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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. On 6/2/2022 at 5:16 PM, Naughts said:


    yes I am.

    I never asked him outright, but the little comments here and there suggest that he wouldn´t like it.

    And honestly, being into naughty peeing is just one of the things that define me. Of cause it would be nice to share that with a partner, too. But we fit very well in most aspects so being secretive about this is worth it to me.

    Thanks for sharing.  It is, however, entirely possible that a situation could arise where your boyfriend gets really desperate for the toilet but one isn't available and there are no good alternatives to wet pants.  If that happens, it may provide an opportunity for you to gently open up about the fact that you're cool about pee.  

  2. LoveToHold, it sounds as though you've had an amazing couple of days of pushing your limits and a bit of wetting into the mix.  Unfortunately I've been too busy over the last few days for much fun.  However I had a holding and 'wet' day last Monday and I may well do again tomorrow as I've got a largely free day.  I gather that like today it may be rainy again and, if that's the case, perfect for possibly some outdoor experimentation, so long as I put black trousers on.  

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  3. On 5/20/2022 at 6:24 PM, pguy2981 said:

    Found myself feeling desperate and thinking of what @Bacardi and @Eliminature said on my post. Took off my clothes, hit the record button and opened the door slightly as there is a car parked in front across the way at a business complex. Started letting go in full view of both my neighbors houses. The indoor lighting was unkind to my backside haha. 

    Learned that the file was too large, so i exported the frames I liked.


    Very nice indeed.  It looks as the you're having a good wee there. Had you held it for a few hours? 

  4. I think it's important to reach out to people, but without inundating them. Personally I try to reach out to both male and female members as equally as I can because I think they've all got their own stories to tell and unique experiences to bring to the table.  

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  5.  Hi and welcome, Pontepee. We're an incredibly friendly bunch here and I hope you have a great time.  Although Leeds as such isn't part of my territory, I'm a fairly regular visitor to Yorkshire, which rightly deserves the accolade "God's own county.". It's an amazing place to be.  

  6. Everybody's different.   I can understand someone being repulsed at the thought of anyone being turned on by an individual who wets because they can't help it, rather than from choice.  Certainly no disability should ever be a barrier to a genuine relationship.  However there is another side to this.  Some people who are or become incontinent, deal with it by embracing it within a fetish context.  That's not ideal for everyone, but it's what some people do.  Personally I would have no issues dating someone who was incontinent so long as they understood the nature of my own pee related interests.  

  7. I'm glad to hear that the situation's resolved satisactorily.  Given what you said in your earlier posts, I didn't anticipate there being any great problem.  Although I was never quite so upfront about it as you, I'm sure my mother knew about my interest in pee, and most likely knew more about it than I realised.  My late Aunt Anne, a relative by marriage, was responsible in some measure for my bathroom interests and she dropped plenty of hints that she knew I liked it when she needed to go, sometimes sharing funny little pee related anecdotes with me.  

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  8. It's a good and positive thing to have a range of fantasies and pee related interests.  Experimenting on your own, whether it's holding, weeing in the shower, using a container such as a measuring jug or wetting your pants/panties is a good and safe way of working out what works best for you.   Some things will float your boat more readily than others.  Doing stuff with another person is not without risks and what happens may or may not live up to your expectations.  Also one of the difficulties with meeting people on pee forums such as this is that they're global.  Consequently the person we feel we have a connection with may turn out to on the opposite side of the Atlantic to where we are.  That's not an insurmountable problem, but overcoming it requires a passport, money and determination.  Although the chances of us meeting are fairly slender, I'm more than happy to correspond though.  

  9. Hi and welcome.  I understand your desire to fight your interest in pee.  That's how I felt for a long time until I went online and discovered there were lots of people with the same interest.  At that point I decided to accept that it was part of who I was and make peace with it.  We're a very fiendly bunch here and I hope you have a great time.  

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