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Everything posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Hi and welcome from the East Midlands here. I hope you have a super time.
  2. Very nice. Do you enjoy your peeing?
  3. For some of us it is - or was - a relative who piqued our interest in pee related mattters. In my case it was my lovely Aunt Anne, a relative by marriage, who, sadly, is no longer with us. Although I don't remember her wetting herself in my presence, she certainly had near misses and told anecdotes occasionally about some of them. I'm pretty sure she knew of my 'interest' and she certainly inspired much of the 'Anne' fiction I've written over the years. Aunt Anne was always a bit of a tease and once joked about needing her 'clean knickers.' When I initially didn't react, repeated it
  4. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time.
  5. In view of my recent health situation - UTI causing urgency - there have been a number of occasions when the pee's been flowing before I've got to the toilet, but that's hardly an enjoyable context. I would like to experiment more once I think I'm fully recovered.
  6. Hi and a slightly belated welcome, Andre. It looks as though you're already contributing. I've often wondered what naturists do when they need to pee and I suppose outdoor peeing is a natural extension of their enjoyment of nudity.
  7. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here and very much look forward to your contributions.
  8. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  9. I'm not peeing very well at the minute due to what feels suspiciously like a water infection. Due to the Bank Holiday I've done my best to try and flush it out with water and cranberry juice but I suspect antibiotics may yet be required.
  10. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a great time here.
  11. Hi and welcome, James. I hope you have a great time here. May I compliment you on your pee stream which is most impressive?
  12. Thanks Sophie. It really does. Hope you're okay and keeping well hydrated.
  13. Hi Sophie. I hope you get the chance to pee somewhere naughty soon.
  14. Hi and welcome, Miles. I hope you have a great time here. I too would love to know whether you wee nakedly on to the carpet or flood your pants/pyjamas in the process.
  15. Hi and welcome, Jack. I look forward to reading about your experiences and enjoying your contributions.
  16. Hi and welcome, Terri. I hope you have a warm, wet and wonderful time here.
  17. Have you peed in an unusual place yet today?
  18. Peeing in shower is perfectly okay for both men and women. Also it has excellent environmental credentials. Consider how much water gets used (wasted?) every time you flush a toilet.
  19. I regularly have to get up in the night and it often follows a dream where I've been bursting for a wee and not managing to find a toilet very successfully. Luckily I've only wet once during adult life but there have been plenty of near misses.
  20. Well, as someone who can fart for England, I'm quite relaxed about my own farts and other people's. It's not something I would regard an issue. However I do expect people to be honest about it if they've let off and not pretend that they aren't responsible for it.
  21. Hi and welcome, Jayesh. You've certainly come to the right place. I hope you have a great time here.
  22. Hi and welcome. I'm sure you'll have a great time here and I look forward to seeing you around.
  23. I think many of them just hold it for longer.
  24. Sounds like an excellent business model. It's just a pity that the company is fictitious.
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