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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. It's certainly an interesting thought. Some time ago Skymouse was asking for expressions of interest from people who fancied helping with filming scenes but I'm not sure what came of it.
  2. I'm not near Peterborough as such,but, thanks to fast trains on the East Coast Mainline, it's a relatively short journey for me. PM me if you're interested in chatting/meeting.
  3. Hi and welcome. It's great to see Liverpool represented.
  4. That's fine. I guess to some extent it depends on which side of the pond you're on. Over here in dear old Blighty genuine public toilets are still fairly common, although less common than they were as cash strapped local councils see closing them as an easy way of saving money, especially as they're provided as a matter of grace than of right as no statutory duty exists in that regard. It was the health and sanitation conscious Victorians who introduced them as a way of improving public health by deterring people from peeing (or worse pooing) in the streets. I'm told that in the USA though
  5. I've certainly pissed in the sink at home. As for jerking off in public toilets I'm not sure whether I have or haven't. That said I have knocked one out in college and later on work toilets.
  6. I once heard a story about a performance involving short skirted ballet dancers. Apparently the queue for the gents toilets at the interval was massive - practically every man in the place was in need of relief.
  7. I think it's fairly commonplace for people to feel aroused when they need to go to the toilet. Put it this way, I know I do. It's largely to do with the muscles and nerve endings which control the excretory bits being close to - and in some cases the same ones - as those used for sexual function.
  8. I sometimes stand in the shower and pee whilst wearing a pair of pants - or rather briefs/panties for our American readers.
  9. Hi and welcome, drinkmein!
  10. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a good time here.
  11. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  12. (I have posted this little story elsewhere before but if you haven't come across it I hope you'll like it - especially if you're a fan of naughty peeing.) Anne Glenson drained her coffee mug. It was the fourth she'd had that morning. It was Monday, officially Archie's day off – correction their day off – as the nature of his work meant that they never had a proper weekend to themselves. Today, however, he'd had to go to a meeting which was expected to last all morning and she didn't anticipate seeing him before lunchtime if not later. His absence did, however, furnish her with an opportuni
  13. (This is a story which I have posted elsewhere. If you've not come across it I hope you'll enjoy it. Please be aware that it features both #1 and #2.) It was twenty past eleven on a Sunday morning. Anne closed the churchyard gate behind her, content that whatever people thought of her, she’d at least done her duty. Being the rector’s wife wasn’t easy, particularly when people didn’t take to her and were quick to judge, something she’d found out on arriving in Browndale. Her cheery if optimistic “See you later” to the Major’s wife as they’d left church had met with the muttered rejoinder “N
  14. Hi and welcome, Anita. I hope you have a good time here.
  15. I wouldn't pee over someone else's personal items in a shower. Peeing in someone else's shower though shouldn't be a problem so long as the water's running well before you start and you're soaping down thoroughly.
  16. I quite like Literotica, which has plenty of pee stories, and contribute sometimes. Here's a link to my page: https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=929237&page=submissions Adrian
  17. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  18. Hi and welcome. We've all been newbies and felt nervous before. Don't worry though because we're a very friendly bunch here. I look forward to seeing you around.
  19. I feel that a first meeting should necessarily be a social one. If people decide to do something more adventurous on a subsequent occasion they can then do so having previously met the other person and got to know a little about them.
  20. (I am indebted to the kindness of a good friend - AB - for help with writing this and am most grateful for his assistance. It is entirely a work of fiction and resemblance to real persons, living or otherwise, is totally coincidental. I have posted this elsewhere so apologies if you met with it before. However I hope you enjoy it.) "BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPP!" The director yells “cut” yet again. Jonah apologises sheepishly. What should have been a simple shoot for this advert is now in danger of running into a fourth hour. Something just keeps preventing Jonah from ge
  21. Hi and welcome, Luke. I hope you have a great time here and look forward to seeing you around.
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