were some tall shrubs, but to the right there was a clear line of sight to the edge of the park, and
  14. I remember being on a beach - probably in my late teens - and I walked with a friend along the beach to have a piss. (It was too cold to go in the sea.) We found a suitable rock. He went round to the far side, and I stood next to him. We both pulled out our cocks from our trunks and started to spray the rock in front of us. Sighing with relief, I looked around properly for the first time. I saw a girl, about the same age as us, sitting up and staring. She was about 30 yards away, and had an excellent view sideways on, of me holding my cock and aiming it at the dry stone. My friend,
  15. When in Rome. Ancient Roman culture was uninhibited about sex and bodily functions. It probably makes sense for those serving in the military not to be prudish about bodily functions.
  16. It turns out there is a part two... About half an hour later the girls were queueing, in a long line, waiting for a taxi. Jess looked at her watch. ‘We’ve been waiting ten minutes already. I reckon it will be another twenty before we get a taxi. Still no Ubers?’ Jess asked. Chloe looked at her phone again and shook her head. ‘They’re all really busy. At least half an hour.’ ‘We could walk?’ Jess suggested. Chloe shook her head again. ‘My feet are killing me. I’m glad I’ve taken my shoes off, but I can’t walk far. Let’s wait.’ She paused, then
  17. Thank you for your interest. There may be a part 2, but I am not yet sure. I'd like to hear suggestions about what might happen next?
  18. Two female friends in town on a night out. One shows the other that it can be convenient to be uninhibited, when all conveniences are closed. ‘Watch this!’ Jess whispered to her friend, ‘There’s nothing to worry about really. Nothing bad happens if you pee in public, no matter how blatant you are. Look!’ Chloe didn’t know what to say. So she watched. She watched Jess turn, look both ways, and then walk casually across the road. She took a diagonal path, so she reached the opposite pavement behind a row of parked cars and closer to a small group of young men and women who st
  19. (A Dutch Barn is not the same in the UK as in the USA. Here in the UK it is a farm barn that is no more than tin roof on tall poles. It's often completely open on all sides, but sometimes there will be a breeze block wall on three sides, to give a bit of shelter, and perhaps not reaching to the roof. It's used for storing bales of hay and straw.) The Dutch Barn There was a sudden cloudburst. By good fortune, we were close to a farmyard. Laughing in the rain, and holding hands, we ran into a Dutch barn. We climbed the hay bales inside and sat together, watching a stream flow dow
  20. The shadows were lengthening. I checked the time. 'We'd better go over to the main stage now, get our place in the crowd.' I suggested. She nodded. 'I think I'd better have a wee first.' 'You'd better be quick,' I worried, 'I bet the queues will be long.' 'I won't queue,' she said, 'I'm wearing a skirt.' She wriggled herself off her skirt so she was no longer sitting on it. I thought she was getting up but instead she sat still. 'Shall I come with you?' I asked. 'Hang on,' she replied, 'I haven't even started.' She closed her eyes. I heard a soft rus
  21. Now the tide was out it was such a long walk to the sea. Amy wished she'd got up to pee sooner. She was struggling to keep control as she picked her way slowly over the loose pebbles. A stone slipped, she stumbled, and squirted into her bikini. The squirt became an unstoppable gush. Amy stood, weeing, for a couple of seconds, then squatted, red-faced, to tinkle more discretely. Looking around, she realised that nobody had noticed that she was peeing herself in public.
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